How many Slavic birds has he shagged? Are we talking three figures?
How many Slavic birds has he shagged? Are we talking three figures?
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unironically hate this fucking subhuman so damn much
someone link his forum posts. The dude's unironically a Jewish chad scoring muslim slash left and right.
bit gay of you to post
He raped hundreds of them
Why?? What's your problem?
>bit gay of you to post
It's a bit of a combined hate.
I really hate youtubers/vloggers/bloggers really fucking much. If it was legal they would be number one on my to strangle list on the same tier of ""celebrity influencers"".
Two, I really hate muh dik sexpats. Especially ones that are pushed on this board like this faggot or that hidinginmyroom retard. Literal vermin.
This guy is both
Fuck, watching this one made me anxious
he's a rich Jew, so yeah, hundreds.
who's that?
He is a based chad
These people give is a peek into interesting places like Kalmykia, Transnistria, Turkmenistan, rural Belarus...whe can't see many of these places with our own eyes and they provide that
If he is Jewish he treats that like hobby
>when she breaks out the Spanish in Cuba
As if she wasn't charming and beautiful enough but also poly polyglot
all he does is walk around filming himself calling shit "soviet"
maybe 5% is actually interesting
How is this fat bald guy having so much success with women?
loved his india videos, his belarus vids are based too
based based based
>muh Joos
I swear to God, Poles are literally braindead.
Wrong, running into a random Russian dressed up as Santa in Mauritania and taking a hopper car train trip through the Sahara desert is exciting
this guy is a sociapath who exploits his newly made "friends" in the hopes of getting in their women's panties. he is fake as fuck and if i saw him in real life i would crush his windpipe and curbstomp his pathetic bald head
He's ultra rich
Russian women love that
He's literally a fucking jew
fat TALL bald guy
maybe if you're braindead or 12 years old.
how did baldnbankrupt become so based?
is travel not a meme after all? aaaaaaaaaaaa Yas Forums lied
They don't
He pays them to be around him
Where is this coming from? He is /ourguy/ perhaps another board would better suit you
this is a good photo
alinchik normally looks like she's had too much to drink
He literally rapes them, he got charged with rape in the UK but in Slavic cunts it’s harder to get charged with rape unless the rape is brutal
>source: ass
wow the incel rage is pretty real ITT
>Where is this coming from?
well i travel so i know many cunts like him
It’s pretty obvious baljeet
>muhh based /our guy/ e-celeb
sup reddit
i had a central asian gf though
>tfw no beautiful, Belorussian, polyglot, daredevil gf
He isn't/wasn't rich, where do you think his name bankrupt comes from?
Does he really script his videos? Thought that video where they break into the Taj Hotel was real feelsbadman
saying its obvious or name calling are not valid arguments
WTF, why does he trigger them so fucking hard!?
He has tons of money, otherwise he wouldn't be able to travel for years around the world.
>benjamin RICH lel
look where he travels and where he goes, the budget is down to practically 0 man
how does he do it?
>Rich, Benjamin
i dont get it either
literally what the fuck is even the point of travelling without pulling local pussy
He's really stingy with money in his vids so I'm not sure. I was watching the Cuba vid today and he tried to haggle down the hotel price from 25 to 20.
He's been travelling for years. He has to eat every day. He has to pay for his tickets. He has to pay for his whores. He has to pay for accommodation, etc. He rents cars and shite.
read above.
are you forgetting about the youtube money?
he has 1,5 million subscribers and 190 million views
he must earn at least 5000€ per month
a camera
that too.
He definitely doesn't look like he's lacking money.
she is CONSTANTLY throwing a fit and nobody in the comments sees it because they're too preoccupied with cooming
Read my post once again half gypsy mongrel
I bet he "has" money, but not like "FU" money, plus him staying at cheap hostels in Chechnya and crashing for the night at a mosque makes things more interesting. When the camera is not rolling he probably does things differently
can you not write that word like that.
it's "jew", not "joo". i dont care if you think our ethnonym is funny - we find that spelling insensitive and frankly a bit racist.
I have, mongoloid. It's retarded.
>he respects women
She is adventurous and sometimes gets in over her head, still a thousand times more interesting than western thot #103452
since when was it a competition?
Not sure what you are getting at
>american flag
>"a thousand times more interesting than western thot #103452"
Indeed, Sir. True gentlemen appreciate an exotic and strong woman. Ugh I hate my country and its slutty women.
the chick complains you willfully ignorant numbskull
>still more x then Y
its not a competition
the chick complains too much and being pretty does not make it cool
I couldn't give a shit about the back alley bydlo golddigger sluts he lures with his youtube revenue, in fact i would apreciate his content if he was honest with his real intent. his fake "yeah bro let's see this FASCINATING decrepit soviet sweatshop lulsorandum wholesome" demeanour shrouding his real intentions is very off putting and sketchy.
Ah yes, all those fun,worldly American girls speaking 7 languages and travelling all over to world from one exotic spot to another
Ok got it, even though she is miles better than our average girl in every conceivable way, her "bitching" to much is a dealbreaker for you
>She is adventurous and sometimes gets in over her head, still a thousand times more interesting than western thot #103452
>T. Thinks Eastern Europe is so freaking based because he can get girls with money more easily as a sexpat loser
I can get girls easy anywhere, this girl is not the type I have exposure to and therefor more interesting