What the fuck happened to America?

What the fuck happened to America?

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unrestricted crapitalism

niggers & kikes

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I watched Invasion of the Body Snatchers last night. It's fucking wild the type of life that's depicted as a usual thing back when it was made in the 50s. I think there's just too many brown people now. People aren't as unified, and overpopulation is shitting on QoL


>Uhm, it's, like, called "progress sweetie.

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this country was always inhabited by brown people

More like the immigration act of 1965 by letting hordes of you subhuman mestizos flood this nation


Cringe pic. The fifties in America were a nightmare disguised as a dreamland. Only the most foolish of boomers feel any homesickness for that time instead of the 18th century.

As to what happened? Your perception changed thanks to the media in internet. The problems we're dealing with now are the same shit we've been going over for a while. Things are just as retarded here as they've always been.

black and brown people ruin everything they touch

(((wh*te))) """people"""

post war era is peak america

The States are much less unified now then they where 70 years ago. Too many people trying profit off division.

The media manipulating people who are literally incapable of critical thought
Its pretty crazy because the American media also manipulates people over seas aswell


Nothing, it was never truly like this, this is propaganda for a reason.

Whatever lie helps you sleep at night CHI

So yeah, unrestricted capitalism. The whole point of immigration and austerity is to prop of a dying economy for a while longer businesses to make a bit more income before an inevitable crash. (It's always a temporary solution)

But anyway German and South Italian immigration was just as bad as beaners and thinking otherwise is brainletism.

No, it wasn't. Not to nearly the degree it is now.

>lead in the air
>high blood pressure
>unjust and oppressive cultural mores
>extreme poverty everywhere
>early deaths and minimal worker protections
>economy thriving only on the ruin of the rest of the western world after WW2

Why do edgelords and retards glorify past culture? There is very little about my grandfathers and great grandfathers life that i find enviable.

>letting hordes of you subhuman mestizos flood this nation
Ah yes, because we asked to be conquered. Lmao

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Marx opposed borders you faggot. Literally all leftist movements have been anti-nationalism in history.

>But anyway German and South Italian immigration was just as bad as beaners and thinking otherwise is brainletism

But it wasn't at all.

Meh, I wouldn't lament a bygone age you never knew yourself so much.
1950s society all over the Western World was touted as this happy, wholesome, pictureque time in human existence, but it's mostly smoke and mirrors.
They were the wife-bashingest generation that ever existed. Shitloads of men came home from the war in the mid 40s and couldn't properly re-integrate into society. They drank to excess and abused the ever loving shit out of their families. That shit continued on for decades.
Yeah your boomer parents and grandparents might sometimes bitch about how things are now and harken back to a better time. But the next time they do, be sure to ask them what their parents and other families were like when they were growing up and you'll likely hear a heap of stories about serious levels of neglect and abuse.
The problems aren't necessarily the times that we're living in, it's that people are mostly idiots who can't appreciate what they have.

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Sure, if you like breathing lead, being drafted in Imperial Wars, and being a test subject for atomic weapons. Life was cheap then and some of our best films and books were make in those decades but that's about the best that can be said for it. Anything else you believe about that time is nonsense. Any man who would take an age of Empire over an age of peace and quiet like the first few decades of this country's life deserves his chains.


>muh oppreshun and soggyknees

>Aye yo i'll give you all this land for some of them shiny beads

It's true the minute irish Italians or germans overpopulated the former anglo homeland it was just as bad as letting in any latinos africans or Asians you can think of
>b-but muh huwide race
literally propaganda stopping all the "whites" from killing eachother/seceding or being a traitor for their homeland

>spics get mad and come out of the woodwork like roaches

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Who quickly assimilated and adopted US culture. You have hordes of spics who don't even bother to learn english, bring over their shitty LA RAZA culture, are overrepresented in crime, have lower IQs, and flood this nation illegally as well as be genetically dumber thanks to native genes.

That pic is the equivalent of showing today the lifestyle of rich california instathots and rapper and trying to pass it as the average way of living

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It's literally *Sud Americanos* shilling for the 50s.

It's an odd mental disease in society. Braindead nostalgia isn't a new thing, but westerners who unironically worship the 50s are a really strange bunch. Made even stranger by the fact that a number of them weren't even alive back then are simply millennials and Gen X'ers borrowing their parent's nostalgia.

>Irish need not apply signs stayed around till the 1920s

>Marx opposed borders you faggot
Kinda-sorta. He did write some shit about withering of peoples in the manifesto but also later he and Engels wrote a lot of German super-patriotic stuff. Even some outright xenophobia in there. (just not in their major works)
>Literally all leftist movements have been anti-nationalism in history.
Not even close to being true. Early 19th century socialism was very right-wing culturally, far moreso than the "conservatives" of any party today. The French workmen in particular had a reputation for their fierce nationalism in that time. Pretty much every major uprising from Russia's Socialistic Patriotism to Connolly in Ireland wrote and said something patriotic.

>Who quickly assimilated and adopted US culture
Holy shit, go wave your historical illiteracy around somewhere else, retard. All immigration is equally shit, choosing favorite invaders is brainlet-tier.

The boomers realized there wasn't enough young people in America to pay for their excessive retirement costs so they opened up the borders and let millions of non-whites in destroyed American culture and corrupted the white youth.


There were only 2 decades where Americans had that standard of living only because the biggest war in history canceled dept and crippled competitors. The 50's were an outlier not the norm

>What the fuck happened to America?

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The civil rights movement and immigration reform.

1880s, 1920s, 1950s, 1990s, 2004 - 2007

Yep. There were a handful of things that you could argue were better. Like cheap goods, cheaps housing, etc. But what good is having a cheap house when it's a broken home?
>Made even stranger by the fact that a number of them weren't even alive back then
So much this. Everytime I see it I just think, "Have you ever asked your elders about this? Because this is some dumb shit."


It, along with the rest of the world minus developing regions, hit the equilibrium of people getting born and the means to extract resources to satisfy these people's needs plateaued, and in fact went above that. Even if energy becomes cheaper as time passes and more and more things appear that drain it, such as a computer on which you sit all day and HVAC in every home, the consumption of energy per capita simply cannot move above what it was 50 years ago. Yes, you read that right. The average person consumes as much energy as his grandfather did when he was his age.

The reason for that is the complexity of society. We simply hit the maximum complexity we can administer as humans 50 years ago and the only way to cope with this is to stop population growth. Here's the catch: if you stopped population growth you'd stop economic growth and have the whole thing collapse, as it should've long ago, so you cannot do that. The only way to cope your way out of this is to keep this whole charade glued up and hope for the best. This is basically what they're doing with the $2tril gibs, while completely dodging the underlying core problem here - that we cannot administer a civilization of this level of complexity. That we have stopped growing vertically like we were in the 60s and are instead growing horizontally, through population growth and an intergenerational debt transference to this fresh population that is supposed to always be larger than the older one, else the debt cannot be transferred and the economy cannot register growth. The Fed literally functions on this exact premise.

Strongly recommend you watch the whole thing

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Based and "isolationism"pilled, America getting involved in Europe's wars was the beginning of the end

This was never a reality user

Child worker slaves, dangerous working conditions, terrible wages, insane wealth inequality
Similar to above but now with dagos running dangerous mafias. Eventual economic collapse near the end
Highest crime rate ever, rampant drug use, AIDS, economy was good but society wasn't
Plenty of crimes still. 9/11 still fresh and effecting American foreign policy consequences that we still have today.

The 50's were the only truly prosperous and perfect time period in US history, the rest of the time there was always some kind of struggle.

Admittedly my take on this is skewed since I don't live there, but it seems like not a lot of Americans seem to acknowledge this anymore.
I remember reading a quote from one of your former presidents circa 1800s sometime, saying that America would do well to steer clear of Europe and their bullshit.

The most unforgivable omission of all is that our first president despised the idea of a political party. Now they're the norm everywhere, to no-one's benefit.

>wow they look so happy in this picture!!
this, pic from 1937

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Somebody must be benefitting from it to keep that system in place. Probably not people at the bottom wrungs of society, but I think you get me.

Daily reminder that you brought this to yourselves. If you don't stop making south America a shithole then why are you surprised people MIGRATE to the USA from countries that you destabilized

We lost the war.

capitalism was less restricted then than it is now

That's a watchtower illustration by jw.org, stupid leaf.

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Jehovah witnesses don't have crosses in their "Halls"