What do communists look like in your country?

What do communists look like in your country?

Pic related, leaders of the upcoming american communist revolution.

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Wait why do you have a Korean flag?

Like this

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They are old fat boomers who go to the beach naked and hang dream catchers in their homes

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I'm using a VPN to avoid janny's wrath. Isn't it obvious?

they look about as i imagine

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Based janny for banning all USA flags


nazis are communist in mexico?

national SOCIALIST, they're commies

pick one

Unironically hot af. Pic related. Feels good being on the right side of history alongside all the qts

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Only the trash and undesirables are communists the superiors desire dominance not equality.

fucking boomer

You aren't superior and your desires are fantasies

please be bait

We dont have any since we banned communism back in 2015

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the right one looks like a tranny

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>why yes

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Say again ?

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I bet she's hairy down there

the NATO puppet regime in Kyiv may have banned the communist party, but not communism as a movement.

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Ugly mongoloids
Checks out

all communist is jailed or killed no meming
cause of the whole monarchy and vietnam war staff

based stalinism, not communism

What's wrong with communism?

>chubby 6/10 goblinas are considered "hot" in chile

They look like soijak templates lmao

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chapo are closer to fascism than communism

Nothing, really. It's just a meme ideology that attracts weirdos. I don't hate commies because I know they're just harmless autists.

i suppose this is a redditor’s idea of “hot”

Every single Canadian alive hates their unfair exploitative jew boss, to Americans we would all be called far left extremists because of our healthcare though even though we are slaves to markets of china and America.

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it is a meme ideaology that would never actually work, just like ancap or anprim shit. i dont think commies have bad intentions but they are just gullible retards

Communists lead the only independent Korean state.

Yeah Canadians are soi as fuck but Albertans are pretty based.

They're just generic upper middle-class champagne socialists.

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Like this

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Juche is nazbol you fucking retard

Chad's are the bosses
Soy faggots are the slaves

yeah free to get addicted to amphetamines and die of dysentery

It is a variety of Marxism-Leninism. That's why it's allied with China, Cuba, Palestine etc.

>"allied" with methland
they simply have a common enemy, but china doesn't give a shit about that shithole

tfw no commie mommy gf

she'd still be fucking chad even after the revolution, user

fuck, people really listen to these fat neckbearded creatures and think "yeah im a communist now"

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obviously, chad always win

t. US colony.


usually look freakish as most politically extreme people do

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Difference is that Britain existed before the USA and deserves liberation. South Korea on the other hand, has no basis other than the American occupation of the southern half of the DPRK.

Doesn't that make the UK more cucked in this situation? Going from a global empire to being subservient to one of its colonies sounds lot worse than a small asian country being used for a proxy war.

British imperialism was supplanted by American imperialism, the point is to oppose both.

This is how they looked like when they still existed. Now they don’t, because preaching totalitarian views is against our constitution. But secretly they still run the show in this oligarchy and are untouchable.

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That poor cat

Dismantling the borders as the end goal won’t end up good. Look at the Coronavirus outbreak and the national borders suddenly returning. Or the rapefugee problem. How do you imagine that spreading in the borderless society?

Dismantling currency is impossible, it existed for as long as society itself did. Pol Pot only attempted that actually.

>Chapo thread
>Amber isn't the OP
You had one job

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Pic related, the famous corona bandito who seized the means of filtration from Chinese-Italian bourgeiose.

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