What does Yas Forums think about China?

What does Yas Forums think about China?

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I don't really think about them.
So I am neutral towards them, I guess.

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The total control of 20% of all humans by a select few on top probably has our power-hungry billionaires and politicians horny as fuck to emulate their methods.

quite okay with them actually


doing a little research zahng?

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Not a big fan

I like the chinese people, just hate commies.

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I would nuke them If I could

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not a fan

Don’t like them but some are not that awful just the vast majority


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the commie in that picture is the student in front of the tank btw

Objectively the best hope of ending capitalism and imperialsim.

I unironically hate them and wish corona chan obliterated them. They're soulless husks of people that are beyond cruel to animals and eachother. And they lie and cheat

Based trips of truth

For the longest time I had a dream of visiting china and enjoying delicious street food.

And then I heard about gutter oil and can't imagine going :/

>the commie in that picture is the student in front of the tank btw

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I can't tell if Chinese people are civilized and the government is ran by savages
The Chinese people are savages and the government is civilized.

you can still go to taiwan, their traditional chinese culture is safer and more authentic

i think they should be nuked a 3rd time

I would post from my chink bugmen webm folder but it's nsfw

That is revisionism invented by reddit commies.

The Tianmen square protests were 100% anti-Communist.

Obligatory posting here.

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Death to China

Sanctions for fucking chiness cunteyes bastards

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dishonest cuisine

I hate China. I'm Taiwanese and would sooner have based Japan annex Taiwan than go back to Chinese rule.

Chiness is not a people

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do you think the dog had an existential thought then? Do you think it had a feeling that it was about to die a horribly painful death?

fucking chiness

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Chinktoids made the virus

Sanctions about COVID-19

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I wish the nationalists won the civil war.


It is the greatest and last sovereign nation

And it was rightfully crushed by the PLA. Imagine if China had ended up like 1990s Russia.

Great country under a nazi regime

Based and checked

I ignore them, because if I think too much about them I get angry and waste my time.

t. Korean

>I wish the nationalists won the civil war.
Based. The world would've been a better place had Japan not sperged out at China.

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Very Based country

Insahallah, one day they will be buried on the mainland.

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The last line of defense against ameriglobo degeneracy

我愛中國, 不愛中共。

Well said

Greatest (you) farmer

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我愛中國, 不愛(((洋鬼子)))

my ancestors :')


better than the states

I want to see china & america suffer

Do you want to find love in India?


Norf or souf?

I don't give a fuck. Hate burgers though.

pretty based

They will destroy the world order, so personally very positive