>800 dead Italians in 24h
this is some Black Death tier shit
>800 dead Italians in 24h
this is some Black Death tier shit
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That was yesterday (18 hours ago)
Let's wait for todays numbers
you ain't seen nuffin yet kid
I hope that yesterday was the top of the curve and to doesn't pass the 1k bar today lads
fellow pasta bro stay stronk
They stoped sending people over 70 y.o. to ICU, basically telling them "welp, too bad for you but younger guys have priority, RIPIP In Peace, Mario"
>800 dead
>mostly old boomers and weaklings with a medical record longer than the love letter you wrote to your crush in highschool
literally nothing
It isn't, Black Death was far higher and was a bacteria which affected anyone of all ages
Like 50% of Europe died from Black Plague. Some regions lost up to 80% of people. It's nothing like that.
nothing personnel
>It's going to get worse
why do you hate humanity?
Today it is 992
Humans are pussies
And my president is STILL saying it is just a flu and callong the governor of my state that declared a lockdown quarantine a lunatic
This fucker is actively trying to kill people
my president :^)
he's right tho
It's just a flu bro
still not as deadly as gulag virus
well they lived enough but it's more humane to give the bad cases a death shot.
How many, bros?
even during the Wars of Religion some regions of Germany were almost emptied
how the fuck does that help... is this just for show for the dumb masses like who goes around licking concrete fences
it will, active cases keep increasing, the pressure on the healthcare keeps building
maybe we won't pass 1k today, but we will eventually
Hopefully he will pay for his foolishness and Lula will come back
Which is funny cause he's currently announced he wants to test himself a third time cause he thinks he might've caught it
kek. i imagine this has been posted in /ita/ already
I've seen predictions of the consequences of this and it's billions infected with 100 million+ dead by the end of 2020. That's not an exaggeration or happening hype, it's the genuine prediction based on current understanding and maths.
This is it. This is when the world fundamentally changes.
It's nowhere near that bad but In a way societies could take the hit then. Less than a hundred years later and the populations back above where it was before, because everyone has 10 kids
Now if you lose a million people that's them gone for good because of low birth rates
The biggest curfew in India's history happened today. I'm scared guys. I haven't stockpiled much food. And they curfew is gonna last till the end of the month. Wonder where I'm gonna get groceries from.
it's like two weeks old
Why do muh birthrate tards think they are somehow a permanent thing? If we really lost a million people it would mean more free jobs and real estate and therefore more incentive to have a family. Birth rates in the developed world are so low because the job and housing markets are utterly clogged up.
Imagine the numbers in India and Africa
The weak should fear the strong
>w-we're peaking, i-it won't get w-worse from now on
narrator: and then it got worse
Yep. Predictions are around 1% death rate in rich countries, closer to 5% in poor countries.
Shit's fucked.
Hopefully they can find a new president who is neither a wannabe-fascist nor a corrupt embezzler of public funds
it can't get worse forever.......................................................................................
So like 20% in your shithole country?
im actually kinda exited to see how the absolute state of the entire world is going to look in a month.
the most precise estimate is between 0,5-1%
africa is pretty young, the virus mostly hurts boomers
IMO we're not gonna see more than 1m deaths.
That's not very nice of you, Denmark
They hate themselves mostly
>Ey, this water a is too spicy a for my meat hands a
OH yeah, the other problem we have is that unemployment is going to go through the roof. If your country can't afford to offer a safety net shit is going to get REALLY rough, and there will be a lot of deaths as the result of poverty.
That's the western estimate, it depends on the place. Different countries have different levels of preparation and wealth to throw at the problem.
>IMO we're not gonna see more than 1m deaths.
I really wish that was true.
many were in hospitals already with cancer and other severe conditions
True, but I wouldn't be surprised if young Africans get more serious infections on average, since they might not be as healthy as the young Europeans. Chronic diseases and health condition in general are aggravating factors.
yeah but I don't care about them
>implying the janny won't ruin it again
We need to relocate to /ita/ or something.
At what time do we get the new cases and deaths for today?
150,000 people die every day
ooʇ ǝip lliʍ noʎ
Even young people can require hospitalisation. Without ventilators a lot of younger people may die too.
it's holding me back brah
Oh the world will change alright, but not for the better. The lessons we should take away from this is that 1: a robust healthcare system ought to be the priority for every stable government on Earth, and 2: most of the jobs in our society can be done from home and there’s no reason to continue this bullshit 8 hour, commute-to-the-office workday if you can do your job from home, it’s just a way for your company to control your life and limit your free time.
The lessons that people in power will take away from this, however, is that people will easily comply with fundamental freedom-violating emergency procedures at the government’s beck and call, and that the people will continue to support even politicians who completely bungled this and cost their country at least hundreds of thousands of additional deaths (*coof* Trump *coof*) because he’s from the voters’ “team.”
Around 50 million people die each year normally. This year may triple that.
Not from 4 days of agonizing suffocation. What will you be thinking of when it's your turn, I wonder?
Well I don't know about you, but I work from home now and it's been very hard to adapt. I basically cannot get shit done because I associate home with rest.
I really want to see what Yas Forumsddit will say once the US catches up with Italy in total cases in a month or so
>in a month or so
more like a couple of days desu
at what time will italy give todays numbers? dubs and its over 1000
you forgot
>people cleaning shit, stocking shelves and doing other menial shit are actually vital
>medical staff should not be taken for granted and retained at all costs
>service and entertainment industries are entirely useless in a crisis and you will loose money/business if you invest in them
we’re going to quickly surpass italy. Its going to be a mess here.
>Well I don't know about you, but I work from home now and it's been very hard to adapt. I basically cannot get shit done because I associate home with rest.
Yeah, this. While in theory I can work as normal I find it hard to do anything. Also everything's a mess and people don't communicate with each other properly.
I believe they give the results at 18:00
Do americans really?
Probably blame Jews or liberals
>a couple of days
I mean I would love for that to be the case, but unless Italy reaches peak, like, today then is still not happening.
2 weeks then.
>entertainment industries are entirely useless in a crisis
I imagine all digital entertainment and streaming is actually booming rn tbqh.
okay let me correct that: physical businesses are basically bound to get fucked due to profit margins
maybe streaming will take over even harder now if the data demands can keep up
Shit will go down fast once the economy tanks
I hope it means we'll actually transition to having digital releases at the same time as theatrical the timegap is stupid as fuck.
They are just honest About it
>entertainment industries are entirely useless
Videogames, streaming services etc. are actually doing fucking great right now, but I get what you're trying to say.
Also graphic designer, hoo boy it might be hard to find a new job rn.
The hero we need.
obviously all casulties are just liberals dying to hate on trump
Is coronachan the reckoning of the Lombard boomer?