/brit/ aka /pryd/

Cymru edition

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thanks for sharing

ooh baby
I feel like the music sounds better with you

more like /pict/
I'm a Pictish-American

Just started coughing

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Lock the oldies up

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willy poo wank slag pints crisps

>Wetherspoons boss causes outrage after insisting he will keep chain open as ‘virus doesn’t spread in pubs’

corrr look at that do nothing curve
over by july

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>caused outrage
Among who?

the world is fucked

Need Banksy to paint massive gold stars on banks
Would they remove it?

I turned myself into a Pictle, Morty!
I'm Pictle Rick!

freedom > martial law
the british pub shall never die

Wales goalscorers vs Belgium (2016):

Ashley Williams: Born in Wolverhampton, England
Hal Robson-Kanu: Born in London, England
Sam Vokes: Born in Southampton, England


Moorish American

american nuclear doctrine calls for a nuclear response to use of bioweapons such as the novel coronavirus we are now facing

nuclear hellfire needs to rain down upon all of china

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The person you're replying to obviously. He felt the need to greentext that quote and post it here because HE'S outraged

going to walk up to the shop

Why don't they just not go to Spoons then?

the pub was created by the plague so I guess it should be ended by it too

The people who go to spoons will still be spreading the virus

Fuck off mate pubs should never ever close simple as

maybe we should have used some of the trillions we spent on bombs to upgrade our medical infrastructure, but hey, hindsight is always 2020 am I right?

This virus is based, fucking boomer doomer.

eating some ritz crackers

>Large employers directly lying to the public over a health emergency is fine


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>#wanking is trending fourth on twitter
I am fucking HOWLING, what a time to be alive.

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Ye but that won't affect the outraged people would it.

Curious about Uncle Sam's appearance. Was there ever a time in American history where that look was popular? Not just his bold fashion choice but his hair and beard style as well

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Probably would lad

I’m a doomer and I’m gonna play Doom whilst listening to Doom whilst the world is doomed haha.

Need a mutt porn gf

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Hope you are enjoying your Saturday afternoon as much as your boy Schizo.

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this man is literally better looking than 99% of women


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Yes it could because they leave the pub and spread it further.

Sunday afternoon mate

bent freak

sucking a niggre

No he isn't

h-has she had a breast reduction? She's just squishing them real dense, right?

cant do anything about that now but we can use our nukes

Yes, you're right but your fixation on it is a result of over-cooming

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1870's i guess. Lots of american civil war soldiers have that long hair big goatee look too


BET this is Emmayank

Wetherspoons is just truthful that it's no big deal and is being used as an excuse for a power grab by the booj.

might get into painting

Ooooooh haha

>Juns slow deterioration while under house arrest

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Guarantee it won't be long before some vapid normoid slag hangs herself because she can't live in a world where she can't go out and be social and take Instagram pics with her besties and snog Chads out clubbing
Turbo-Extroverts are dying inside

alright lads constructive criticism only please

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that would be very illogical


golf ball you spong


Live and let live I say! We're those kinda people, of course.

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still buzzing about that £20 note I found earlier today on my isolation walk
serotonin machine go brrrr haha

don’t think anime foot lad deserves a place on there just yet 2bh, not really a huge personality, but otherwise good

nah i like it otherwise
the janny one seems a bit verbose maybe

Disagree with Em being chaotic evil. he's more neutral evil more than anything. I usually consider "chaotic" on Yas Forums to be deliberate rule breakers. Don't think Em really gets banned for anything

havent coomed in a couple weeks now due to intense anxiety

basically have been unable to do anything other than post on /brit/

What does 20 pounds buy you lad


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chaotic neuitral is really hard to think of
i wanted it to be just anime because its breaking the unwritten rule of /brit/ but its also usually not malicious just random noncery
but there arent really anime characters

>go brrrr
NOT a fan of this


Found a bottle of water me.

well i don't disagree with him being chaotic evil
so there

The death toll in the UK is rising at a faster rate than Italy haha

many bockuls of beer
or lots of food from the supermarket
or a takeaway from my local kebab emporium
lots of things really

once found $120 dollars in a parking lot

Hi I'm Johnny Knoxville

This is too easy.

the only functional difference between means testing and instituting a universal program that taxes the rich more is that means testing is MORE expensive. the purpose isn't to save money, it's to provide the donor class a mechanism to hack away at benefits for the working population in the future

what about "anime desu lads"

Is that the same house and pool from the episode of Always Sunny where Dee offers to be a surrogate to a rich couple?


not even paying attention to the numbers anymore

What about non-London UK

Have the Chinese Virus, lads

was out on my isolation walk earlier, was just about to go into the shop but i checked to see whether i had money, opened my wallet and my last £20 blew away

first two sound based
here twenty bucks will get you six bottles of beer and a reasonable but still overall not huge amount of food from the supermarket

listening to black sabbath
sipping a cold one
contemplating a bit of mount & blade

hope you handed it into your nearest police station like the respectable citizen you are

might buy a big lego set for the self isolation

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>...second $750 payment will be automatically paid to an estimated 5 million people on July 13. The first $750 payment, announced in the first stimulus package, will be paid on March 31.
>The Government will temporarily double the Jobseeker Payment, previously called Newstart, providing people with an additional $550 a fortnight.
$1500 for free, doubled neetbux
it's our time

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lego seems pretty based to me

Cracker of a post.

brum on the map

If Mosley is the eternal Anglo, who is the eternal Hibernian, Cambrian and Caledonian?

if she lost a stone or two I would

so the second payment is going to the same fucking people?
literally giving dole scroungers and pensioner landlords an extra $1500 for free while people who work get absolutely fucked because they have cut hours or even no job to go to

hmm nah too many "lads"
what about just anime desu or anime tbqhwy

genuinely contemplated handing it into lost and found at the store nearest it, was a barnes & noble but then I thought that no one would actually come to a lost and found for lost money and would assume it was taken and that some grubby little cashier would pocket it
so did the sensible thing and kept it

absolutely munting, don't see why you posted this

need this in the UK

every time you see a girl there's a 10-15% chance she's on her period

Jacking off a jungle bunny

>You werrcome

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alri this is the last draft unless i get some other personality ideas to replace the abstract concepts/gimmicks with

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look at how the wagie rages
rattle that cage, it'll do you no good

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anyone need owt

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Wouldn't mind bumming Sandra Bullock

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if anything they'd likely question you on it because it's not often you see $120 laying about is it, would've likely thought you'd just robbed someone and had a change of heart

where am I on this??

Boggles the mind whenever I consider it.
Bleeding out of your genitals for a week every month.

I'm a NEET lad
Literally never had a job in my life
Still wrong

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don’t think I made $10,000 last year

don’t think I’ll be getting that free $1000

yeah thats good, mind if i save it?

clear the shelves of wrigley's juicy fruit for me would you please

you can tell who's making the image because they always force in their shit gimmick no one cares about
thailad used to do it with his gooks
here you are still trying to force your anime shit

She was a dream in Demolition Man

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I’m a vegetarian

Should I stop?

I asked for advice and nobody gave it to me now you lash out and accuse me of being someone I'm not
Seethe on

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chaotic good could be malaponte

Sometimes I think "maybe if I was a person that spelt at an elementary school level...i'd get more out of life."
Blissful ignorance innit? But I'm comfortable being a midwit and not an actual retard.



Say no to a the vaccine once it becomes available guys

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didnt end up walking to the shop

was the only sensible thing to do
you can't return lost money like that
ALSO was in fishtown in philly the a few weeks back, found someone's empty wallet with their drivers license laying on the ground and went over to a cop and asked if there was somewhere I could drop it off like a city lost and found and he said it didn't exist
girl's whose wallet it was was some out of stater too

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>The government has announced measures targeted at supporting Māori communities and businesses through the Covid-19 crisis. They include $30m targeted health funding for Māori, $15m for Whānau Ora and $10m for whānau Māori community outreach.


>I’m a vegetarian

>Should I stop?

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Love are img_1142. Just a genuine soul.

>vaccine for easily curable with drugs sars 2
what's the point lol

Think I've got asymptomatic Corona

malaponte is the sicilian that spams BBC stuff

mental how women can only have children until they're 30 and if they somehow manage it after 30 the kids will always every time be autistic or retarded or both