Anglo edition
This is now /anglo/
Claiming this thread for the American empire.
what does this mean
bulk hentai pic downloaders won't work anymore
Good morning sunshines, don't forget to be productive today :)
horrible thread
I really can't concentrate to do the few things I have to do with this coronavirus thing, even if it should be the opposite with all the free time I have.
Re-recommending this beatiful new song by Passenger:
I think you guys deserve to hear these beatiful words :)
I am an incel.
You and me both brother.
Still sick, still at home.
I am a subhuman
I will spend next 6 hours pretending I'm working
I will spend next 18 hours playing vidya and shitposting
Dangerously based.
I have no motivation to do anything.
and that's okay because nothing really matters, go get drunk and play vidya like this knowledgeable gentleman
Don't respond to me ever again, manchild.
Bunch of fat fucks here
I simply can't comprehend how or why there are adults who find video games fun.
atleast put something on that hook
Blessing this thread
Because you are a boring bitter person.
You are a 80y old man trapped in a 22y old obese body.
That's because you are autistic and listen to nasheeds
Speaking of hooks. Does user have a fishing rod, and does he know how to catch his food?
do you prefer river or lake?
My dad took me fishing a few times when I was a kid but I always found it so boring
Gonna cook some curry chicken today
yeah it's boring af, but fish is tasty
How come some people have so much motivation and such a strong will to do loadsa shit?
I cant get that warhammer song out of my head
Some people are naturally high energy, it seems. Meanwhile I'm constantly tired, fuck my life.
> manolo still hasn't asked out a single girl
Day 2920 of no job.
are you fat?
He's american tier fat.
Yeah, but not exceptionally fat, to the point where it affects my daily life (176cm/90kg). Also I've been skinny most of my life, and still low energy. Decent testosterone levels as well, I had that checked.
Fuck off, Polish monkey.
*not to the point ...
Has the based slovak user tracked Slontard already? we really need to deal with him ASAP
Let's sit back and watch some birbs.
Wow, you've lost quite a bit
>Ama érzés, amikor nem nekem egy magyar angyali lány
Mért élek??
Wish the virus wiped out every Slav.
very cute girl super liked me on tinder but I had to ignore her cuz she lives 100km away
feels very bad
it's not a good morning :(
100km is nothing. Its not 19th century anymore
she looks Czech, though
Truly, Central European women (Czechs and Hungarians) are the peak of femininity...
I can barely sustain close relationships, no way it would work if she's that far away
but she was way too cute :(
Stfu lol, you haven't even seen our goblinas. Only Balkans are uglier.
Amúgy, hol van a magyarbég
What makes Nordics cucks? I think if the Hungarian governor acted like the Swedish government, people would here revolt and hang Orbán.
A tanárnőm magyar és ő egy angyal, tesi... Szerintem a magyar és cseh lányokat legszebb.
Ehem. Fuck niggers, gypsies, kikes, sand niggers, muslims, Abbos, mixed race subhumans, Pajeets, Chinks, Pakis, East Asian apes, Russoids, Albania, Bosnia, Turkey, Serbia, Israel, USA, the continent of Australia, all the leftists and centrists.
Holocaust didnt happen but it should have and it will happen again but properly this time. Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong.
There is not solid evidence for muh 6 trillion and all the official documentantion from Auschwitz states 70 000 deaths, not 1 million.
Also, the only thing the Christchurch shooter did wrong was that he did not kill more of them and I hope more mosques get shot up in the future.
Blow my JIDF, blow me gook-moot and blow me Janny faggots. I am dabbing at you all you fucking rats.
It's so bizarre that modern Swedes are the descendants of the people who slaughtered Poolacks like cattle and looted everything they ran into.
Bárcsak Orbán a kánom lenne...
You say this while Orbán does whatever he wants in the country, undermines democracy and the population ignores it.
Fuck democracy.
>Manoloid is talking about politics again
>State tells them to loot and rape
>they do it
>State tells them be cucks
>they do it
I actually think that the libertarians are right. It's just they are Germanics and they think that every society is a Germanic society.
Not an argument.
Mért nem posztoltok a kurva anyátokon?? Az szál király...
Mert a skizó román nincs itt
democracy is a joke and should be abolished asap
Hungarians are animals. It doesn't matter who governs them, it'll still be a zoo unless....
Egy skizó oláh van ott??
I’d much rather have Orbán become the new Horthy than to have any of the good for nothing libtards get into power.
A magyarok jobb, mint a rácok...
Hungarians are like a wolf pack. We want a strong alpha to lead us.
Ja egy ilyen székely buzi, aki csapdákra veri és szét spammeli a fonalat.
>bunch of sheeps that need a shepherd
Slavs destroyed this.
to your average hungarian it is impossible to imagine life under a democratic system where personal freedom and democratic values are upheld, they need a strong autocrat like Orban to govern them or their society falls into dissarray
>Hungarians are like a wolf pack
De Orbán nem erős hanem csak húsos...
Ébredjetek fel báránykák!
Kek. De ez nem helyes. A magyarok okosok.
We aren't sheeps, we aren't to be pushed around. We only follow strong man.
Dead journalist