British-German socialist friendship edition
/brit/ + /ddr/
which one of you would like a tune
here's a tune for you
the jew loving paddy is absolutely seething
Tonight's feast
why are so many news websites dogshit
adverts everywhere
horrible clunky interfaces
videos that don't load properly
just give me the fucking news
take the piss
i sleep flat on my face
reposting because fuck you
hate, hate, HATE reporters
they're genuinely scum
i wonder if they go to work thinking they're doing some form of public service by whipping the public into a frenzy and creating anxiety, when all they're doing is making people's lives worse
me ma said she saw a woman in tears today because she was so anxious about being out in public, but she had to be out to get something done
Miss these little niggas like you wouldn't believe x
thing i don't understand is why was Britain to belgium. like cmon lad you're like the kid in school trying to interject into other kids beef for no reason.
haha yeah nobody should report anything and leave people to die in mass numbers
the media wants us panicking and focusing on coronavirus so we don't notice the billions being pumped to bail out banks and big business
The virgin holocaust denier
The chad 'Hitler did nothing wrong' Nazi sympathizer
I think it is pretty obvious to anybody with any sense of intellectual curiousity that modern WW2 documentaries have totally stripped away most events in WW2 and boiled everything down to the plight of the jews.
They can do this because more people have died that actually remember the events of the war. So they can lie, and make it about the jews. If a modern documentary on it was released in the 70s, there would be a scandal and all the old generals and colonels still alive would lauch legal action against the production company
what was*
>Autoplaying pop up videos
holy SHITTING peng peng peng
Jews are cartoonishly evil
don't want friendly bats to get bullied because of corona :(
praxis vs theory
TBF most people are supportive of the bail outs in this instance.
didn't ask
>yanks literally get free money
>bongs get 80% of their salary if they were employed during the outbreak
hmm what if someone was between jobs?
you still haven't named a single documentary
When are the Boris bucks coming?
what's with the uptick on teenage left wing incels on /brit/ recently? it reached a local peak just before the election but seems to have surged the last couple of weeks
most people are also supporting martial law cos of the media campaign
The picture on the right is fake
>hmm what if someone was between jobs?
Bennies in the usual amount.
all me
student runts have been sent home and have more time to post
you will all be praying for the luxury of munchy box in a months time
It's £1000 more per year
Harry Potter and the black fucking ape
me? love the jewish people
/britfeel/ Radio starts at 8pm
If you'd like to be on the show, get in touch using the details below
No. Don't be silly.
leftist have been trying to colonise Yas Forums for quite some time
*divides 1000 by 52*
yeah that's what i said isn't it paddy
they have the power to magnify issues and they use it to their advantage whatever the public cost
panic buying started because of them, and a huge amount of people are miserable now because of them
the other day they were interviewing some kid whose ma or grandma died of corona, what purpose does that serve, what information does it provide the public with, other than creating anxiety
paki sex offender freak
Heard the head jew at the Rothchilds planted the old corona in Wuhan
What are those purple things?
'kin ell
>won't someone PLEASE think of the old bastards!?!
funny how despite the uptick they were unable to provide an argument against a SINGLE argument in the last thread
t. Your arse
is it true you sexually molested a child?
>state propaganda "comedy"
This is the answer. Please keep in mind that these are not uni students, but sixth form students. Nobody unironically admires communists past the age of 16
We're fucked, lads. Absolutely fucked
4channel IS leftist, Yas Forums is a toxic nazi extremist hellhole
looks like lamb tikka shashlik
they're not purple, they just take on a very deep red colour because they use the same mixture as they do with the chicken which has red food colouring in it
Chinese chicken skewers yeno
More than one person? Why did the kid hold a press conference ?
The British working class is waking up.
vile skank
C'mon kid, lets see you push the envelope. Getting fucking bored of you.
rancid trollop
Not if you were a capable of work jobseeker anyway.
instead of bailouts why don't they do makeshift hospitals ONLY for those who need hospitalization due to the chinese flu?
stop shutting down everything, make employees wear masks and gloves, hire people who specifically go around the business wiping things down
grinding everything to a fucking halt is ridiculous
"Yeah it's not murder he was like 80 anyway, probably voted Tory don't think it matters 2bh"
-Leftypol, 18, university student
haha, the more I toil the more communist I get.
I have mentioned documentaries, like the World at War and the Last Days of WW2, older documentaties that had accurate and incisive commentary and narration.
A recent documentary, If i remember correctly was called Inside Nazi Germany or something similar, was so poorly made it basically just called hitler le twisted evil man and again, overly focused on jews. And some wild accusations and very dramatic voiceovers HITLER WAS EVIL INCARNATE!!
god i wish i was that stuffed animal
No. Not true.
He sexually molested childREN plural.
how the fuck do you get legions of working age men and trannies chanting 'antifa' on the streets then
mmm depends on the board i guess.
he didn't fly so good
wow what we need in this time of crisis is more people with absolutely no life experience and skills to give advice to the government anonymously on the internet
so lonely
so alone
that makes far too much sense
dear oh dear oh dear oh dear
testicles: [X]
spectacles: [X]
wallet: [X]
watch: [ ]
schools are closed and exams are off, same difference
its PENG
get a grip you sad twat
implying government workers have skills or life experience.
Let's take that to a poll, shall we?
actually mental how much my perspectives on the world changed from when i was 21 and in uni to when i started work, moved out, had responsibilities etc
my idea of what's just and unjust completely flipped, i realised what a spoiled little runt i was in uni
gone form a corbynite to mostly apolitical but voting tory at elections
It was correct
why isn't he behind bars?
it's not that hard, wear masks, gloves, provide sanitizers, observe safe distances etc
*appears from the shadows*
Ever heard of leftypol?