
Edisi Bote meido

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Good morning
what you all gonna do today?

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Go to work obviously, I love wagecucking.

Work from home, game all day
You still wagecuck? Take care user

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Fot the (you) seethe score later
Noticing a disturbing yet not suprising trend of only Duterte Cronnies and Oligrachs getting tested for China virus.
While Doctors/Nurses are now slowing dying one by one.

Italy has proven that 70% of those infected with COVID-19 showed no symptoms. Meaning 70% could infect others, especially those with weaker immune system. Mass testing is the only effective way of eradicating this disease by preventing the 70% from infecting their families and other people.
#NoToVIPtesting #FreeMassTestingNow

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Still debugging my thesis simulation.

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Top lol
The most accurate use of this format I have ever seen

Also did Grany Gustin married a Malaysian from Borneo?

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I've probably washed hand more this week than in my entire lifetime
Wash your hand
20 second, no less
stop touching your face dummy

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What's a word in your cunt that has no english equivalent?

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I'm gonna marathon hundreds of chapters worth of hentai from fakku release since my hentai manga backlog keeps increasing. Wish me luck bros.

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pengen ngentot gan

still stuck doing my undergraduate thesis. how do i motivate myself aseanbros? feels like i have been lazy this past few months

We only got 127,036 word, friend

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just drop out bro

Asean boys are built for big Canadian cock

I fucking hate religioustard, they should be nuked for the sake of the world.

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I agree

Just fucking do it.
A paragraph a day at least
No excuse

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>nooooo not my piggerinoooo noooo not mr piggie wiggie mcporkorinooooo

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I bet you would kill a cockroach if you found it in your room
pretty hypocritical tbqh

I don't care about cockroach I'm not scared of them, but if I need to kill a living creature I will do it very fast and not torture them first.

they're not torturing it. they're just trying to kill it with what they have, which appears to be just sticks and shovels.
it's not like they went out of their way to find boars to torture.

I'd like to see you kill a big ass boar in one go with only sticks and shovels lmao

Why the fuck they need to kill it in the first place?

because it wandered in their premises and wrecked shit?
>noooo but you can't kill mr piggieeee
I hope you don't eat meat

i will touch your pp

the mosque will be banned or demolished several days later because pig's blood are too spicy for Allah

meant to quote this

why so many indogs


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What the fuck am I watching?

Boars are pests.

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You didn't know that boars are pest animals for every farmer around the globe?
Decrease in Tigers = Explosion in boar population that wreck agriculture sector.
They are overcrowding in Sumatera to the point where they swim across the strait to find new lands in Malaysia.

No guns so it had to be done the old fashioned way, that's why the people need the rights to bear automatic firearms and squad support weapons.

he doesn't know that because when he sees animals he probably thinks of anthropomorphized cartoons

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I don't care about their shitty qurban, but they did a torture, FUCKING TORTURE, not kill it for its meat.

relax, that's not pumba they're killing.
like a lot of anons have said, boars are pests. in the real world, animals aren't all kumbaya like in Lion King.

Is that an excuse for torturing them?

Yeah you go take a machete and chop the head of a 60-100kg boar cleanly or wrestle it and see whether its tackle break your ribcage or not.

Is that the first time that kind of wild animal come to their village? How the fuck dont they have proper tool to deal with that kind of pest?

they're not being tortured
I already explained this already


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>How the fuck dont they have proper tool to deal with that kind of pest?
What did you expect the village to have? Guns?

Can someone do the NOOOO NOT MUH HECKING PIGERRINO meme to this one seething Indon? I don't have any wojaks on me.

they ain't seen me cause I pulled up in my other benz
last week I was in my other other benz



"Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked."
Warren Buffett

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I wanna make love right na na na

smooches your neckie weckie

Because proper tool is called a gun, in my grandfather's village it takes more than an hour for the local reservist to drive to a military base, fill form then take the AUG A1 then drive back to shoot it.
If you take a shit in the outhouse then start screaming because there's a huge boar outside people don't wait more than an hour for the assault rifle.
What you do is send 'HELP BOARS' on whatsapp then the village informs the Siamese village next to them 'BUDDHA HELP' and they send a Toyota Hilux filled with bamboo armed villagers to tenderize it alive then roast it.

Based Pig fuckers BTFO

vietbros, is it possible that the gov. is covering the numbers? went to NHTD last thursday for a med checkup(results are ok), the amount of sickly old people there are staggering, im just hoping i didnt get corona from those geezers

Or just use a fucking net like in hollywood movie

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yea in my home village there are like 5-6 people who owned airguns, probably they used spade so the blood wont spill

Today is the day that emergency hospital is opened
I wonder how medfag is doing....

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Those are mudslimes there bud. muhammad made it to a political movement within 3 years of starting the religion when he started killing jews for not converting. Get. Yo. Shit. Straight.

Real life is not hollywood movie, people just build fence with a gap and bear trap. Do you think people spend a lot of money for thick nets and practice throwing nets at boars all day?
Might as well become the cape hero by that point called Man-O-Hog.
Go watch this Aussie kino while at it.

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There should be the resident hunter, this is why gun or atleast airgun are important.
t. designated airgun owner

Airgun is "arms" here so no deal.

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Is crossbow an arms?


oh the vid is taken in malay? i didnt watch the vid wth sound since im at work, and u guys are not allowed to have even airguns? 2A for SEA when?

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So this is how liberty OOFs with thunderous applause and paid bot commenting shills

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The vid is Indonesia but Malaysian rural areas have similar boar problems+ rampaging elephants.
Yeah no airgun because people couldn't tell the difference to actual gun so it can be used for robbery. Airguns carry 5 years jail if I'm not mistaken. Same for speargun or crossbow because its "lethal" and "discharge missile".
No guns blowdarts only we die like men.

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wfh pakai remote desktop guise