Sanna Marin

Also known as "The Finnish mommy".
Do you like her Yas Forums?
I know I do

Attached: Finland mommy perkele.jpg (1100x825, 80.16K)

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She's prefect, she should repopulate all of Scandinavia.

Attached: Finnish mommy.jpg (759x422, 25.44K)

>"Her face was so expressive, it"s no wonder the people of this war-torn country instantly felt at ease when they saw her speeches"

My momny prime minister :)

Attached: c7add80c.jpg (1280x720, 110.52K)


I want to fuck and choke her...

for me, it's this big mama

Attached: katri-kulmuni1.jpg (850x638, 194.43K)

Retarded whore that belongs in the same unmarked mass grave as all the other finnish politicians

She has the eyes of a dead fish

why do you sami and esti hate her so much ?

Yes, i want her to wake me up in the night, say "Shhh" and begin milking me penis into a jar. She would look at the clock and let me fondle a tit if it took to long.




she loves anal, one million percent sure

My mom :)

she's pretty cute but like all women they shouldn't have positions of leadership

Post moms

Attached: 20110719-seymo.jpg (526x345, 127.46K)

5/10 on the suami

She makes me feel so inadequate:


>Virgin (KHV)
>3 inch dick


>Prime Minister
>N-count in the triple digits
>Hates men with small dicks and NEETs


How do you know she hates tiny dicks?
She might be into those.

She looks like she has aspergers, which I guess is a good representation of the average finn

probably but is it that bad?

I'm the baby

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She looks like a genuine warm-hearted mommy :3

Imagine if she also sucked you off while fingering your ass

Why can't coomers stop themselves from falling in love with pictures of women on the internet?


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I'm incapable of finding love IRL.


what would she think if she saw the threads you make about her

Attached: when she sees your anime folder.png (551x629, 511.89K)

She has that typical square face that blonde german women have. Is she fennoswede?

>yes i call every woman mommy, because they are look old thus i look like her child, why you asking?

Attached: 20-something white male.jpg (2880x2880, 503.28K)

her phenotype implies sexual relations with melanin enriched men

no but pic rel is.

Attached: 250px-Anna-Maja_Henriksson,_2016_Åbo.jpg (250x340, 19.76K)

No she's not. Also fennoswedes are ethnically finns. Only a very few has swedish roots

Why do you incels worship this plain looking thot? I see far prettier woman everyday when I take the bus.

Post more sanna webms

you will never know sometimes what average girls are hiding underneath

I prefer Li Andersson


Attached: li-andersson-47f586b7-1602-450d-9fdf-076df6df616-resize-750.jpg (590x886, 53.25K)

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How does Finland do it??

For some reason I feel she must have the perfect pussy. God I want to cum so much in her.

I want to marry her and eat her pussy every night

Attached: ULKONALIIKKUMISKIELTO.jpg (699x698, 56.29K)


That's the face she'll make when I go down on her for the first time, since I am inexperienced

Pretty much this. Don't let her pee organs fool you.

The face she makes when you stick your tongue around her urethra instead of her clitoris and accidentally rub the latter with your teeth


I thought your country was the happiest in the world?

it's a meme statistic, moron

>t. seething samefag

thank you for the two (You)s

Thank you for the one (You)