That's right, you heard it.
Latin American girls love white males
Other urls found in this thread:
How does it feel that you wasted all this time spamming and making webms along with other whitecels and blacked is still far more popular?
>blacked is still far more popular?
More popular than what?
BWC worship threads on Yas Forums? Not really surprised.
>Gonna intern in Oaxaca next year
>Average male height in Mexico is 5'4
>Tfw 5'11
hehe you're a literally a 170cm brown guy on antidepressants hehe
What about Latin American boys?
We like white girls
Mexican and Central American girls are cute and like whites.
And boys don't? I couldn't wait for swimming classes to see this hung white boys who went to my school to see his BWC.
They are white supremacists.
the funny thing is you're probably so fucking ugly no white faggot would even fuck you, pathetic subhuman mentally ill abomination.
No need to get upset now.
ok boomer girl dates a white male
Same Latina girl, btw
He's white himself, dumbass. He literally spends the whole day every day on imageboards spamming bwc.
Latinas love nerdy wh*Te boys. This is a fact.
Just made this webm . is She a latina or an asian, for some reason, sometimes is kinda hard to me.
Fuck this larping gay ass incel
He's 33?!
Nah, I'm in my 20s and I am brown, don't know who that other guy is.
mentally ill...
Post hand.
He's absolutely unable to cope with the fact that South Brazil is getting blacked and his Yas Forums friends will never accept him back in the white boy club for failing to make Brazil white & Germanic. Just let him be, he'll off himself eventually.
You'll find more from him here
he's racist and self hating and at that obnoxious % of euro admixture where they get frustrated and borderline psychotic because they're mostly european but not fully
I'll get from the archive
this is mine
do you like white boys
Nigga go meet some doctors or shit
Why the fuck you coping for wh*toids
Yes, but I'm not really gay though, I'm more of a cuck.
Nazi boys couldn't resist her nazbol charms owo
Even unattractive white men?
Why do poopoo people care about interracial sex with white people so much ?
Why are their fetish centered around them ?
Talking about that Brazilian cuck, the other brazilian blacked obsessed and the mena porn addict.
>mena porn addict.
He's just coping as hard as he can with his mongrel complex. He's even on antidepressants. lmao
You're not even being invaded, your women are deliberately voting for left-wing parties and open borders so they can get real men who are not either total soy cucks or nerdy autistic incels. They even make posters, children's books, TV shows and essentially your entire culture revolves around white women getting bred by non-whites. lol
Just a few examples (sfw):
And it's an accurate depiction of modern European societies
Even in the whitest countries in Europe
I really want to impregnate a cute latin girl and abandon her with the baby
There's this egyptian addicted that makes a bunch of blacked and sissy thread.
And maghrebis poster only post about cuckold porn that's a fact.
Do you have a job ? Do you do that in your spare time ?
Or are you making your parents increasingly worried as they ask themselves what on earth can you do in your basement since you dropped out ? Also post hand
I won't care until the government starts encouraging immigrants to breed with cute 2D anime girls.
I don't think this is possible.
the other guy was making like 10-15 threads a day during the summer of blacked porn and Europe's birth rates, etc the usual pol garbage. He also was spamming race bait on Christmas eve, day and new years eve as well as posting at 3-4 am in the morning on weekdays. He has no friends and no family and has now been image banned
worst of all is that he used to LARP as white and then got into the acceptance phase and became an incel with a cuck fetish but still refuses to accept his muttness, typical of mostly european racist latinos, he's a NEET too, jfc how pathetic
My flag collectively makes like 2 threads a month
Stop making up shit, whitecel
>average Brazilian
>70% European
So this happen when an unstoppable autist meet an unmovable sperg ?
>he used to LARP as white
I never did, maybe only once or twice on Yas Forums for funz.
Dat pic.
Do you even know what Latin means?
Tell me about your life b.
Why is your life centered around interracial porn ? Do you have a hobby ?
thats not you whitey
post your hand whitey
It's an old and dead european language.
>the Brazilian obsessed with BWC
>the other Brazilian that follows him around and posts lots of blacked porn links
>the Egyptian schizo that follows them both and claims they're the same person
good show fellas
Real cuckolding in South Brazil (100% homemade cuckery, mostly German and Italian women taking BBC while their husbands record it):
pornhub com/video/search?search=corno+neg%C3%A3o
xnxx com/search/corno+neg%C3%A3o
And our demographic data showing black and brown populations growing while white populations are diminishing:
All of you shut the fuck up and post cute native girls so I can fap, thanks.
you're a racist, self hating suicidal NEET incel with a cuck fetish
you're a living joke
you're the definition of an absolute bottom of the barrel loser
this guy is also schizophrenic, rangeban Brazil
just busted a nut to this
Is there any doubt that Brazil are the worst posters on this board ?
2d or 3d?
It is me though.
>2d or 3d?
Man this Brazilian really needs to get a life
i thought he spammed this shit only on Yas Forums but then i go to /gif/ for a wank one day and there he is with his usual posting style and reaction images. After seeing this i went on to other boards to see if he is doing this shit too and of course he spams it everywhere from Yas Forums to /bant/ to Yas Forums. Imagine actually being this dude, like what the fuck even is his life ?
how tf you even get horny enough to let lust control your life so much ? Normal people would just wank and this shit would go away but he has some issues for sure
I though she was Indonesian?
fuck you canacuck we're the soul of this board
go ahead and post hand with timestamp
then we shall believe
we all know you aint brown. you just tryna give us a bad name. You are like 80 percent white mixed with native. How in the world is that related to Mena or South Asian ?
/gif/ told me she was a Mexican.
>plot twist
the BWC and BBC posters are the same person
>Brazilians are so mutted they cannot decide if they want to be BLACKED or BLEACHED
Brazil is getting both blacker and browner each year.