Is there anyone else here from Luxembourg?

Is there anyone else here from Luxembourg?

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Hmm, nobody?

It doesn't work like that, you're only supposed to show when someone makes a "ITT we summon Luxembourg" thread

>14% Portuguese
uh, WTF I thought you were Gauls

I have a tube of luxembourg in my bathroom lol

I always do! There's never anyone else..

Yeah.. well..

Ah yes, the classic Colgate joke!

So is your nation alive and well? Is Luxembourgish spoken? Haha of course not Luxembourg is just the most globohomoed piece of farmland in Europe.

they desperately wanted to make their ownlanguage.

So they just tried to mix in a little bit of German in their French language

They're just Rhinish that got independent. They're like Andorra and Catalonia.

I'm living 30 minutes south of you bro

So like what goes on here? How are you guys holding up?

It probably happens, I just mix you up with the Netherlands cuz the flag is so similar.

Please come visit once the borders are open again!

Well, everything's fine for the most part.. The entire EU is on lockdown and Luxembourg has been pretty quiet, not many people outside anymore.

I want to visit Mullerthal area, it seems comfy.

That’s good to hear so what is it like living there? Is it typically quiet? Just curious, I don’t think most people in the west think about you guys that much but I think your country is interesting

It is, there's a really nice fast food joint nearby called Mr Goufy that has 2 Euro burgers too, super comfy..

It's quiet, kind of boring unless you make an effort to have fun.. but recently it's been all but dead.
It's very cozy living, super clean country with amazing places and generally a high standard of everything.
Just roaming about is fun, there's plenty of restaurants and events or historical places so you don't ever really get bored despite the tiny size.

That’s pretty cool I would like to visit it someday. Is there a lot of French speakers or do people generally know English pretty well? It sounds comfy

English, French, German.. You pick, most people here know a lot of languages.
Luxembourgish being the most common, but I guess that's probably obvious..

are u guys real people ? the only people i met from luxembourg are either french or Poortuguese

I live close x wanna meet n fuck?

finished highschool in LU, but I'm not from there

I'm a real Luxemburger, with salad, sauce, ket-
Yeah, some of us are real.. Lots and lots of essentially "slave" labor in this country though.

Yeah sure.. xoxo

Huh, what high school did you go to?

have the browns and muzzies invaded your country yet?

You can always deport all Portuguese and replace them you MENA immigrants. We'd really appreciate if they came back



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euroschool in kirchberg like almost a decade ago
basically a bunch of degenerates

That’s pretty interesting I should pick up a few Luxembourgish if I visited but I can’t imagine there’s too many resources. My first language is French so maybe that’ll be enough. I like your architecture stuff like this is gourgeous.
So I’ve heard. How do you guys view all these other euros in Luxembourg?

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How is Andre doing user?

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L'accent luxembourgeois est ignoble.Je lui préfère même l'accent ch'ti, c'est pour dire.

Who's Andre?

All the people I met from these euro schools have been pretty weird, they usually have stinking rich parents that work at the EU parliament also and get away with anything.
Weird bunch of people.
I know one that drives a Chevrolet Suburban with diplomat plates and runs red lights and cuts people off all the time.

If your first language is French, you'll be all dandy anyway! Except maybe in the Eastern part of Luxembourg, where German cashiers and stuff are more prevalent.
It's kind of funny when you greet someone in one language, they talk back in another and then you accidentally switch to a third one in less than a couple of words.

I don't mind them, although I kind of feel bad for them since they're just here for the money and end up filling up all the low skill and low pay jobs.
People who have been born here really have a big advantage over them, because starting a life here is nearly impossible unless you slave away for the rest of it.

Mais non, l'accent luxo n'est pas grave!

>have been pretty weird
is because of
>stinking rich parents that work at the EU parliament
so you're not wrong
throw in on top 80% having broken/divorced families, boredom, drugs, identity issues, pressure to get good grades and you get what you get

Yeah, I totally agree with the points you mentioned.
It's kind of eerie how many of them are in situations like that though, you'd think there'd be no chance for so many of them to be in the same place at once.

Moien. A few weeks ago, someone on Yas Forums made a "do they really ?" thread about and by chance I stumbled upon a thread there with the same picture as yours and I replied to that person. Are you the same person? And I've seen someone make a thread about Luxembourg over at Yas Forums ? Is it you ?

The Luxembourg French accent is kinda cute actually it’s not as monotonous sounding as a lot of French. French Canadian is pretty nasally in my opinion. Yeah I can imagine it’s like that everywhere. If you are French in this country you have a huge advantage depending on where you live.

Oh hello! It is me, yes.. I'm the infamous Luxembourg user on Yas Forums and sometimes browse crystal café because it's so comfy over there.
Everyone's always super nice to me over in those two places.
I've been looking for IRL friends for a while, met a single person on /o/ a bit more than a year ago now that ended up becoming my best friend and me becoming his best friend..
Although we only mostly do car related stuff together, so I'd still like one or two people to mix things up with.
Do you wanna talk somewhere? It'd be cool if we could become friends!

I love that French Canadian, it's fun with all the English-y words in between. Well, I'm always on Yas Forums somehow so if you ever visit you should totally let me know and I'll give you a sightseeing tour!

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It’s funny a lot of us don’t really use English words in sentences. The language laws are really strict here so we translate a lot of English words in French. For example stop signs will say ‘’arrête’’ instead. That be cool! Not sure when I’ll be there. I’m doing a course but I’ll probably get an internship in Norway for bit

hows corona i n luxembourg

In Norway, huh? What brings you over there? That's pretty far away for you..

I am becoming a park ranger here but we can do internship overseas in my program. I thought it would be similar environnement as here. I know a guy who did is in Iceland which would be pretty interesting

Yeah bruv, another Luxemburger here!

You sound like a nice person, too bad you're far ;_; hope you find what you're looking for.

Give it to me straight. How are the Portuguese viewed in Luxembourg? I understand you look down upon them, I mean, most of our diaspora there come from very poor, uneducated backgrounds and work menial jobs. Even here they'd be considered uncouth. Either way, givev me a quick rundown. Would you rather have Blacks and North Africans as your workforce?

Hey Luxembourg user you can add me on telegram if you want you seem like a nice person but you are very far. Hope you find what you are looking for : )

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Interesting, what a small world we live in. Just curious, are you a girl or why do you post at crystal café ? I appreciate your offer of friendship but I'm too introverted to befriend someone right now, I'm mostly just a lurker/shitposter.

That's actually pretty cool! I'd totally be interested in something like that if I didn't land the job I got now working for air cargo..
Sounds like heaps of fun, I hope it will be for you.

What gives? How come there's so many of you in the Netherlands now?!
Thank you though, you're very nice too for wishing me the best!
I hope that person here replies, although I dunno when this quarantine blows over and we can actually go outside again..

I think Portuguese who stayed in Portugal hate them more than anyone here.
I heard you guys don't like that they left, is that true?
To be honest.. Apart from the regular hatred against any and all foreigners I feel like the Portuguese aren't seen as necessarily bad.
A lot of them do try and do seem to integrate, so you can't really hate them..

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I fucked a German girl in Luxembourg.
It's kind of a boring country but I still like it.

Wow wtf don't just copy my post and scramble the words a bit, that's my copyright. Sorry I was trying to be funny because our flags look the same :^(
Aren't you scared for meeting people on Yas Forums? The biggest weirdo's are here.

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Oh! I don't have a telegram, sorry about that.. Do you have anything else maybe?

Awh.. That's a really huge shame! It is a tiny world, yeah.. If you change your mind though, you can reply to that post with some way to contact you.
We don't have to be friends IRL, it'd be neat to just talk to someone from the same country!
Well, I'm a guy and browse crystal café because it's comfy as hell.. (Yes, yes.. I know, don't judge!) I've always had girls as friends back then instead of guys and feel like I can have better conversations with those. Nowadays though those kinds of people are mostly my only social outlet, so I'd rather pick nicer people.
It's like a nicer version of Yas Forums, barely anyone even swears there!

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I took creative liberties you just said it too well

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Well, given how well it worked with that other person I met I figure it can't be too bad..
Obviously you always meet somewhere with cameras or notify someone else before you go but apart from that it seems pretty safe!
I think a little risk is worth the reward if you're lonely, right?

>I think Portuguese who stayed in Portugal hate them more than anyone here.
I heard you guys don't like that they left, is that true?
Not necessarily, we understand why they left. They still have very strong ties to the Motherland (Every August they come back in droves) and there's some emigrant jokes and stuff, but that's just banter.
>To be honest.. Apart from the regular hatred against any and all foreigners I feel like the Portuguese aren't seen as necessarily bad.
A lot of them do try and do seem to integrate, so you can't really hate them..
It's good to hear. I'm sure some of them are assholes, but as a whole I think we're not a contentious bunch.

Sanest politician in the land

Very confusing how your country is luxembourg, your, capital is luxembourg, and belgium has a province named luxembourg.
I think we should just invade your country and make it all one province desu.

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Nice country, comfy and friendly people.

How old are you?

Do you consider yourself lonely?

How about you give us back that part of Luxembourg instead? How about that?!

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What do you use to communicate? I don’t really use anything other then telegram. I can see what I can do

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