Whole world is boycotting Japan


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Are you happy that the Olympics is cancelled?

go back to twatter faggot. this board is trash but at least not twatter

i cant read oriental runes

Yes we are the one who always gets it right

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>korea is the whole world
Why are you people so pathetic, anyway?

>boycott japan by buying japanese video games

Shut up hitler
Are you associating with the war criminals now??? Omg pathetic

I feel bad... Japan-chan...
Asia IS the whole world, all wh*Toids (except based Russians) can die in nuclear fire and nothing would change.

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Based gook
Fuck Abe


Every time I see someone with your flag here, all you do is whining about japan. I get it, you're jealous because you're infinitely less culturally important (not to mention popular) than your neighbors.
But do you really think shitposting here will change just a single thing about that? Why not post about something that makes you proud about your country instead? Provided you have anything at all. But this victim mentality makes you just look like a sore loser to the world.

dumb monkey. 2ch is still much better than twatter even though i havent seen it for years. twatter is now pretty much Yas Forums with actual names and media/journos especially in the west. its fucking worse and totally more fucked than an anonymous board that doesnt have influence on society.



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Literally all of South Korea is taught from birth to hate Japan. It's not just him.

Koreans are by far the worst posters on this site. They only whine about their inferiority complex towards Japan and type like mentally ill freaks.

沖縄を日本人に返して! アメリカ人は早く帰れ
アメリカは自国のDQNを日本の地に送るのが戦争犯罪であることを知るべきだ。 謝れ。

Jap War criminal associates
Say sorry and pay reparation to Koreans !!! Pathetic

literally go back to twatter. if you want to shitopost here do it a Yas Forums way. dont bring twatter garbage here


it's a false flagging netoyou

Chons mad

>But do you really think shitposting here will change just a single thing about that?
Yes i do dickhead
Be based like your football club you war criminal nazi shit

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沖縄から早く消えろ!! 沖縄を土人に返せ!

And yet I'm going through the pains of learning japanese instead of your language that is piss easy in comparison. Know why? Because your country has no interesting media to offer.
Also, football is literally a sport to entertain the untermensch.

Based ketoujin smart

war crime associates die in iwojima

HHahaha do it faggot
Nobody has asked what you are gonna learn
This nigger thinks himself smart Kek
Byungshing jjokbari seki

Japanese wombs are thirsty for Korean semen please come here and take revenge for our war crimes daddy

Your yapping in here is a war crime, mate.

protect the world from japan

stop abe and online right-wingers

let's protect the renunciation of war
("war" is written in chinese style - in japanese it would be 戦争)

no japan

gather! no-japan forest (???)

believable asahi newspaper (i'm guessing this was supposed to be 信じられない "unbelievable")

i want to become korean

Zainichi hikokumin dane wwww asa no kuni ni kaere

No. Fuck China and I hope Beijing 2022 is also cursed or at least massively boycotted

Korean jesus will burn you in kimchi and korean hot noodle tier hell fire
Enjoy war criminal associates


I'm a cute Japanese girl :3


>i'm guessing this was supposed to be 信じられない "unbelievable"
クソワロタ wwwwwww 利口な外国人だね。

Korean christians are the worst. If sucking up to an religious import doesn't show you what's wrong in your country, I don't know what will.

wtf how did Kim do it



Yes because sporting events like that are fucking gay and not something that Japan should be involved in.

>As a frequent consumer of lolicon, yes I am

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fucking cringe weeb, what makes japan different from other countries?

Nothing, I don't really think any country should host the Olympics.

Me neither

I don't give a shit about this matter, I just wish this virus to be gone in no time

t. 피싸개
is there any existence more pathetic than that of an anti-japanese weeb pro-nork liberal femoid?

I support the gook on this one.

Canada and New Zealand have threatened to boycott the Tokyo Olympic Games if not postponed.

What the Japanese should do in response to this threat, is to round up all Canadians and Kiwis they can catch in their country, and subject them to beatings, mutilation and sexual assault.



you get fired
m9川 _,川

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>ah, it's the guy from before
>korean monkeys can say whatever they want but the world won't go along with it
>as for why, there's an overwhelming difference in credibility between japan and korea
>japan has given money to the world countless times, no matter what korea says nobody will pay it any heed

>"protect the world from japan", you say? japan has given economic assistence to all sorts of countries and has assisted the development of developing countries
>japan is protecting the world
>the world won't lend its ear to the nonsense of korean monkeys


Lolis are hurt from olympics

You are endless beggar of the compensation.

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You are the real endless beggar of the compensation
Stop asking for compensation regarding to nukes pathetic

Korean stock price lol

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Get endless beggar what you want next?
You want endless compensation money from japan?
You want endless apologies from japan?
Too bad
Take the third Currency crisis of korea without help of japan this time.
Enjoy dieing economically

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>dog eaters are proud of making gigantic statues of prostitutes

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>Stop asking for compensation regarding to nukes pathetic

Hahaha japan and Taiwan is not endless beggar as like korean and we don’t ask compensation money from USA
Not as like korean asking compensation money endlessly as a beggar

Are you retarded ?

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