Does Macedonia have any ancient Greek ruins?
Is Macedonia really that Greek?
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Yes, lots of them. But I'm pretty sure you're not understanding the issue. Most of the citizens of "North Macedonia" live in areas that were never even controlled by the Macedonian Empire. The capital for an example, was never considered a part of Macedonia until maybe the 19th century when the Ottomans started calling the region Macedonia.
All of this is just sad, because North Macedonia actually does have culture and history etc. But nobody knows about this because all you hear about is some retards pretending that Ancient Macedonians were connected to the modern day region or that Tsar Samuel of Bulgaria was a "Macedonian king". I wish they could snap out of it but I'm not really sure how. This is the fault of Yugoslav Communists who tried to brainwash the region into believing a fake history, it's not the fault of the North Macedonians themselves.
Northern Greece is Greek speaking Slavs mixed with Greeks from turkey that were exchanged in the 1920s. For years it was illegal in Greece to speak any Slavic languages or name your children Slavic names so they were turned into Greeks. True Greeks live in southern Greece.
>Northern Greece is Greek speaking Slavs mixed with Greeks from turkey that were exchanged in the 1920s. For years it was illegal in Greece to speak any Slavic languages or name your children Slavic names so they were turned into Greeks. True Greeks live in southern Greece.
Even though this is true for many parts of Northern Greece, slavs still aren't "Macedonians".
But I agree that Greece has done terrible thing to the slavic minority (and other linguistic minorites too). It was forced assimilation, almost genocide in a sense.
this Whole dispute is fucking stupid. Greeks and slavs are united in both religion and traditions. Italians have lots of greek ancestry too but I never see greeks complaining about us
Macedonian nation was invented by post WW2 communists in Yugoslavia.
>Italians have lots of greek ancestry too but I never see greeks complaining about us
If you renamed Southern Italy to its ancient name of Magna Graeca and then claimed that the ancient Greeks were all Italians, I'm pretty sure they would get mad at you.
>this Whole dispute is fucking stupid. Greeks and slavs are united in both religion and traditions.
This is true.
Slavs that were probably bastard Greeks to begin with.
>If you renamed Southern Italy to its ancient name of Magna Graeca and then claimed that the ancient Greeks were all Italians, I'm pretty sure they would get mad at you.
You sure?
Slavs have mixed with Greeks for over 1000 years. It is 19th century policies that shaped "identities" in those areas.
That's my point more or less.
What do you mean cope? Your map is 100% correct and I didn't dispute that. The greeks have committed acts of forced assimilation on the slavs of Macedonia. It was a crime and you have every right to complain about it.
I have nothing against your people, country or culture. I dislike those who are trying to brain wash your population. Saying for an example that you are all ancient macedonians, even though most of you live in places like Skopje, which weren't considered a part of Macedonia until very, very recently when the Ottomans started doing so. Or when some try to say that Samuil was a "Macedonian" and not king of Bulgaria. Or that east Macedonian slavic dialects are "Macedonian" even though they're closer to standard Bulgarian.
You DO have a history, and you DO have a culture worth preserving. You should focus on that, instead of some name from an ancient tribe that isn't really relevant to Skopje anyway.
My father's side came here from Skopje. I hope I don't have subhuman slav(e) dna
you're probably armenian or some shit.
Shut up slav(e)
stop self hating.
Macedonian Macedonia is full of Macedonians(Albanians and Vardarians).
Greek(Aoid) occupied Macedonia is full of Greek speaking Armenians and Anatolians who relocated there from their mountain shack in Pontic mountains in 20th century.
>Macedonia is full of Greek speaking Armenians and Anatolians who relocated there from their mountain shack in Pontic mountains in 20th century.
Yes and who forced them to flee there?
>t.albanian who got btfo
real albanians only live on the adriatic coast. the rest are albanized slavs from ottoman times.
Serbians are not slavs lmao they’re native balkanites who got dicked down by slavic tribes and eventually got slavicized. Yeah I’m not gonna deny we are probably related since all of my family is from Kosovo, Macedonia etc but you’re not Slavs.
your mom
The fuck are you on about?
Almost all slavs left Macedon based on a treaty of population exchange Bulgaria signed with Greece
my fellow macedonian :)
Do you think that none of the population of north Macedonia descend from ancient macedonisns and greek speakers?
If north Macedonia can prove Greek ancestry what would you say
>Does Macedonia have any ancient Greek ruins?
Why doesn't Macedonia learn Greek?
This is accurate, only cucks consider "Greek" macedonians to be greek. The northern borders of Greece are at Lamia. Anything north of that is a hideous assortment of turkalbanian gypsy slavmonkeys
Alexander the great and Phillip the 2nd were Greek speakers
why doesn't greece learn macedonian?
Macedonians spoke Dorian Greek
that's what the jews want you to think
Ironic comment since Philippos and Alexandros without a doubt spoke Greek but definitely wouldn't understand a single word in any Slavic language.
Homeric Greek is still a Greek dialect.
I don't have the time to debunk every single one of the coincidental words you found. But to take dog as an example. There are still Greeks on Peolopponnese that call dogs kuon. Meanwhile "kuche" is a different word altogether. The word kuche is also used by all South Slavs so it's not a "Macedonian" word. Do Serbs speak the same language as Homer? No.
God, he's so majestic and beautiful
Half of these words are misspelled and the other half are actually greek and often still in use, you just picked random informal words to stuff in the Greek category
>Half of these words are misspelled and the other half are actually greek and often still in use, you just picked random informal words to stuff in the Greek category
Also, the "Macedonian" words are just Slavic. "Oko" and "Chudo" are called the same thing in Russian. Those words have not been borrowed from Ancient Macedonian.
no wonder the greek goverment doesnt teach homer in the original language in school.
>Most of the citizens of "North Macedonia" live in areas that were never even controlled by the Macedonian Empire.
you mean >now they don't live
until the 1940s at least 250k Macedonians lived in the Aegean before they were genocided
Right, because then it would be in Slavic? lol
unfinished job desu
you should finish the ones who stayed in the aegean since they are bigger macedonian haters than greeks themselves
>Family of 20 (parents, grandaprents, kids, cousins)
>2 houses
>a lot of land
>10 people leave the country
>5 are killed by the greek nazis
>5 stay, change their names and inherit all the land
subhumans kill em all
you're cringe
nah they are alright
where is the greek general
the one that starts it(with the bears) is a cringy retard.
Not enough Greek posters to keep it running
It almost always dies at around 5-6 posts
Macedonia is Greek, Macedonians are Bulgarian
kill em
Kys coomer trash
Heraclea Lyncestis, also spelled Herakleia Lynkestis (Greek: Ἡράκλεια Λυγκηστίς; Latin: Heraclea Lyncestis; Macedonian: Хepaклea Линкecтиc), was an ancient Greek city in Macedon, ruled later by the Romans. Its ruins are situated 2 km (1.2 mi) south of the present-day town of Bitola, North Macedonia.
Is Evalion Macedonian?
Albania and Bulgaria need to cede their land to Greek speaking republic of north Macedonia
I don’t know nor care enough to look up this ewhore you orbit
Ans then Greek speaking Macedonia should join republic of greece
Where the fuck even IS Evanlion these days? What happened to her?
Do you think macedonians are pure slavs that came from Poland?
>be hellenized Aoid
>wear Turkish and Albanian clothing
>eat Turkish food and drink Turkish coffee
>claim to be Hellene despite having nothing to with them
Are Aoids biggest Parasites out there?
How different do these people look to modern citizens of Greek republic?