Crusade against Bolshevism edition
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Saying a prayer for my brothers in New Zealand as they prepare for Level 4 lockdown
driving a golf ball down the gullet
This is false. I've ignored every single post so far but now he's successfully baited me
*swabs you*
Kappa sure
need BIG BLACK CHEBS wrapped around my willard
"world" war 2?
uh.. and why am I supposed to care?
Full name: World War 2 featuring Australia from the British commonwealth series
mental how women make more money a day by taking a photo of themselves topless than i make in a year
Name 1 country not in ww2 I'll wait
What specifically triggered Hitler so much about Russian Bolshevism/ communism whatever it was?
My powers have doubled since we last met
Nothing socialists just have a natural urge to murder each other
he was radicalised by Yas Forums memes
Is this the most significant world event since the fall of the Soviet Union?
He fought them in the streets of Berlin for years leading up to his acquisition of power
Spain,Portugal, Ireland and Switzerland
Yeah history and that
excellent post
Daily reminder
/cum/ > /brit/
So just a consequence of German civil war really?
sadolf shitler as I call him
Biggest event since 9/11
Possibly even bigger than Top Gear being cancelled
>Pakistan PM caping for Iran
well that's an interest twist I didn't expect to see
9/11 wasn't as significant as this
Absolute tune:
Well it was back in 1849,
At the Springfield Golden Nugget Mine,
That my great-grandma Dolores saved the day,
When she propped the shaft and saved the lives,
Of the other forty Springfield wives,
When all ma grandpa's buddies ran away
The menfolk found their women scary,
Cos they were so big and hairy,
They thought of dynamite to seal them in
Spain: Franco was a crypto Nazi ally Hitler spent time and resources trying to get him to join in
Portugal: is Spain
Ireland: is Britain
Switzerland: aggressively neutral
Wish the Reformation hadn't have been so rabid. Imagine a Habsburg-British dual monarchy in complete control of at least three continents plus massive amounts of Asia, Africa and Europe.
So far all the movies and shows I intend to download and watch during the 'rona totals just under 900GB, I picked up a 6TB drive.
All suggestions will be considered.
readying the ol' willard mitt
i feel like twitter is not the place for this shit
Name a more virginous activity than playing single player videogames
ANELE true
>terrorist sympathising with other terrorists
How was this unexpected?
Seen Tree of Life?
9/11 only killed 2,996 people, COVID has killed 14,687 people
I'm not allowed to go outside /brit/
having sex
we are living through a monumental event in modern history lads
writing this question, solving a captcha, and hitting "post"
anything to do with anime
Been waiting for a big happening my whole life. This is it. A fucking flu. Trash happening nothing ever happens
playing grand strategy games with other people
Waltz with Bashir
Posting in neo-nazi discords
Iran are the good guys
Might play some video games later today, I have downloaded Dark Souls 2 recently
The table wizard thing
Playing a multiplayer game by yourself
might as well refund it now
neo-nazis have lots of sex with their trap catboy gfs (male)
dis bitch toe lonner than a motherfucker
local hero
after hours
oslo, august 31st
That's the one with that dinosaur scene? Yeah, already seen that.
Cringe """""opinion""""", m*slim scum CANNOT be good.
What happens if you do?
compared to terrorism yeah
in the sphere of pestilence it's insignificant (so far)
They are SHIA
Only 10% of all Muslims are Shia.
They are the intellectuals of the muslim world
Imagining a world where Prince Arthur succeeded King Henry VII, had a long life and marriage with Catherine of Aragon, England and Spain began a powerful union and conquered the New World side by side, the Americas become a true Anglo-Hispanic Catholic Empire.
What are they saying about it in the pestilence discussion circles?
I heard they're all kuffar.
so how was everyone's weekend..?
Still m*slims though you fucking retard.
you're probably a shia innit
daily reminder australians hate children and thus do NOT belong in /brit/
This is the big one, we need really start taking care of these troublemakers, no more fucking around. Shit just got real
id love to fuck her
The usual. "Social isolation" hasn't affected my routine at all
Love it when my bird puts his chops up like that
cockatoos are based
Wtf that really put it into perspective
I beat civ 5 on immortal difficulty (the second hardest)
not the point
it's fairer to compare disease to disease than disease to terrorism
gives better perspective
(presented without comment)
Corona is the tortoise, 9/11 was the hare
haha fuck da po-lease
Boys how do I make frens I want frens
would also like to know
Holy shit look at the rest of your gray gang, what a crew
The real terrorism is the panic caused by the media
Government is sticking to the theory that keeping kids out of school will just send them home to idiot parents that will let them roam the streets or put them in care of vulnerable grandparents.
should have made an effort a few months back
Meet people on discord
Kind of surreal watching Jacinda's press conference earlier. Felt like a disaster movie where the US president is trying to reassure everyone even though the protagonist knows it's really bad
I wanna be a cowboy
the only good islam is Sufi Islam. every westerner who was 130+ IQ, really autistic and obsessed with eastern theology eventually took the Sufi pill
spent it on lock down with the gf so I made bread from scratch, cleaned the apartment, did laundry, and played some vide games
How many died in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq?