what do russians think of khabib? do you hate him because he is from caucasus?
What do russians think of khabib? do you hate him because he is from caucasus?
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he is alright
>do you hate him because he is from caucasus?
rossians hate churkas except those that make them look good internationally. bit like france and the pacy negroes
i don't hate anyone (except fake states between russia and germany)
>what do russians think of khabib
Literally who?
Taking credit for his victories while hating him because he is a stereotypical churka.
churka ufc fighter
based !
No one just the world lightweight champ and the greatest p4p fighter of all time
Not cool bro!
He's dumb and gay
Da boys
Greatest grappler*
>what do russians think of khabib?
I don't think about him much.
>do you hate him because he is from caucasus?
It's the same as with Putin. Internet is full of hate and racism, but in real life I didn't meet any single schizo who cared that much about "evil" Putin or "churka" Khabib. And most of people are okay when Khabib wins.
No, we hate him cause he can't fight for shit.
>go UFC
>not taking a no homo shower with your relatives
faggot russian
>cant fight
>beat RDA, edson, mcgregor, dustin, raped iaquinta and johnson and about to beat ferguson.
>>go UFC
what's wrong with that?
Jesus fucking christ, he got HEEM'D the fuck out
he wants all fight to be like webm related
Khabib has heem power my mans
>Because people want to see the fight,not the long minute homo hugs.
I know nothing about this 'sport' but why did he keep pounding the other guy for a while until the referee interrupted him?
what's the point of watching mma if you don't want to find out the most effective fighting style? why not just watch kickboxing then if you hate grappling part?
What you saw was a late stoppage, khabib hit him with a lead uppercut which separated him from his consciousness but khabib rushed in with follow up shots and the referee thought his opponent was defending himself, when it was obvious he was out the ref stepped in.
go watch muay thai faggot
Why do muslims like watching two naked men touching each other?
only muslims watch MMA? stop being a hater my guy
It's not a surprise westerner faggots watch it, but i thought you guys are trad. isn't it haram? chechens for example do not even allow themselves to wear shorts, but somehow 2 almost completely naked guys hugging with each other is fine
Damn ferguson got fucked
I didn't know about him before ITT.
I don't hate people from caucasus by default, hate should be rightfully earned. But I am from Moscow, we are kinda open-minded here, couldn't say the same about stereotypical kubanoid, though.
Nope lol, he came back to win the fight and RAPED pettis, if you know ferguson down you lose.
clear your mind from gay things, not everyone thinks about homo stuff 24/7 like you.
wait, what? this video is even weirded, why did the taller guy collapse?
what's that?
He's 1 ugly fuck
Don't mind it. Some slang for Russian rural inhabitants.
Slur for people from Southern Russia, the Kuban region, Russians see them as primitive.
>why did the taller guy collapse?
because he got punched on the side of the head really hard
Ok, sorry, must be my bad, cocks and anime are constantly on my mind, i just can't do anything about it
like redneck for americans?
Stop being a degenerate, follow the sport of MMA, its much better than anime or porn.
Moonman chin
>I didn't know about him before ITT.
get the fuck outta here, that's literally impossible
How much does a decent house cost in Krasnodar?
fags that can't into boxing
Nah, he's kind of cute actually, but the photo in OP doesn't do him service.
Best fight I've ever seen hands down.
God I want Costa to /HEEM/ the skinny Nigerian clown so badly.
kill yourself boxlet
I want to see a beatdown between a spic, a churka and a nog, those three make the best streetfighters
>clear your mind from gay things, not everyone thinks about homo stuff 24/7 like you.
In this picture we see artem lobov a below average MMA fighter beating a boxing world champion IN BOXING
nog beats spic
churka beats nog
now its time for churka vs spic
фeйк aнд гeй
>God I want Costa to /HEEM/ the skinny Nigerian clown so badly.
it will happen, pissrael will go down in the second.
cropping out the best part
if they follow weight classes, then random churka beats nog and spic 10 out 10 times, if it's a real streetfight without weight classes then it's much more complicated since churkas tend to be small
well, is he supposed to keep his hands in the air?
lol shit ref
whats gay in that pic? its basic technique, take the back.
Imagine getting hit by those açaí filled arms bros
it's just sugar and water bro
based ricky martin
I will really kill you, dirty kiwi.
Nah impressively enough it's usually spics who win against niggers, only that they are horrible losers and can't play fair so their homies break in whenever they are on the verge of losing
>its basic technique, take the back.
Slavs are good at it too
Were you really range banned from sp for being an autist?