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Noah Cook
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Connor King
Why are the French so sexually different to Anglos?
Camden Nguyen
*puts something on an angle*
there, i have revolutionised design
Jaxson Allen
tasteful cute girl
Ryder Young
Have had somewhere between 1 and 23 million wanks today.
Luke Jenkins
don't know what GCHQ stands for so i'm going to assume it stands for gold coast headquarters
Connor Bell
I'm mad all the fucking time
Julian Richardson
how is it different in the uk?
Austin Watson
bet she does little rabbit poos
William Richardson
>that wanker deleting the links to the new
William Campbell
There's that Ricky Gervais joke where he's talking about how he's half French and he's like "it means I'm crap in bed but at least my breath stinks" LMAO
David Bailey
Oh no what's this
A spider web and I'm caught in the middle
So I turned to run
The thought of all the stupid things I've done
Matthew Garcia
need to stop being so irritable all the time
Kevin Torres
bet she does huge poos like she's giving birth to a nigger baby on the toilet
Isaiah Scott
sex drive gone mental
3-4 wanks a day
don't believe in that NoFap nonsense x
Jaxson Turner
Parker Sanchez
Wuhan seems like a cool city. Now it's forever tainted because they eat such stupid shit.
Ian Roberts
Just saw...
A shrewdness of apes
A congress of baboons
A kaleidoscope of giraffes
And a coalition of cheetahs
Michael Perez
Matthew Morris
sex with British women is considered as borderline beastialty
Luke Torres
not just wuhan tbqh
Juan Edwards
gf is a british citizen and we badly want to move to the UK.
Hope its worth it
Owen Edwards
then he's full anglo cus the brits have the worse teeth in the game, which also means shit breath
Levi Ward
always knew you'd fry your brain ingesting MDMA every weekend, spacker
William Smith
Jonathan Kelly
unfortunately we are a bit full at the moment x
Gabriel Gray
A gaggle of slags
Tyler Morris
Jaxson Peterson
a conurbation of cheadles
Gabriel Torres
Sister who works in a nursery has a dry cough
Anthony Baker
cracking post
Carter King
>wuhan seems like a cool city
you’ll have to explain that one
Michael Kelly
Anthony Williams
Londonoids must be exterminated.
David Flores
pretty high % of people that consistently abuse uppers end up being depressed. you fucked your natural endorphin creation you mong
Isaac White
no more room at the inn x
Landon Rivera
not after im done with her sphincter
Joshua Martin
A squabble of chinks
Jayden Hill
A slaggle even
Benjamin Sanchez
when are we getting bojo bucks then?
Cameron Jenkins
doing a no bog roll poo
Benjamin Myers
Oliver Hernandez
Aaron Nguyen
Having a proxy on an anonymous image board so you can larp as someone foreign is BEYOND pathetic
Xavier Cruz
a murder of slags
Joseph Collins
wish the government would give me money but no one else
Cooper Ross
good lad. performing what we no-bog-rollers call the 'clean cut'
Parker Phillips
I've solved more captchas than you've had hot dinners sunshine
Blake Robinson
190kg be like haha I do a lot of drugs also why isn’t my brain functioning properly?
Ryder Bailey
>Three teenagers were arrested after an elderly couple were allegedly coughed at in the street.
The couple were approached by three people in Hitchin, one of whom is said to have coughed in their faces.
bloody zoomers
Adam Watson
no before this I was literally a Christian Bale tier chad
Now corona has fucked it
Easton Powell
>turn on yank vpn
>make horrendously bad post
>watch the (You)s roll in
Colton Wright
Anglos have boring sex.
French have mistresses and menage a trois and shit
Aaron James
Took MDMA once and was depressed for months afterwards, is this common?
Liam Collins
I like the history of cities, at least.
Zachary Perry
this is actually unironically probably true tbf
Luis Gray
someone pull up the archive of 190 slugs crying about depression and how women don’t like him
Xavier Brown
No, your brain is messed up
Kayden Peterson
quite true ngl
Alexander Wood
apparently within the gay community
Joshua Richardson
we all have genetic dispositions to drugs lad which make us react differently
Benjamin Moore
don't have the bandwidth for that
Asher Bailey
got that feeling in me nethers again
Bentley Ortiz
yvan eht nioj
Jace Green
I treat this as a sport
David Thomas
need 2 french gfs to suck my balls and tongue my arse concurrently
Jaxon Garcia
bored of it all now.
doesn't even feel exciting anymore, just like some dull civic duty we're doing for the elderly like having to wipe their dirty arses.
can we at least have our footy back?
Evan Campbell
>On Sunday, as Victoria and New South Wales flagged shutdowns of non-essential services, Australia's biggest brewers warned the country could run out of beer within weeks.
>"If breweries are included in a widespread shutdown, we may not be able to get beer to the market for some months after re-opening."
Lincoln Bailey
no jf scum welcome
Jordan Reyes
the voices in that episode still haunt me to this day
Jacob Lewis
Noah Watson
Can't believe we sacrificed the entire economy for them desu.
Evan Nelson
Das it mane
Daniel Gutierrez
ah can’t fault you on that
modern day wuhan though, big yikes from a cursory google search
Jason Jenkins
have you heard of the high elves?
Gavin Thompson
a cancer of chinese
Christian Price
Brody Lee
Ads on point, ahah
Mason Perry
next time an old bastard's being annoying to me I will remind them
David Young
Going to shoot myself as a prank if I can’t leave the house and socialize soon
Jackson Butler
Speaking factually.
If everyone was a vegetarian this outbreak wouldn’t have happened.
Justin Cruz
Tomato sauce is for children.
Aaron Anderson
what does this expression convey?