Other urls found in this thread:
why is this funny
are americans really this dumb
it's passmong, he's a boomer who obsesses with tabloid trash
how do you feel about working class women lads
mad how people think this money subsidization is good, like they're just generating free money and expecting nothing in return lmao enjoy your £9 pints for the next 6 years x
Little less than $2k
Why are politicians and their families such atypical freaks? Why cannot they be normal?
The Times mate so highbrow it's part of your hairline
prefer lower middle class girls
wtf is ethical non-monogamy
Former MEP loves the EU.. wow how fascinating thanks for sharing..
>lol dood brexit means the pm's dad can't be a french citizen xD
hootin n hollerin
he was a member of Spinelli's crocodile club
alcohol is haram
hard pass
I’m from Philly which has a VERY distinct working class accent and they all sound stupid as shit and gross even if they’re probably alright people
working class girls or working girls
the lycra freaks are out in full today. need to be run over multiple times, each and every one of them
the Times reporting on celebrities does not make celebrity gossip highbrow, it just means the Times quality has severely declined.
besides, passmong can't stop himself from obsessing over Daily Mail articles either
Upper middle class girls tend to be slaggier - daddy issues
meh taxes were gonna go up anyway
>streamer i like playing story game i'd like to watch
>already half way through it
Taking a guess but I presume it means the woman is "allowed" by her betabux bf to fuck as many guys as she wants so it is technically not cheating.
just ate a whole share pack of fruit pastilles
post an example of this accent
same thing right
idk rich girls are always utterly fucked in the head
Annoying bc rich girls are the girls I get on with the most
Gas London
i can do all of these things apart from "A friendly phone call". would ticking everything apart from that look weird?
this, lower middle class girls are basically deanettes
wahey look at the runts go
My shits are always particularly vile after a night of heavy drinking.
yeh probably
no that's good
it shows that you're a dedicated working man who'll get the job done
watching minecraft videos on youtube. it's a surprisingly wholesome side of youtube.
deannettes actually aren't slaggy though
they just have ABYSMAL taste in pop culture and unironically like the kardashians
but they're very loyal to their bfs
Weather getting up in the 10-15 degree range now lads
Love it
March-June is the best time of the year
Reminder that if you're one of the many posters who posts links ITT, you should remember that I don't open a single one of them. Youtube, BBC, Vice, DailyMail, vocaroo, strawpoll, anything; I do not click a single one. All that time you spend highlighting the link, copying and pasting it, filling out the CAPTCHA and sitting eagerly waiting for relevant (You)s relating to the content on the other side of the link are completely and utterly wasted on me because I do not, ever, open links ITT.
say whatever you want about the BRiD GmbH, they know how to keep their slaves around
I'm very pissed off about this desu. I get none of the free money due to being unemployed, and I'm also not able to get a new job because no fucker is hiring. Yet I'll be just as responsible for paying it back as everybody else. Bloody nightmare
typical sunday night for me
do sex
weird how in november my toil and all of my mates toils all started introducing better measures to allow people to work from home more effectively
nah get some of them a bit drunk at revolutions or be at one or similar and see what happens
unironically good post
i've been watching one where a guy makes mods. it's quite interesting as a programmer, gives me ideas.
might make a minecraft mod now i have the time
post your fave minecraft youtubers? could do with watching something comfy
gfs grandma is cute. she doesnt speak english very good, has an old flip phone. yesterday she texted me "i has". then about 9 hours later she texted "the money".
real happy she has some money
do not get the appeal of streaming
die hun bastards
proles and bourgeois are degenerate af because they either had shit parenting or rebel against their parents but petit bourgeois actually had good parenting and follow the lessons they learned in childhood
it is very nice outside. shame we can't go out and enjoy it. as soon as this blows over i'm gonna invite the lads to sit on the hills near my house, drink some pints and enjoy the sunshine.
dont have any favourites. literally only started watching minecraft videos last night because i had a wee nostalgia trip. i did find this comfy one though.
first time i've watched minecraft videos since that "X's Adventures in Minecraft" series back when it was in alpha
mostly for the live chat
Proof that God punishes evil people
only stockpiling stuff I don't really like or eat all that often
i can't stand his stupid australian accent but i like seeing mods get made
>shame we can't go out and enjoy it
you can
cheers lad, adding to my watch later as we speak x
Extremely based
>Russia and Cuba sending doctors and equipment to help Italy
We about to see a new Cold War, 2nd World Italy? Sounds kino
Don't need to shop for anything but stockpiled anyway to stoke discontent and panic
>at revolutions
there's a weird bit in it when he's fast forwarding and the music from minecraft is being fast-forwarded over the top of the song he had playing in the background that's a bit annoying, but it only lasts a few seconds.
Good post once again
During my drug phrase literally every girl I met was rich as fuck in the drug scene
It was kino bc they’d be offering my coke just so ‘I would also be on their level’
My drug times were eye opening
Ha ha .. He's not really that old .. What is Limmy like ..
After Boris' speech, if toil doesn't close tomorrow we never will
>medical emergency across the world involves countries sending doctors to each other
>You, a retard: DURRRR WE GOING TO WAR??
nobody cares you vf runt
US at 38k cases now lads
far ahead of spain
shitaly actually had one of the biggest communist parties after ww2 and they came really close to flipping so the NATO destabilized the country with bombings
>my drug phrase
Didn't know about this 190. Cheeky to ask I know but do you happen to have a handy list of every drug you've ever taken?
before the great plague of 2019 to 2021, there was a club called revolution in many towns across the country, they were common meeting places for young adults looking for a good time
Remember when you threw a three day long tantrum because some girl you liked added a lad on facebook
China is deliberately spreading corona in the USA to cause economic damage and because they know Trump will fuck up the response and lose the election
Wednesday or not at all I'd say.
nowt better than a dead yank
> I have often laughed to think of that recruiting poster, ‘What did you do in the Great War, daddy?’ (a child is asking this question of its shame-stricken father), and of all the men who must have been lured into the army by just that poster and afterwards despised by their children for not being Conscientious Objectors.
would rather remain toiling as applying for the dole sounds like a nightmare, especially as the office is presumably closed and I assume the site and phonelines will be overwhelmed so will take ages
I don’t usually say but since you’ve badgered me into talking about it
Drugs I’ve done whilst partaking in British culture such as raves and generally being a wasteman:
Various speeds
Rhino ket
Thc pills
Bath salts
NOS Cannisters
Imagine being such a neek that you’d go through uni not doing drugs.
Any drugs you recommend I do while partaking in British culture such as raves and that?
Also best combo is the classic Calvin Klein, a trusty reliable ol’ friend that’s only physically bad for you, mentally coke comedowns are a doddle.
tl;dr: I fucking love drugs
cuba's healthcare is actually relatively advanced
reminder that "muh CIA" is just the tankie version of "muh Jews" when it comes to imagining an omnipotent shadowy conspiracy that controls all world affairs
not british culture though is it
Socialist Italy soon, maybe a socialist France and hopefully a socialist Britain.
The NHS is the first against the wall.
Probably because of all the times theyve been caught
went out for a walk today, quite a lot of people out in groups... even some old people, mongy cunts.
working class culture is regressive nonsense
i was just thinking in the usa they get latina qts here we get asian qts but in the uk all you get is indian and africans hahah get fucked.
Imagine the smell.
the so called scran
the people that do this kind of stuff are probably homeless junkies that aren't on any radar and are so far detached from society that they just do not give a fuck
I like most of that stuff but that old taskmistress heroin will forever have my heart
There's no food anywhere
I'm so hungry
which, the jews or the cia?
>not drinking for 4 weeks he says
Please don't talk about Indian girls
Lovely lancia at the start there
same. even detoured down some backroads cause saw so many people along the path right next to each other and cba having to walk around them
Just play Kaiserreich if you want to live in your fantasy world
why is the plate that color
why would upper middle class girls have daddy issues? they aren’t likely to be from divorced or abused households.
All he can talk about re: his new move is how he'll be drinking and betting differently there.
>why most certainly! i DO listen to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast!
the scran
Ate the pizza I was gonna have today while I was drinking last night, I don't even remember eating it, now I've got nothing but tins of soup.
Ten dead yanks.
>Coronapandemia locks people inside the homes and they hae to tolerate family members a little longer times than usual.
>On Tuesday last week, 36-year old woman had lost her nerves because schools were closed. She was a teacher and now locked in home with a husband and kids.
>She eventually attacked her small sized husband, kept him in a strangling position until the man was about to collapse. Then she turned her attention to the small boys who tried to help their dad. She kicked the kids and the man got freed for a moment to call in the cops.
>Luckily the cops took the man seriously and took the enraged woman to the police jail.
>There have been sometimes cases when a man tries to call for help and police respond with "You are getting beaten by a woman?"
>Not this time.
right but those of us who wanted to stay in the EU, but dont have any irish ancestry dont get to keep our EU passport :(
based 2020 so far lads
a*stralians nearly wiped out
y*nks soon to be wiped out
based based based
order a chinese takeaway
you're not racist, are you?
18 year-old in the UK has died of the 'virus now
Probably some fat fucker
indians are aboriginals with big noses and are good at maths
Chips and coronavirus?
>Iceland's never had an many fucking blacks
fucking hot man