/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico

Goodbye Brady edition

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I wouldn't take a corona vaccine for all the gold in istanbul!

I'd lick every doorknob in Wuhan just to get a pic of her toes

Gold is a shit asset class, shouldn't even be considered an investment IMO

they'll be laced with microscopic microchips

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>wake up
>find out that Striker and desTINY had a debate

why not?

To much toil
Too much drug
The usual
Fuck newww

guys am i ugly

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/cum/ editions have been shit as of late ngl

What about guns and tools?

>tfw no corndog

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You're not terrible at all

no, i’d call you average

Why do you keep posting this man? Tell him to cut his hair.

>tfw no corn dog

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average, maybe above average as you look a normal weight and not an obese lard pig like many are

I haven't had one of these in years. Wonder if there as good as I remember

I don't trust anybody!


If this was 2007 I'd tell him "I see what u did thar"

Yes still toiling in the apocalypse for now. We shall see

im going to learn greek and latin and read through classical literature

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you remind me of this guy

My bad. Sometimes my brain goes on autopilot and types wrong.

I already have an intuitive understanding of what is true, so I only read fiction for condensed entertainment and motivational enforcement.

toilberg can be relentless

Latin is easier than Greek from what I've heard

It happens to the best of us, namely myself.

>meet a cute girl on okc who i get along with well
>can't hang out with her rn
this virus is a double edged sword

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Protip: they are

Maybe reading books to people would be a good idea. Record myself reading stuff from my library and put it on my youtube.

Welcome to hell

I wish I wasn't ugly so I could meet a girl online

If you have a voice for it why not

is it gay to want e-sex with a cute trap?

You're already defeating yourself from the start like that. I feel where you're coming from though.

I just gotta figure out what to record with, could be a good way to pass the time.

Imagine if this virus had a higher fatality rate. We are weak.

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Depends how your brain interprets it

if you have the slightest inclination to, you should. quite a way to archive yourself as a bonus.

I bet the death rate in the country has actually gone down during quarantine

i still don’t think this whole corona thing is going to be a big deal

Love you all. Have a good night.

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It already is, this will be in history books.

it's preventing/delaying short-term and longer future deaths. we wouldn't see any effect just yet.

Goodnight bud

yea this whole thing will be over by April, I seriously can't wait for 4/20 this year :3

they put everything in those books



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It's loli Sunday /cum/
post some anime lolis

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we'll be telling our grandkids about how tough this time was.


Is this peak male?

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economic impact is gonna be felt for awhile

shitty action end of the world movie "2012" is in the Top Ten movies watched in the US on netflix. life is just a movie for most americans. good thing we're all going to die.


>shitty action end of the world movie "2012"
l much preferred the Nic Cage end of the world movie Knowing

the things i would let him do to me....

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Apparentely Harvey Weinstein got the corona lol

where are they storing it all?

everything is better with nic cage, but yeah, it was good

Contagion is the better apocalypse movie


why watch a plauge movie when you can watch stefan molymeme streaming Doom Eternal???

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you'd have to pay me

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haven't seen it tbph.. watched pic related recently tho and it was dece

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