/desi/- ThaliBajao edition

General for people from the subcontinent. Other people invited too.

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The post is troll, but randians are dumb like this. I want to meet them irl and then beat them up savagely.

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Its confirmed ? Idk man they're stupid enough to post this unironically.

Troll is probably waiting to get a gold or something to score victory point. I refuse to believe someone is stupid enough to have this retarded understanding of how to stop rape.

I don't read any post made by Muslims and/or liberals.

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Did you thank corona-yoddhas yesterday anons?

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Are you a rajput? More like a cuckput lol

I am no cuckpooot but I had this image saved up so I posted

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I knew i had seen this ugly melting face somewhere before. She was the one crying about how white men were fucking her for their fetish, and how ugly she is compared to other girls they were fucking. These mentally ill people somehow don't find incel, ugly, despo their descriptions instead they try to absue chad raitas with them, lol.

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Lmao it's really her

Randia really is the worst place. I wonder what attracts urban retards to go there

So was janata curfew a success?

I have a genuine visceral disgust to the sometimes-Hindi-speaking urban liberal holier-than-thou fucks on twitter. Granted I only read about them in screenshots, but they're still so annoying

honestly we need a purge ,more like a flush
all these low class low iq scums.....
about time desu

Sort of. It was bit ironic seeing people call everybody who clapped as sanghis.

Successful in delhi. The whole day felt weird with no pee pee poo poo of cars.

Can some some friend here get me an arranged marriage with his qt brown sister? I will buy you 50 cows

Same desu all of these people are upper caste privileged parasites that speak with condescending tones. Its hypocritical.


Don't you need to go post more cringey anarchist shit on Facebook portuginho.

lmao look at that lazy eyed ugly bitch
liberandu thots here srsly need to get a reality check

What is wrong with clapping?

Because it’s a Hindu Nationalist dog whistle

I wish I was kidding but our leftists have a habit of copying shit from the West


I will sell you my sister if you sell me Irenè.

80 cows
Wtf, I'm a nazi I hate shitskins (but only males)

still a no from me poortugal

Bruh we know you're the same cringe lord in the anarchists Facebook group that doxxed yourself long while back.

bros how will the workers revolution happen if we all get corona’d?

Why not? My family is upper middle class and I will treat her like a princess.
And she wil leave India, that's a big plus


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Kek I remember him. He was asking the same thing from incellah it's the same autismo

>leave one shithole
>move to another

I don't think real anarchists or leftists browse a nazi site like Yas Forums

she hates the west

Cheta, what are you doing in UAE? contract engineer or labourer?

So she can go East until she arrives in Portugal

My house view Your sister could be here with me


lol u shit in street?


Ugly. No neem, peepal, and bargad trees around.

India is a rapist infested shithole!

>replying to wh*Toids
yikes, back in the days we'd ignore them and they'd fuck off eventually. seems like nu-/desi/ is cucked

Which parts of India has the biggest tits?

nice one poortugal
very slightly chuckled


Go back to your shit hole of a country, shitskin, European people don't want your kind here (unless you are a girl)

UP cuz that's where them cows at

everywhere except Eastern India where chinky ppl live.
cuz they drink milk and ghee and butter and sit on their ass all day watching TV so naturally big boobs

Why is this portugese moor ruining our general?

Based. This anarchist cuck is very cringe

You mean improving, this specific /Desi/ will be the Goa of /Desis/

I like the sound of that!

What do you want me to do to prove that I'm a racist (but only towards men)?

Leaving would be a good start.

But I have a castle near by

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Go revolt against the system brave anarchist warrior.

playing games with the boys comfy quarantine days

This is an American website poojet, as an American I give him the right to stay here!

Nope, you have been /COLONIZED/ (again)

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आप क्यों हिन्दी नहीं बोलते हैं?

>hijra lad is here

Ugly trees and a chink tourist destination. Yikes.

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t. gave up Indian territory without a fight


Kashmir needs freedom from rapey poojets!

oh shieeeet anarchinho enjoy your corona LMAO

Imagine being that Pakistani Hijra. He spent a year posting about india and Modi ended Kashmir in just one day lmao.

लुंगी लोग और हिंदी ३६ है। साले कुत्ते लुंगी। इनकी वजह से देश पर विलायती प्रभाव इतना ज्यादा है।

You are wrong, Portugal is not the Brit cucks, but the poos only invaded the Portuguese indian territory because Portugal was in a middle of a war with his African colonies and did not have the manpower for a global war. Poos are cowards



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