What is your country's general view of India. Do they consider it a land of mystery and adventure...

What is your country's general view of India. Do they consider it a land of mystery and adventure, or still some third world place?

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cheap labor

Shithole of epic proportions filled with actual subhumans

Most mexicans only know that India is the country where they take care of elephants and cows and where it rains a lot

our cultural ancestor

That is the land belongs to our ancestors's children Mughal Empire :)

good food.

very interesting country rich with culture and history

Curry country


I think the enchantment with it is long gone. I haven't met any dumb white women who thought it was an enchanting getaway, well besides maybe one.

Indians are a mixed bag because they show me how shitty of a person I am. They're hard working and generally polite and kind, but I still don't really like them as a whole for some reason, probably because I'm just terrible.

Your experience is with Indian diaspora. Go to India or Indian online spaces and see actual subhumans.

I really do not want to do that


Have you married your cousin yet, paki?

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Yas Forums India posters are actually pretty cool and laid back though

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most think of this when they hear indian

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What exactly is turk's opinion on india in general, politically n etc?

Would be far better off if they had 1/10th as many people.

We were only trying to help

is it like Germany's relationship with Turkey where they hate them, yet secretly love them because half your food culture comes from them?

A land of streets filled with poo that sends ignorant boobs over to us to do cheap IT

Dirty shit-hole only hippies and middle aged morons want to visit.

They only have to view the Indians we have in England to realise how shit India must be.

>half your food culture comes from them?

We literally invented the modern curry.
Its not even an Indian dish anymore

Fuck off racist twat.

Smelly people

Good looking tall chads here.

cringelord factory

>it's another Brit delusions of grandeur episode

Tall, muscular Indians look beta as hell. Their skull shape and facial features aren't aesthetic AT ALL. Their odour and complexion is foul and putrid.

>general view
the average person ignorant af about everything.

Make me punjab

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based nihilist brazil

shitskins who take our fucking jobs

>modern curry

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I remember coming across writing that told that blond people are seen borderline divine beings in some areas of india
But then again they probably just want that bob and vagana


>he actually believes this

>shitskins who take our fucking jo-

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They sometimes smell really bad. Though they're alright. Indians are the best assimilated ethnic group here in NZ

The only South Asians in Scandinavia are Pakis and they are on welfare or in jail so don't worry about them taking your job.

Indians are the best immigrants, they keep their customs and traditions in tact while still assimilating and they are always willing to share their rich and diverse culture with us, we should get more Indians here

Indians are the best immigrants, they keep their customs and traditions in tact while still assimilating and they are always willing to share their rich and diverse culture with us, we should get more Indians here

that sticking metal to girls body stuff not cool

Indians are the best immigrants, they keep their customs and traditions in tact while still assimilating and they are always willing to share their rich and diverse culture with us, we should get more Indians here

this but unironically

Irs/tech support scammers

>Irs/tech support scammers

I have noticed most of the scammers have Bengali accents.

Most Bengalis are not Indians. They are Bangladeshis.


dirty and has disgusting people. Tech scammers live their.

Pooping on the street

Washing said poop hole with bare hand

Rapists everywhere

Drinking and bathing in cow pee

Bathing in the filthy river

are those song lyircs?

We see them as jokes

>that flag
soon u will see them as bosses

yes there are no scammers outside of india

Like a third world country, similar to the Philippines, Turkey, or Thailand, but full of dancing jewel-wearers and horny tech support scammers

Your ancestors are no different from India. Buncha brown mutts that got raped by turkics and now think you are 1. Same thing as muzzies who larp as Mughals

I think of BO and diarrhea, not gonna lie.

They see Indian Americans as smart, hard working and wealthy. They see actual Indians as filthy, poor, ignorant and smelly.

unreliable IT support but reliable and based youtube manuals
also poop piss and vagene

both good and bad. Indians are known to be smart but they have a bad rep for scamming people.