CVBAN BVLLS just landed in italy
CVBAN BVLLS just landed in italy
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Do you think they will get shot in their mainland if they don't praise Castro?
Amerikkkans created Corona in Fort Detrick...
They let this shit escape, panicked and then scattered this crap through the Silk Road to blame China
They did the same thing with the spanish Flu, that was in fact amerikan. Their media created the name spanish Flu to blame Spain for their shit.
The first official cases of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic were recorded at the U.S. Army’s Camp Funston, Kansas, where this emergency influenza ward held treated patients
Shut up, mixed munky
Nobody cares for what you think unless youre 100% euro
is it just me or is cuba the only non violent shithole in latin america?
Never quote me again, self hating cuck.
idk, but cubans are very chill
the funniest thing ever is that cuba helped brazil sending doctors to us and bostanaro and his schizo agenda send them back because "muh communism" and let remote areas of brazil in need of doctors, but now in corona crisis they're begging for the cubans to come back
the right wing schizos never learn
the benevolent communist bvlls are helping us once again
Shut the fuck up retard
Mixed monkey
Youre not westerner, you a poor mixed monkey who speaks an araberian language
Cubans in Italy have the potential for extreme basedness
Bozonaro is in that chair only to sell the country to amerisharts, so we can sink with them
>Mixed monkey
>Youre not westerner, you a poor mixed monkey who speaks an araberian language
checked triples of truth. Why did brazil need doctors?
we third world now
> send an SMS to 48248, with less than 1€ per day, little Mario will be able to go to school, have food, receive medical care and have internet connection so be can shitpost on Yas Forums. Only you can help him.
>italian lives are now in the hands of third world socialists
Mixed monkey 40% african and native american.
You arent parte of that "western" culture.
It's a benevolent dictatorship. Possibly the best for of government for South America, where people are constant floating into Argentina/Venezuela tier socialism, apocalyptic for the economy, or full retards like Bolsonaro who are complete memes
The retarded shiterikan who hides behind a Proxy to talk shit on a chinese board
they have very high literacy, not much poverty and absolutely tip top healthcare
of course they are still poor by international standards, but by caribbean/central american standards not so much
>monkey sounds
We've heard of Chinese and Cuban assistance to Italy, but what kind of help have their fellow Europeans been giving them? Haven't seen anything in the news about this.
because we don't have enough for the population and the ones the we have are middle class pricks that don't want to go the brazil's remote areas, leaving a gigantic gap in our medical system in the most not-urban areas
the government pay more to doctors that leave the capitals/big cities and go to the small cities/villages but even this way our obnoxious arrogant doctors didn't want to go, so thousands of cubans came to brazil to fill that gap in the PT era
few years later and bostanaro got the power and send the vast majority of the cubans back home and insulting them (muh communists, muh fake doctors, muh your country sucks, muh your certificate is fake, muh communists can't be good doctors, all fake muh).
our small cities, villages and remote areas all became doctorless once again.
but now the corona crisis hit and they're calling the cubans back because our doctors weren't enough even for normal conditions and even stupidly less in a health crisis
just the tip of the iceberg for you, my fellow italian friend
They've been giving them shit.
>They've been giving them shit.
they seized masks that china donated us
you should have listened to him
>absolutely tip top healthcare
>they seized masks that china donated us
I have a hard time believing this.
Monkeys shouldn't land in Europe.
are you Farsi or some foreigner in Iran? What is the situation there? Is your city under lockdown? Here the media is basically using your country as an example to scare people to follow curfew laws. Is it really that bad? Has someone you know been affected?
for istance, but that's not the only one
do you think these doctors are voluntarily going to do one of the most dangerous jobs imaginable in a foreign land?
im not criticising it but i imagine you don't have much scope to say no.
who cares if they are volunteers or not.
Cuba is an absolute shithole and it's in a lousy state, you'll understand when you leave Varadero and go to a non touristic place.
I went to a small town where my cousin lives and a 14 year old prostitute tried to offer me her services.
I almost cried.
t. John Tyrone Batista
So you support child prostitution?
do you think there is similar problems due to destitution/poverty in other caribbean countries like jamaica, haiti and dominicana?
I'm Iranian. Cities aren't under lockdown, but businesses are mostly closed. I don't know what the situation is like in hospitals but no one I know has been infected.
>We are working with both countries to make sure that Italy will not lose out on anything,' says Czech interior minister after masks confiscated in error
>The Czech foreign minister has said that 110,000 face masks will be sent to Italy from their own stock while the police investigation is ongoing, the Italian embassy to Prague told The Independent.
>tip top healthcare
no.It does not.
Is it free?Yes, does it have high technological machines?no
is bullshit
They have a very hierarchical healthcare system that only benefits the party apparatus and their cronies
>socialist healthcare
>Free healthcare
How about taking away all your wages for free healthcare and education is it worth it?
I really should not respond to lessers
Probably but denying that Cuba is a repressed poor shithole because other countries in the region are poor too is typical soviet whataboutism.
Cuba is no paradise and the current regime is the same if not worse as the one that came before it.
Everyone was also desperate to try to get dollars out of you and tried to scam you at every chance they got.
Half of South America is safer than Shiterica.
But, of course, being safer than the land of the amerimonkeys is not a big think
t. gusano
How did we fell so low, Italibros?
Go get blown up by the FARC
Viva Cuba e viva Fidel
>all of the money
>1.º until € 7.112
normal tax 14,50% medium tax 14,50%
>2.º from € 7.112 to € 10.732
normal tax 23,00% medium tax 17,367%
>3.º from € 10.732 to € 20.322
normal tax 28,50% medium tax 22,621%
>4.º from € 20.322 to € 25.075
normal tax 35,00% medium tax 24,967%
>5.º from € 25.075 to € 36.967
normal tax 37,00% medium tax 28,838%
>6.º from € 36.967 to € 80.882
normal tax 45,00% medium tax 37,613%
>7.º more than € 80.882
normal tax 48,00%
que app es esa
give me back my virus masks. France seized my virus masks i bought from the Uk, Despicable and vile.
>Insults EU
>Brings in the Virus to Europe from betraying EU
>"but why isn't the rest of yurpe no help us :'( "
its not a whataboutism.
its comparing apples with apples rather than pears.
maybe cuba being poor is not fully to do with communism, but to do with the fact that caribbean island economies just generally are not as robust for reasons of natural geography, culture? maybe even demographically in terms of the fact that all caribbean countries tend to see mass exodus to bigger economies?
im not saying communism is a good system, im just saying to do the comparison properly you have to compare cuba with dominicana, puerto rico, haiti and jamaica. not with sweden and netherlands and japan.
chile, argentina and ecuador have lower homicide rates than America
How about 100% tax rate for healthcare and education with 10 euros of income every month.
If you can't solve a basic 4th grade algebraic expression you shouldn't be talking about economics.
Combine like expressions to simplify.
-2/3a+5/6a - 1/6
countries of Latin America since the 1870s, income inequality was high, accompanied by capital outflows to foreign investors.[24] The country's economy had grown rapidly in the early part of the century, fueled by the sale of sugar to the United States.[25]
Prior to the Cuban Revolution, Cuba ranked fifth in the hemisphere in per capita income, third in life expectancy, second in per capita ownership of automobiles and telephones, first in the number of television sets per inhabitant.[26] Its income per capita in 1929 was reportedly 41% of the U.S., thus higher than in Mississippi and South Carolina.
maybe because Cuba has been blocked and isolated for decades?
Haiti had an embargo after their slave revolution that was even worse.
It is when you consider that Cuba was already the richest country in the region by far back then.
If the revolution hadn't happened Cuba would be way richer instead of being a stagnating shithole.