Fix it

fix it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

let's go 400 years back in history
sink all ships that have portuguese or slaves on board. only let northern europeans in

Can do!

Attached: Can.jpg (1600x916, 178.4K)

Lula can fix Brazil.

haha so unpredictable

>third world countries
Newsflash Pablo, that's you

Attached: 385.jpg (317x267, 21.84K)

make the corners of the yellow diamond touch the edges of the flag

Cerveja gratis para a rapaziada

you are descended from slaves, tribes people and some 18 year old portuguese virgin sent to the new world to pay off his familys debt
and now you are stuck in brazil

still better than nord subhumans

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Attached: Skærmbillede 2020-03-23 kl. 00.37.42.png (1508x1412, 1.67M)

>My country remains almost exactly what it was 300 years ago
And that's why you are and remain a shithole AHAHAHAHAH

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Pablo is a Spanish name.

hahahahahahhh chop his hand off, louis!!

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>is just a flu
what now

Portugal's not to blame.

Brazil was destined by geography to be a wasteland regardless of which empire colonized it.

yea wtf? they shed blood against their nederlander brothers for the spanish and this how they treat their lords now


No problem buddy

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>I think we're great as it is

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Attached: Brasil ideal.png (1024x717, 35.77K)

when i see less videos of brown people beating their wives with 2x4 planks in gore threads i'll say we're getting somewhere

Viver com medo de ser roubado ou estuprado por um pardo de boné aba-reta usando regata de time não é exatamente bom.

the only good post itt

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Attached: america do sul.jpg (1653x2400, 242.21K)

We should annex Colombia instead, and it should be mandatory for every Colombian to racemix with Brazilians have at least 8 beautiful Brazilombian babies who will speak Portuñol with a Caipira-Paisa accent. The future is Brazilombian and there's nothing you can do about it.

You are a fucking retard and you know that is not true.
We have all the mineral, animal, plant and land resources required to be a great nation.

Shame you dont have the people


>Brazilian Bolivia


Attached: Ugh.png (82x75, 6.84K)

The biggest problem with Brazil are the Brazilians. Everyone agrees with that fact even if they argue "which" Brazilians are to blame.

I accidentally fixed South America.

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Acess to Pacific Ocean

So did most of Africa

Amazing how much territory we took from them.

Yeah but they also had a bunch of Africans there.

Am I doing this right?

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Can't wait to import millions of men from other countries to breed our women while we get vasectomies and wait in our cuck sheds, praising Allah, masturbating to cuck porn and playing video-games. Peak first world experience.

kill bolsonaro

>praising Allah
Seems based


Someone's been taking PJW seriously and pretending brown people aren't racial puritans/elitists.


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They tried, it didn't work

3 medium/big countries

all of them with access to the Atlantic and the Pacific (paraguay and bolivia need it)

no eurotrash

All continent with N plug

Just adding more brown people to the mix of already brown people wouldn't make a difference

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Buddy, your country would be Haiti if colonized by France or Suriname if colonized by the Dutch. If the colonized by the English you'd be like Jamaica.


Plantation and mining don't create great nations.

>let's make the country a soulless shithole


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Historically there can't be less than 4 countries.
Gran Colombia (Colombia, venezuela, Ecuador, Panama)
Rio de la Plata (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay
Amerindian confederation (Peru, Bolivia, Chile)


When we're done chopping down the Amazon it will only be a matter of time before Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela become one and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Fragment it. Large countries are abominations anyway.