In order the countries that consume the most coffee per capita:
>Finland – 12 kilograms (26 lb)
>Norway – 9.9 kilograms (22 lb)
>Iceland – 9 kilograms (20 lb)
>Denmark – 8.7 kilograms (19 lb)
>Netherlands – 8.4 kilograms (19 lb)
>Sweden – 8.2 kilograms (18 lb)
>Switzerland – 7.9 kilograms (17 lb)
>Belgium – 6.8 kilograms (15 lb)
>Luxembourg – 6.5 kilograms (14 lb)
>Canada – 6.5 kilograms (14 lb)
What do you think about this? And why do nords consume so much? Do they prefer black or with milk?
In order the countries that consume the most coffee per capita:
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no surprise it's the most soy countries
Finns are addicted to caffeine
we prefer it BLACK
The only true coffee is the espresso. Never found one outside italy. You soulless animals
Shut up southroid, you drink it for its caffeine not for taste
No idea how we came to drink this much coffee, but shit's delicious so it makes sense to me.
>Do they prefer black or with milk?
Coffee is the devil’s semen and no wonder yts love that shit.
Coffee is disgusting, I prefer tea
>And why do nords consume so much?
It's dark outside 7 months of the year.
To stay awake during winter
>he drinks coffee
Could you step back a bit, towards that derelict building just behind you?
Strong and black, like my women.
come to portugal
I've never tasted coffee in my life, my coworkers and friends gulp that shit down though it's true.
Coffee? Nah, i prefer tea.
it's the superior drink
Can someone post the statistics on consumption of tea? Japan must be on the top three
Drink about 3-4 black coffees a day with my French press. Get my beans from a local grocer who imports them from a roasting company fresh as fuck. Trying out beans from Kokoda next week. PNG is definitely my favourite source so far.
t. melbourne
The beans are roasted in Melbourne but I don't live there. If I was in Melbourne I'd buy my coffee daily from a coffee cart run by a homeless transgender muslim in a wheelchair for $9 a cup.
Japan is 10th
Well of course you do
with milk, I'm not a fucking vegan
Suomi mentioned :DDD
Those are amounts of coffee grounds not the amount of actual drink. Out coffee is so mild that we consume more grounds per litre.
*our not out.
Wow, we're 9th?! Holy shit, based
I'm now on my fourth cup of the day. Will be the last one till 20:00.
I drunk my coffee today and now my heart hurts.
I haven't been to a cardiologist, but I probably should drink caffeine at all.
The interesting thing is that it doesn't happen even if I drink 5 teas in a day, which probably have more caffeine
>heart hurts
>should drink caffeine at all
Damn you Polski's are on another level
I live there and just drink moccona 98% of the time :DDDDDD
uhuh! no talkie before coffee
should not
I honestly have no idea why that is, I know why Russia and Ukraine drink a lot of tea, but not Poland.
Finland playing in another league
Moccona is shite though. At least drink Blend 43.
Low iq post
Drinking coffee is perfectly fine for your heart unless you're over 70 or had previous illness or something
I hear this for a long time, yet every time I drink coffee my heart hurts.
I hate coffee
icke baserat
cringe shit breath coffee addict
Take your Red Bull/Monster and shove it frendo
who is this
i picked up drinking mint tea in magreb and never looked back
It’s because we were drinking too much alcohol so the church introduced coffee to people instead.
are these any good?
Why do coffee drinkers make you mad?
Are you literally a retard? Someone who drinks black coffee and later eats a steak or has a yogurt would be a vegan by your logic.
Why does coffee make you so asshurt?
Italy consumes a lot more than all the countries on the top of that list.
I don't like coffee but I know people who drink up to 5 coffees a day in my office. Most people drink it 2 or 3 times a day.
>Coffee is the devil’s semen
How so?
Nothing wins a morning Energy Drink (Best in picture) and Snuss while listening ur favorite morning show at we at your work
is it similar to anything?
I bet nordoids use really big cups with shitty Americano so they probably end up drinking more liters.
they do and the taste is disgusting. But they drink it like it was water so it adds up quickly, even though it is more diluted.
I love coffee. Drinking a nice cup of black coffee right now as I shitpost