$2000 + $1000/month until the coronavirus is gone.
1) If you've made $10,000 or more in 2019
2) If you're a single parent
3) If you're an undocumented citizen
4) If you're homeless
5) If you're a refugee
it's a good day to be an American.
$2000 + $1000/month until the coronavirus is gone.
1) If you've made $10,000 or more in 2019
2) If you're a single parent
3) If you're an undocumented citizen
4) If you're homeless
5) If you're a refugee
it's a good day to be an American.
>If you're an undocumented citizen
Why do they deserve anything?
This is the Demo proposal, it will never pass, the Republican one is still in the works
>1) If you've made $10,000 or more in 2019
So if I work 25 hours a week or less I'm not eligible? That's bullshit. Not to mention my sister just turned 18 so she just started working this year and my mother wouldn't count as a single parent anymore now that she's 18. So even though there's now ZERO money going into our household we would get jack shit. FUCK MEANS-TESTING
jesus fucking christ
>mfw illegals will get the money but NEETs wont
Many undocumented immigrants pay taxes with the ITIN number system
>giving illegals money
lol never gonna pass
The Republican proposal revolves around working legal families. They will never accept one that pays out to illegals
Fuck bros, I should've jumped the wall
>$3000 a month
Rashida Tlaib is a Bernie bro.
Yet again Bernie bros are proposing things that are not even feasible in the most highly taxed European welfare states.
The only people getting $3000 a month in Denmark are Somali or Paki families with 5-6 children and unemployed parents.
Yes, because they work and contribute money to the economy.
It's the same with Canada's proposal. NEETs won't get shit.
>NEETs won't get shit.
Lmao, based
You're reading it wrong. It's $2000 for the 1st month for immediate relief + $1000 subsequent months to tie things over.
>mfw work part time while in uni, make less than $10k
>Lost my part-time job already
>No neetbux for me
fuck this
I also get nothing
No shit, Democrats are virtue-signaling so they vote against the GOP proposal, and then turn around and claim “b-but the GOP wouldn’t vote for our proposal either”.
This shit won't pass. The republicans won't let illegal get anything.
>money to non citizens
absolutely fucking retarded
i don't even want handouts anyway
i want these stupid lockdowns and bans on large groupings to end so work can get going
put all this mystery money into setting up makeshift hospitals SPECIFICALLY to deal with the infected, freeing up space in the regular hospitals
it isn't even a 2% mortality rate here in the US and many other countries, and as testing increases that goes down
the only thing they should get is sent back
Go back to 2016, drumpf doesn't care about deporting illegals anymore
This proposal will literally never pass
also this
Why can’t an illegal be a NEET?
Except for the part where Trump made it nearly impossible for illegals to get here
So a NEET wouldn't get anything, but an illegal NEET would kek
Because if you're a NEET, chances are your parents are covering you for everything. If you're an illegal NEET, you're more than likely unable to land a job and probably starving your ass off.
Nigga I don't give a shit, I voted for a wall
>work like a slave for boss under the table because nothing else
>get fired on new years no reason no benefits no pay stub
>now I won't even get neet bucks unlike stacy and chang who work at their parents mom and pop store
>my unfair rich asshole boss is going to get free money but I won't
>People with low paying jobs don’t get anything but illegals do
This is probably the worst proposal yet
I’m currently predicting that our politicians will mostly agree that there should be some form of UBI but no one will agree on what it should look like and as a result they’ll all reject each other’s proposals and nothing will get done
Canada's barely getting shit. I'm not getting anything and I don't really care. Would be nice if I got something, but whatever. It's paltry. If I was an American I'd be pissed.
Get fucked I guess desu
Trump has completed 110 miles of wall and has 192 miles under construction according to WaPo
So in four years he's completed about 5% of the wall, nice
How much of that is new wall vs. reinforced old wall?
>dude let's give thousands of dollars to rich jewish man instead of neetfuck
>wait rich jewish man is just hoarding it into his bank account not spending it
>dude we already let immigrants live here tax free *smokes blunt* now let's give them 1000 dollars for working at their family owned 7/11 while neetfucks starve and die after being exploited by rich capitalists!
yep thanks turdeau, this is why I voted for the NDP.
>paying for your own replacements
what is the fuck is wrong with d*mocrats/liberals all over the world?
How does an illegal get money but my NEET ass doesn't??
imagine being so worthless to society that noncitizens and homeless are considered more valuable than you
Fuck them if they get one but I don't.
lmao so you just need to meet one of those clausules?
im gonna become a refuggee from corona, do i get free sheckels?
Brussels bux when
how do i become a refugee
>noo you can't use the american people money to beneficiate them, you need pay 1000000000 dollars for a drone for Israel
>trump suggests giving money
>every liberal yahoo tries to one-up him
Both are means-tested. Trump's version is more stricter, but means-tested are shit either way.
Shit, as a homeless dude, I'll take 2k just once -- I'd be happy with 1k, but 2k is enough to get on my feet and get some booze and some vague stuff to actually have a home, not just four walls. Plus an extra thousand every month would be amazing, could maybe even start saving up so I don't end up homeless again.
Who do you prove homelessness and how do homeless people get the check?
what about for unemployed neets who had never had a job or paid taxes
nothing. get fucked leech.
Wouldn't this cause massive inflation?
The european central bank proposed helicopter money to increase inflation to it's intended annual value of 2% a few years back, but never went ahead with it. I wouldn't be surprised if they did it now.
Thankfully, both the Dems and the Trump plan exclude NEETs from getting gibs.
Just claim you're homeless desu
Nothing. You'll starve to death like you deserve you parasite.
t. former NEET
No. There plan is to make budget cuts to military or foreign aid.
Honestly, no clue. They'd probably have us come to somewhere like a social security office to do most of the paperwork and to get the check. Maybe it'd only go to people who stay in shelters, but that'd miss all the people on the street, and people who manage to have friends with couches.
This will make the money printer go brrr
>Full time student
>Part time job, minimum wage, literally $8/hr
>Made less than $10k
I suffer
>If you've made $10,000 or more in 2019
afraid to ask but what percentage of US legal citizens fall under 10k?
Unironically based
If I could trade citizenship between NEETS and illegals, I would
probably about 30%
About 40% of the working force make less than $20k
I think they've already skipped to the "burn furniture to keep the ship steaming" part of the plan
Federal minimum wage in the US is $7.25. If you work just 30 hours a week for a year, that equates to you making over $11,000.
Basically literally anyone with a full time job would be eligible.
This actually sucks. My mom is stay at home so she has no actual income, its joint.
Bushbux accounted for single and married couples, Trumpbux is structured pretty weird.
I barely qualify lol. I worked 12 weeks for $25/hour for my summer internship