/mena/ + /diasتيز/ - Le fil du Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique du Nord + Di*spora

Édition Irak

Invité : Tous le monde
Pas invité : Personne

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frist for all posters below me are retarded pissbabies


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*Below OP
Heh nothing personal, kid....

First for the rise of the Jewish people and the destruction of Palestine

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wtf? so if I try to take down a tyrant, I just take their place? no wonder I avoided this game, and anything made by obsidian. they love providing fascists, neoliberals, and “an”caps with presentation and means to exercise their ideologies in games.

ironically, Bethesda knows how to make leftist factions. the railroad are anarchists who literally fight to dismantle every tyrant, and the Minutemen literally set up and protect communes. they understand fallout better than its creators.

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OP is based

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goddamn poos will put us all in concetration camps sooner or later
>mfw we're all will be jewed

literally me in the webm
kind of, yes man is the one in power, but since he is your yes man he does what you say. and i dont think you are allowed to play once you finish the game like in fo3 without the BoS dlc


Why do you prefer video game-based bait, Saudi?

I'm now convinced that God is real.
I'm going to become a Muslim again.

holy shit im going insane in this quarantine i need to leave this city these dumb boot licking niggers woke me up at 8 pm clapping and whistling for dogs of the regime.

Our dream has finally come to fruition.


it's a literal american tranny with a VPN

Remind me of the dream tho, I forgot
Turd or bal?

Mehdi.... you disappoint me

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ok seriously stop calling me this

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Post tummy
I'll honor those trips

only uni and high school is closed here, how many cases do you have? we have like 2000 (confirmed)


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>N word
Hey hey , less Negrophobic remarks

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r8 me /mena/

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Is this true mena bros?

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Here they are like 180 cases and we already declared emergency
It's hard because we are in the middle of economic collapse
Thankfully we've got hezbolalh tho.
Here is vid of medical wing training last night

The curfew is indeed annoying as fuck but it's still comfy.
I'm sitting on a chair, with a blanket around me drinking hot chocolate and playing video games. And the police just arrested one of my neighbors that I once had a fight with so my mood is in the mountains. Can it get better than this?

Post tummy/10


Based destruction of Palestine

will host this if there's enough interest

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post tummy

well it takes more than a flu to perma heem a viking so we are chilling

Chinks and whites are gonna go extinct. I sure do remember chinks calling us a violent and terrorist people.

Why is he doing this?
Is he drunk ?

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fuck all of you

I'm sorry bro, I'm not beur, I was just larping.
I like Chinese tho.
Whites are ok as well except for the Anglos

Green, start at jordan, name of faction organization for the liberation of the levant, name of leader abu tha'ir al urduni.

im here bro, if you fail to get enough players in /mena/ make a thread i tried it once janny wont ban you.

yes, these lads exsit in every district of a city, in every town and every village.
he didnt like the bald guy so he pushed him

you have spills

spills go to israel


Crazy people are bro tier when. They are not mad

>still don't have a /MENA/ Bf who can send PP pics to me

i'm so sad..starting to lose hope ((((

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You are the one who regected me.

going for a smoke break ill be back in 5

i miss akarin

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are you cute?

gonna be online tomorrow

before corona

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I bet beur got bombed by a barrel
Why else wouldn't he come here anymore ?


Real gays have better personalities than the one you are trying to larp as ^^

Oh nice coronaflag

This sequence is called Quints, because you got 5 (five) repeating digits from right to left.

nice #s

Do you speak MSA?

Yes. Need help with something?

yes to a degree

No, just wondering how many people actually speak it

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So i got the usual iranian flag AND quints. Can you beat this, s*nnis ?

wtf are you talking about ?

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here is some anthem

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Do you like football in Iran? or cricket?

where are you tunisfag

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I'm in syria but i randomly get an iranian flag from time to time

>An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: MHG4wVqbaW_BsDn-)
>Learn More

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flag test

no, i don't even know what cricket is.

>no, i don't even know what cricket is.
far away planet with genocidal xenophobic inhabitants. kinda like iran

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