What's happening in Brazil? Why isn't king Macaco doing anything?
What's happening in Brazil? Why isn't king Macaco doing anything?
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He is, he just signed a decree saying that business can lay off people for 4 months without paying anything and then resume the contract later. He is the friend of the working class.
because he is an absolutely retard, this guy IQ is probably like 90, he thinks corona virus isn't serious "just a cold"
literally satan
because he's a retard and people knew it and now the country is suffering the choices of the middle class boomer
The government has been doing lots here particularly when it comes to minimizing the healthcare problems this will cause, economic stimulus is obviously more limited but it's not far off from what any country is doing, they are saving employers from having to fire people while the government gives relief to the workers.
Ignorant and/or retarded anons.
Ok, Jair.
Lockdown measures are intentionally being done on a localized basis so you won't be hearing bombastic quarantine news, my city is pretty much shut down despite having few cases but the economic damage is limited since it's just non-essential stuff like parks being interdicted and cops bullying stupid people into staying home.
I got laid off but I'll be getting Trudeau's coronabux. Are you saying thirdies don't have this?
Bolsonaro doesn't do anything. He has admitted that he doesn't understand economics and that he "wasn't born to be a president, he was born to be a military officer".
It's his ministers who run the country and they're plundering everything. They're trying to enact the "State of Calamity" bill so they can have unlimited spending and they will fill their pockets with it.
How are the ministers "plundering" anything? I swear everyone is fucking retarded here with their hot takes, it's so nonsensical.
brainwashed retard
Actually reading up on things instead of parroting headlines you read on reddit makes you the opposite of brainwashed.
He is doing something. He is taking 4 months of salary from workers.
Why do retards like you love parroting dumb lies outside reddit?
>corruption? In MY Latin American shithole? I don’t think that’s possible
Quiet, clown
You didn't answer the question, moron.
I don’t follow your politics closely. I just find your astonishment at the idea that bureaucrats might be stealing public funds to be amusing. Of course they’re stealing from you, all of Latin American history is one big experiment in profiteering
How are the ministers going to "plunder" anything on a state of calamity and how are the ministers running the country when he has veto power over everything and it's the other powers that decide budgets?
Obviously there's corruption at all government levels but this has been by far the least corrupt federal government in a long time, I don't doubt congress will try to use this to grab more money and power for themselves as usual but that not the cabinet's fault, it's better to not try to post epic zingers when you don't know what you're talking about.
Por que gringos são tão obcecados com o Brasil? Se fosse só os EUA, Israel, Portugal e outros países latinos eu até entenderia, mas porque fodendo canadenses e europeus tem tanta obsessão com a gente?
he just revoked that part, enjoy the unemployment
Bolsonaro is a nigger and those who voted for him are niggers too.
gov just made everyone get vaccine for common flu now all old people are getting sick from covid because of agglomerations
Municipalities are using drive-thru vaccinations to avoid crowds and they're important so that corona is easier to identify and people don't get fucked by two viruses at the same time since we're getting into flu season.
Yes. There won’t be any support.
The Minister of Health is doing fine. Even the opposition is praising him.
Speak english, nigger
Leia as regras do quatroxã novoviado.
What is the federal government doing? Are they doing massive testing? Are the airports closed/restricted? Are people coming from abroad being quarantined and/or tested? What about all the education funds that were systematically drained from our top universities and research institutes because of “communism? Is the president doing his part or is he playing down the threat? What relief will be available aside from mandatory unemployment insurance? I heard about a proposed 200 BRLs or around 40 dollars/month for workers, which basically doesn’t pay food for one.
lol how are you this naive
How much monthly per person?
They are brainwashed and clueless. This country will sink with a few (rich) survivors. Shame on the working class who voted for him.
This is basically nothing but the bare basics btw.
>Are they doing massive testing?
>Are the airports closed/restricted?
Are people coming from abroad being quarantined and/or tested?
>What about all the education funds that were systematically drained from our top universities and research institutes because of “communism?
What funds? The education budget was the highest ever in 2019.
> Is the president doing his part or is he playing down the threat?
He's following the ministry of health's orientation.
>What relief will be available aside from mandatory unemployment insurance?
See They said they will be announcing more stuff over time too.
It's better to read up on this stuff before making accusations if you're actually interested in it, I've been following it closely and can safely say we're ahead of the curve when it comes to response to the virus, we're lucky that the curve started late here and they got more information about the virus.
I wonder where is Bolsonaro’s fanbase learning economics. Sincerely, it amazed me when they thought with all their hopes that unemployment would fall because of shitty half-assed reforms aimed at reducing workers rights.
Based. Truly the guardian of the Laissez Faire in this cursed part of the world.
>unemployment would fall because of shitty half-assed reforms aimed at reducing workers rights.
That is in fact a known economic dynamic and unemployment was in fact going down, Brazil has terrible overbearing bureaucracy that makes it one of the worst places in the world to employ people and we will be paying the price now with the lack of dynamism caused by it.
>they intend to send tests
>restricted flights much later than other countries
>suggests(!) people to self-isolate if they came from abroad
>Complete lie about education funds
>wishful thinking related to workers support
Yeah, you are a complete retard. Not a surprise you voted for him.
>president is following the minister orientation
He, in every opportunity, plays down the threat of the virus (“it’s just a little flu”) and criticises those who are taking measures against the virus, because it’s “political” and they are supposedly intended to “bring him down”.
He's doing a lot.
He just announced 30 billions as help to a bunch of banks,
Everyone else will have to share 5 billions though
It isn’t. You are taking for face value the basic of the basics of economics. Nobody serious, MIT, Harvard or Sorbonne scholars, think it is that simple.
>>Complete lie about education funds
You've been lied to.
>criticises those who are taking measures against the virus, because it’s “political”
The minister of health is doing the same and even called for elections to be postponed so that mayors stop doing dumb populist decisions that make no medical or economic sense.
The rest of your post is just moving goalposts, your dumb questions clearly show that you don't know anything about what's going on in your own country because you are systematically misinformed.
I can’t wait any longer for my financial feudalism to come. I wonder how much time until inheritance comes up to 9/10th of all resources available and owning capital become even more the only way of achieving an okay standard of living.
But at least he btfo the commies xD
Can you post anything showing that unemployment decreases the more worker's rights you have? Brazil is objectively a terrible place to run a business and we have a chronically high unemployment rate so your empty claims make no sense.
I for one think Bolsonaro is doing a terrific job, and I'm sick of all you Discord trannies trying to tarnish his reputation with lies. This virus will blow over soon and all of you hysterical libtards are going to look like a joke when Brazil is thriving while all the commie shitholes in Europe collapse under the weight of decadent socialism. Dilate.
this but unironically
Jews life comes first goy, how comes you dont want to take the bulet for Israel?
back to work bojo
yikes it's no use arguing with bolsonaro shills it's like they live in a parallel universe or something
Worker rights isn't necessarialy the same as having a huge bureaucracy.
Cutting working rights would be surely a complete madness right now
This. Fuck the working class. It’s the bankers, big landowners and big enterpreneurs who carry this country on their backs.
Your link confirms the one I posted so I don't see your point, R$114b in 2018 compared to R$130b in 2019.
Why did they vote for him to begin with, and why doesn't Brazil's working class ever seem to revolt or protest on a wide scale in hopes of bettering their conditions? They seem complacent like Americans; in fact, I expect America to look very similar to Brazil in a few decades.
Just research names like Krugman, Piketty or Açemoglu. They probably will give you a broad view of this issue. Reducing workers rights, like minimum wage, in the end, tends to stimulate lower paying/productive jobs, for example, according to Açemoglu. And that reduces productivity and prosperity in society as whole, damaging the same business they were intended to help when attacking those rights and reducing employment. This is just a quick rundown. Economics is way ahead of 18th century thinking like less rights = more productivity/ less unemployment.
You don't seem to get how deep Brazil's issues are and how unorthodox our policies are, Brazil doesn't have one of the worst economic freedom scores in the world and high unemployment rates for nothing.
>Just research names like Krugman, Piketty or Açemoglu. They probably will give you a broad view of this issue. Reducing workers rights, like minimum wage, in the end, tends to stimulate lower paying/productive jobs, for example, according to Açemoglu. And that reduces productivity and prosperity in society as whole, damaging the same business they were intended to help when attacking those rights and reducing employment. This is just a quick rundown. Economics is way ahead of 18th century thinking like less rights = more productivity/ less unemployment.
If you can’t read, I won’t be helpful. Do you know what happened when they cut the budget then reinstated it later?
You seem like some 19th century Brazilian economists i had the opportunity of reading. Its all about “but in Brazil can’t be like that, you don’t understand “ and they used that to justify about any abuse, including slavery. If I were you, I would read those lads I suggested, they are worldwide renowned and far better tutors than anything behind Bolsonaro/Guedes policies and thinking.