Whats my phenotype ?

Whats my phenotype ?

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Algerian so Berber


Pure braZilian phenotype


You actually pass as a Mexican here

No he does not

you look 43% Jomon

wut, he definitely can, he looks latino as fuck

He can pass in south america but not in mexico

I've seen lots of boys like him

What about my second pic

I can easily tell he is not mexican, not all brown people look the same

Mexicans have eyebrows like yours but your nose is too wide and your jawline is too strong.

Mexicans have oval shaped faces with weak jawline

Too retarded to take a proper picture, probably black

im probably an octoroon

He looks almost like him

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mexican or chilean

La creatura dios mio

These are the people calling us mutts

CHI hands typed this post


Pure Riffian

Dang OP you kinda hot

el brasilero




You look argentinian my friend

perfect e-bf phenotype

Please be my e bf OP

I had a friend that looked just like you.

back off bro im not sharing

Thats not fair!

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ok fine u can have him on the weekends bro

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your phenotype is "hot dude".



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this manga really lost me when it stopped being about suicide and gay sex and started being about friendships

True, I'm still hanging on hoping there will be some gae shit

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So OP, tell us, what is your ethnicity/nationality/background

it very explicitly showed that he is attracted to girls so yea not gonna happen
the most it could go for is a gay character being introduced that has a crush on him and the subsequent interactions between them

i just want hooni and soorim to have sweet gay sex

also wtf park gee literally has a gf despite looking like a literal sissy

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You look like a slightly less deranged version of me

Hooni thread now
I reckon the girl plot is either to cover up for all the shota park has drawn or its setting up for him to be hurt and fall in love with soorim

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i dont understand the point of his character if its not something to that effect
he is basically the polar opposite of him, the cool guy the night in shining armor, if hooni was a girl it would seem like a cliche night in white armor, but since he has so far made it canon that he is straight (hooni) i dont see the point of his character (soorim) all he is, is a flat token character that just serves to highlght how bad hooni has it

god i hope it is just a setup for some hoorim action, hooni NEEDS a successful but sympathetic bf to lift him out of depression

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Exactly, I reckon thats the end game here!
However gae things don't generally come out of left field like this though so it might take some time.

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The way I would have wrote it (yeah i know who cares what i think) is that soorim and kim start of by trying to help hooni, but then start have feelings for him, and then the cliche love triangle happens, then introduce a loser cahracter like hooni that likes him too, and then follow both of the stories at the same time, the two of them fighting over him and the new loser character feeling like hooni would never like him, and then in the end he and hooni getting together or if you want a bad ending hooni killing himself, leaving all 3 heartbroken


this or he'll just keep queer baiting us

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this is exactly how i thought it was gonna play out at first, i was getting huge love triangle vibes from all 3 of them. i honestly think the thing with the girl will end badly, and hope thatll the point of gay for hooni

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Tbh I thinks its ridiculous for it to be a straight manga, there are no girl characters basically except for this love interest bimbo. I agree, it feels like a set up for some hot gae love

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im hoping for this but then again park gee is allegedly straight so im not sure...

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Are you the Half Portuguese mutt?

im allegedly straight too but im actually a huge faggot
>draws pictures of cute bois for a living

>draws near pornographic to full porn drawings of little boys and likes gay art of them on his twitter

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yoshi nose


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