
mboko just sent me this

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Other urls found in this thread:


whats mboko playing at

Can slowly feel my mental health deteriorating. I like being active & busy so I ain’t gotta deep all the small things in life, sigh.

will janny leave this up?
taking bets

Dad said be prepared to go shopping tomorrow morning. He told me to wear my black bomber jacket and bring my Swiss Army Knife.

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Threadsplit? Don't mind if I do

you know when you daydream about going on a talent show and being really good and everyone cheering for you and everything? what song are you singing?

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ive got 52 pics of me smoking, just like the round headed guy you post.
it's over

there's nothing technically nsfw in it

Normies on the ropes, you love to see it

post-midnight /brit/ is unexplored territory for me
normally i'd asleep like a good wagie

wonder how rio ferdinands doing during this whole palaver


i'm not a double digit i.q. deanoid so no, i don't dream about that

Not even a little gay, but Justin Trudeau is literally beautiful

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>started to develop a fairly persistent cough

Lads, I'm genuinely scared...

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wonder if he needs picking up in the morning

He's fine, just texted me xx

girl from hirschorn - guruguru

in my fantasy i play guitar and drums at the same time

Based Malaponte

everybody was kung fu fighting

Just stay engaged....anything, books, puzzles, games, tele

Where we're going we don't need wages.

first time a yankpost made me smile. well done lad

well you're young and I hope you don't have any preexising conditions
you'll be fine

I know you are.

Same, I can't stop coughing

>to scared of being accused of rape to talk to women
>even if I wasn't I'm to scared of losing everything in a divorce to ever even consider being in a long-term relationship


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Why did the French lad only need a single egg? Because un oeuf is enough (haha)

this machine runs on borisbux

I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables.

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What if you don't know if you have any preexisting conditions? I can't get a checkup because my GP is only doing them for pregnant women and kids under 12.

only ever seen one guy playing bass and drums at the same time and it was a Call Me Maybe cover

Imagine using your daughter like that

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back in my neet days, regularly browsed /brit/ late into the night and sometimes, very different feel to the general at different times. favourite time is early morning brit still sort of 6am-10am

whats the game plan from here, how's the rest of your life going to go with this outlook
50 year old visiting a gook hooker every week?

well you'd probably know if you did
and if it's something that's remained hidden for quite some time I don't think it'll be a big issue

IG keeps recommending me obvious bots and girls with onlyfans accounts

You wouldn't believe the golf balls I've sucked (ft. Dave)

Got in last night and was on /brit/ about 4:30am, proper weird time. Just a sea of aussies, yanks and clogwog.

u clearly have anxiety

Sardines are peng.

shut up incel

It's simply not worth it, look into some new masturbation aides and techniques and don't be afraid to dig deep with porn, a lot of great stuff out there

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The Greatest Show

You have to understand that women have their own careers now so when they look for a partner they arent looking for a man who is gonna pay the bills and afford a few holidays they are looking for somebody that they want to spend their life with which means being picky.

A byproduct of women having rights is that they have more purchasing power on the dating market because they are no longer seen as used up if they arent married by 25 and arent seen as just a housewife but a household earner.

That doesnt mean that you cant find a partner it just means that having a decent job alone isnt good enough, if you find a women that is actually similar to you in interests and beliefs then it will be easy, if that fails social media has made it easy to make girl feel like they are worthless so there are plenty of insecure women out there who will love anyone that shows them affection.

Game plan? Make a shitload of money. Also I don't want to have sex outside of marriage, so no hookers. Quite paradoxical, innit.

4:30 yank time or gmt

You have depression

I don't believe in that shit.

R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

just waiting

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just daydreamed about breaking up a paki nonce ring

Doing a so called 'wank' which will imminently lead a so called 'coom'

*enters the thread*

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I liked seeing what t-shirt malaponte was wearing every day during his brief employment. since then he doesn't seem to post his photo much

God I feel fucking good lately, lads.

Who am I from les miserables

do zoomers really?

I dunno it's always 4:30 somewhere

>when they look for a partner they arent looking for a man who is gonna pay the bills and afford a few holidays

Absolute bullshit have only been on one date with a woman who didn't expect me to pay for her food.

very bizarre image


y tho

wanking is such a relief in times like these


do this all the time

>implying this hasn't been a staple daydream for decades
wise up mate

come bris pussio

Does autism count as a pre-existing condition?

>listen to music
>pretend i'm the artist performing it on stage to an adoring crowd

cracked open the wine
expect a platitude of racist and anti women posts


take the jordanpill

Based, I hope we stay friends

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a talent show like the X Factor? that's cringe mate I just daydreamed about being famous through sweat and hard graft, no short cuts

Just gave my name in starbucks as 'stop brexit,. As the (remain) barrista screamed out my 'name' repeatedly, the whole place erupted in to applause. Result. Try it. #FBPE @Starbucks

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imagine going on a trip to mallorca with a slag by your side and your belly hanging out in the sun
would feel very contented with life


reckon the economy will bounce back higher than ever after this. jezza was right in that people needed gibs to get spending

>the only talent shows are the ones on TV
do zoomers really?

Have you ever been to /britfeel/ mate, thats the virgin freak general for lads like yourself. This is /brit/ the failed normie general.
Now off you go /britfeel/ is just down the hall on the door marked Yas Forums
*pats you on the bottom*

uncle tony just sent me a fax telling me there's a cold going about

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Forcing a non-cooperative poo from my bum

>watching pron
>pretend I'm the blonde 19 year old getting spit roasted by two massive black cocks

do you really like it? (is it is it wicked?)

Just called Hiro and asked him to reformat the website

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loooooool ya boydem has ran Zoey out bare many times

shut up yh pussio bc he aint comin bk

ya get me

taking precautions



Why is the average member of the British public so selfish and stupid? Literal fucking retards. These people need culled.

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If you make less than $100k a year and are under 6'5, women will hate you.

finished retail toil at 10
don't think people are taking the govs advice seriously...


this pandemic has been a real wake up call for me as it has not impacted my life whatsoever, still clocking on doing fuck all as per

not my idea of social distancing

I can't believe they closed McDonald's even deliveries. I'm fucked now.

I like their OPs better.

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I just imagine it's my wife and mother to my 3 beautiful kids

tomorrow there will be more panic

finished at 11 me

yank mong

all this just so governments don't need to deal with the obesity crisis

fuck lads how do a put a mask on my posts

shut up virge
people are trying to enjoy themselves before everyone gets locked in their houses for eternity

everyone into interracial is actually gay. have watched this evolution on /gif/ over the course of a decade.

big fan of this image despite having never made a post on Yas Forums in my life

im right here lmao

come bris rt

ur so wet

can't get hard if there's a dick in the porn unless it's a tranner. not a bender

it is not in the dna of the anglo to be cooped up in the house like a chicken

you were exposed for the racist you are with all those posts using the N word
don't try to appropriate black culture now

so school talent shows? sounds like a yank thing

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gfs hair is falling out from the stress of this virus

some people really arent cut out for it, seen people crying in tesco.

could never break me 2bh quite convinced i could go through a war without losing it some people are just cut from a different cloth yesss I am the best

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Couldn't stop wanking to amateur bbw porn yesterday. It's a literal addiction. I'd probably go crazy if porn was illegal.

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It is as long as there's enough alcohol

Shout out to the non-NEETs of /brit/.
All five of you.

What are you lads doing in the face of this thing?
Are you working from home or what?

I had a meeting scheduled for tomorrow at 10 and the cunts are making me download a skype account to make it continue from my bedroom.

need a girlfriend

browsing nhentai for the first time in literal years
desperate times n all that


did he actually? outs himself a complete neek every time he tries to chat like that

imagine a fat welsh nonce speaking to u like that irl

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>gfs hair is falling out from the stress of this virus

Thanks I needed a laugh.

>Not Teams

You work for a shit company

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doesnt. you're all benders for focusing on the male.


Said it last thread but I'm still stocking shelves and taking calls. Toilberg doesn't believe conoravirus is in our part of the country (it is) and says she won't shut down unless the government forces her to.

Not all of us do horrible little computer jobs like you lad I'm a welding apprentice me these buildings arent going to build themselves through you sending a few emails off haha yeappp the work must carry on so the show must go on yeppp we gotta move those refridgeraters

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oi 190 im in wales rn post ur fuckin addy

Im off, all work is cancelled til further notice

Not thrilled with how loosey goosey some folks are with their use of this term(as a direct insult)



this but unironically

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Teams is literally malware.

Going all in

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Wtf why?

No one cares about the localised use of yank, yank.

bloated little strumpet

business is actually booming at the minute, toilberg has made no mention of closing down

yet to see any actual proof of the existence of the coronavirus

A long time ago I was in Cheadle, my friends and I were working for the NHS. We were trying to free up the supermarkets by bribing corona preppers with toilet paper. But the Tesco household aisles were being raided by a boomer. So we went looking for some loo rolls. But in six weeks, we never found a single pack. One the day I saw a child playing with a roll the size of a tangerine. The boomer had been throwing them away.

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am genuinely enjoying every second

theoretically, how long would I have to train to become an expert at what you do?

I have. Grim shit.

Guess where

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obese yankoid fingers tapped this post out

>it’s a someone larps as Zoey episode

'chabin bla x

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search his tripcode and the N word on the archive

You misunderstand, it's the context that I take issue with

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