What would happen if all East Asian countries (and Vietnam) used the same Chinese Characters again? It would be cool. They could read each other's writings
Han Unification
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Differences in grammar between the 4 languages will put an end to your nonsense. It'll be like reading French as an English speaker, you'll pick up a lot of the vocabulary but still won't be able to understand what the sentence itself actually means.
I'm Taiwanese and think hiragana/katakana is much prettier than hanzi. Zhangs would also throw a fit because they're too dumb to read traditional Chinese characters.
Better than nothing. For example I can read Japanese and I can pick up on words unlike Hangul only
悠久한 歷史와 傳統에 빛나는 우리 大韓國民은 3·1 運動으로 建立된 大韓民國臨時政府의 法統과 不義에 抗拒한 4·19 民主理念을 繼承하고, 祖國의 民主改革과 平和的統一의 使命에 立脚하여 正義·人道와 同胞愛로써 民族의 團結을 鞏固히 하고, 모든 社會的弊習과 不義를 打破하며, 自律과 調和를 바탕으로 自由民主的基本秩序를 더욱 確固히 하여 政治·經濟·社會·文化의 모든 領域에 있어서 各人의 機會를 均等히 하고, 能力을 最高度로 發揮하게 하며, 自由와 權利에 따르는 責任과 義務를 完遂하게 하여, 안으로는 國民生活의
They're not even part of the same lineage of languages
你真的是台灣人嗎?Yas Forums上的日本旗大部分都是英語老師。
Why don't you guys mix bopomofo with hanzi in the same way the Japanese mix hiragana with kanji?
They used the same script before the 20th century. They also used the same grammar (classical Chinese) so they could communicate to each other
You can do the same with French as a native English speaker though, there's just no practical use because there'd be no way to truly know what the actual meaning of the sentence is, keep in mind that knowledge of content != knowledge of context.
but they aren't the same lineage. Basically you're asking "why don't humans just impregnate chimps?" Stop being retarded.
Classical Chinese is borderline retarded though.
Born in the US but yes I'm Taiwanese. My flag changed cause I left starbucks. I actually walked by an English teacher training group and they all looked like losers.
I asked my mom about the bopomofo and she just said that's how we do it.
I'm sorry you're dumb, Zhang.
hangul mixed with chinese character is ugly
only using hangul looks so much better
유구한 역사와 전통에 빛나는 우리 대한국민은3·1운동으로 건립된대한민국임시정부의법통과 불의에 항거한4·19민주이념을 계승하고, 조국의 민주개혁과 평화적 통일의 사명에 입각하여 정의·인도와 동포애로써 민족의 단결을 공고히 하고, 모든 사회적 폐습과 불의를 타파하며, 자율과 조화를 바탕으로 자유민주적 기본질서를 더욱 확고히 하여 정치·경제·사회·문화의 모든 영역에 있어서 각인의 기회를 균등히 하고, 능력을 최고도로 발휘하게 하며, 자유와 권리에 따르는 책임과 의무를 완수하게 하여, 안으로는 국민생활의 균등한 향상을 기하고 밖으로는 항구적인 세계평화와 인류공영에 이바지함으로써 우리들과 우리들의 자손의 안전과 자유와 행복을 영원히 확보할 것을 다짐하면서1948년7월 12일에 제정되고 8차에 걸쳐 개정된 헌법을 이제 국회의 의결을 거쳐국민투표에 의하여 개정한다.
>They also used the same grammar
What? No they didn't. Japanese was Japanese and Korean was Korean.
What would happen if aliens visited earth and they were giant bugsprays?
So English should stop using Latin script and use runes??? Since we use the Latin alphabet and Latin borrowings I can actually pick up on Spanish words. Thank God we don't use runes
Mixed is faster to read. t. Kanji expert
>I asked my mom about the bopomofo and she just said that's how we do it.
It's redundant to have several characters that are nothing but sounds and grammatical functions, name me one reason why 的,了,嗎,吧,呢,是,什麼 shouldn't be written as ㄉㄜ,ㄌㄜ,ㄇㄚ,ㄅㄚ,ㄋㄜ,ㄕ,ㄕㄣˊㄇㄜ respectively?
You're Chinese. Taiwan is part of China. Don't take the yankoid approach of referring to your state as a demonym.
>I'm Californian
>I'm a New Yorker
>I'm Texan
>I'm a Hong Konger
Shut the fuck up.
Well in this case the hanzi looks better and it'd be easier to determine the meaning.
No Zhang, I am Taiwanese.
Also, 1989年六四天安門事件。
>A Taiwanese calling someone a Zhang
isn't it usually romanized as 'Chang' in Taiwan?
>it'd be easier to determine the meaning.
It wouldn't because none of the Hanzi I've listed have any semantic value to it at all, they're all phonetic (with the exception of 是), therefore the most compelling reason to use Hanzi for a particular word (being that the characters depict meaning) is void for grammatical particles. Can you read Hanzi?
>the hanzi looks better
That's a matter of opinion, but factually speaking, most of the characters I've listed can be written with less strokes when using Bopomofo over Hanzi.
It is, although Chang and Zhang are pronounced the same way, both of which sound like Chang to the English speaker.
You are a "Zhang", you braindead racist cunt. Of course it's an American flag on top of it. Your fellow yanks wil not hesitant to lynch you if they go full Red Scare. See how fucking well your snowflake racism works when the only people who consider people in or from Taiwan to be not Chinese are the very snowflakes claiming not to be.
What do they call Chinese who are western bootlicking anti-Chinese racists, wumaho, or something? Either way, beyond pathetic.
I honestly think its because of people like you China always gets fucked over and carved up by smaller countries.
spotted the chink
Go back to , subhuman.
seethe more
Taiwan is free and independent and your tankie yellow hands will never ever get it
t. Zhang
Well it's just the way it works so idk
No zhang
Just kys
Do the chinks in Taiwan really larp like this?
Absolutely mutt tier. And people call you the rightful successor to Chinese civilization???
出生在美國就是美國人 除非他有台灣的戶籍他才是台灣人 台灣有很多非中國血統的台灣人
He is probably a sexpat who learned Chinese. Taiwan is different from China but you need to be Han Chinese to be Taiwanese.
It looks more uniform, but not objectively "better" (or "worse).
"better" and "worse" are subjective terms, but consistency is in no doubt objectively very important when it comes to making written communication efficient.
how is the uniformity of the symbols in any way relevant to the efficiency of the communication
t. 乌龟
Because human minds are efficient at recognising patterns, breaking up that pattern prolongs processing time, it's one of the reasons why the text you are typing in is displayed with a single font and a single font size.
>Because human minds are efficient at recognising patterns
Irrelevant when you master the language and know the characters, since you recognize the chinese characters as fast as the others.
As long as you know them all as well as the alphabetic script you'll recognize them as fast.
>although Chang and Zhang are pronounced the same way
There is literally nothing controversial about what he said, the use of the term '台灣人' can easily be interpreted as the equivalent of ‘海南人’ or '四川人‘ because it is simply a description of the location a person is from, and should have no negative connotations regardless of which side of the strait you support.
>Irrelevant when you master the language and know the characters
Even Chinese characters have a distinct set of patterns, most notably a semantic+phonetic pairing. Regardless, proficiency in a language should not depend on whether a person is born into that language, if your language has 3 different scripts or whatever other irregularities there may be, your language is inefficient, the native speakers of which just so happens to have mastered an inefficient language, but the matter of fact remains.
Chang is the Wade-Giles equivalent of Zhang, which is widely used in Taiwan. Ch'ang is what you're thinking of.
>As long as you know them all as well as the alphabetic script you'll recognize them as fast.
imagine being this retarded
>There is literally nothing controversial
Maybe for certain pan-Green factions, but jus soli citizenship is definitely controversial in the wider world.
>Even Chinese characters have a distinct set of patterns
It doesn't matter when you learn it.
Pattern recognition when it comes to the human mind doesn't mean what you think you means.
>if your language has 3 different scripts or whatever other irregularities there may be, your language is inefficient
You mean like t he Latin script having capital writings for each letter that are useless outside of being enforced by pointless grammar rules?
It's always you anglo people the ones talking about this "inefficient language" retardation as if languages were made in a lab and not the result of centuries of unstandarized, aimless evolution. Not a single language is efficient.
Efficiency on the actual performing doesn't take into account the learning period, which all things considered is grossly exagerated for any language that uses Chinese characters.
why would you choose to become efficient at doing something inefficiently ? And what do you mean time spent acquiring a language doesnt get taken into account? The more time you have to spend learning a language is time that can be spent learning other subjects in primary school. Thats why China and Japan spend cumulatively years longer in primary school.
The Chinese language is fine by itself. The problem is once you start using their language, they will start to claim superiority: "we are your ancestors!" "You use our language, so you are Chinese!"
Someone already doing this in this thread lol
>why would you choose to become efficient at doing something inefficiently ?
Prove that communication in Chinese is not efficient.
Languages evolve out of use. Chinese became the way it's now because people over centuries used it for its purpose efficiently enough.
>And what do you mean time spent acquiring a language doesnt get taken into account?
We were talking about efficiency in the act of communication itself.
>The more time you have to spend learning a language is time that can be spent learning other subjects in primary school. Thats why China and Japan spend cumulatively years longer in primary school.
Absolute bro-science-tier bullshit.
For the Japanase and Koreans and even for most Chinese dialect speakers learning to write Classical Chinese basically meant learning a different language that is exclusively written, so both of you are right.
Important is political stance more than culture or such shit
Japan ,Taiwan and USA could make more stronger unified because the same political stance
Korean and chinese could be more stronger unification because the same political stance of against japan ,And USA with pro communism mind set
That’s all
South Korea has this culture and h there is 0 possibilities to be good relationships with them
Anti-Japan Tribalism - Wikipedia
Author Yi Yŏnghun was a professor of Economics at Seoul National University and the president of the Naksungdae Institute of Economic Research (낙성대경제연구소).
"it has sold in more than 110,000 copies in South Korea since it was published in July 2019. "
The sentence copy from Wikipedia article of anti japan tribalism
Described as "anti-Japan tribalism," the book posits that there is a mentality in South Korean people who regard Japan as their primary enemy. Such a mentality, the authors argue, gave rise to some anti-Japan arguments among some South Koreans. In the book’s prologue titled "A Country of Lies," Lee Young-hoon speaks critically of the people who lie, the politics which lie, the scholarship of lies, and the trials of lies. According to this book, the lies are particularly noticeable in some instances of the ROK's national history. Lee and the co-authors thus elucidate how a minority of people in their country has created a small number of forged historical accounts.
Essentially, the book argues that the official history of the ROK has never been empirical. Anti-Japanism has been a dogma for a minority in post-independence South Korea. As such, some anti-Japan forgeries were produced to dramatize the ROK's national history. Critical of such a falsification, the book argues that some South Korean scholars, journalists, novelists, artists, activists, and politicians all contributed to this process.
Anti-Japan Tribalism is an attempt by some South Korean scholars to argue that there is distorted historical narrative in their own country. Based on their opinion, the authors discuss some anti-Japan arguments. The book "has a potential to dismantle the ROK's official history, the one that has been taught as right."
The sentence copy from Wikipedia article of anti japan tribalism
Yes good point bro.
Certainly learn kanji in Japanese language classes at school, but not much time is spent on it. I naturally learned kanji in children's books and comics with furigana. In addition, there are also many kanji that can be read by analogy from its context. You must have learned many English words outside of the school classroom.