
albokurd edition

Attached: aoidism.jpg (960x1280, 304.02K)

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Seriously American qts are top tier. White teeth, nice tanned, bleach their assholes. What more is there to demand?

Attached: 6be848d8a2a53ce665cdd6096c746e58.jpg (640x640, 80.88K)


Hello Balkan friends!
It's our 2500th thread, please grab a pint and come say hello!

Not me, turboselak

i hate how americans talk, it's very obnoxious

7 because she's tall

Get better taste

I am still awaiting an explanation for this image.

Attached: 0560e56c-7a7d-4a7b-84e4-5fd9b622af95.png (939x629, 70.76K)

I will fill your music request in these trying times. Just name the following:
>FLAC or 256 AAC (Apple’s Core Audio, literally the best AAC encoder out there)

Attached: .png (1200x1200, 51.14K)

>FLAC or 256 AAC (Apple’s Core Audio, literally the best AAC encoder out there)

Some great Serbian rap in lossless format for starters, recommended by a /balk/ user:
>Surreal - Drugs (2016)
Replace (dot) with an actual dot.

Attached: .jpg (1280x1280, 259.75K)

supposedly good quality audio but some uploaders do mp3 to flac/aac

Sure fatso

I'd say gdp map but Texas sure has a gdp bigger than the Balkans combined

>sewervia = best state in the USA
user, I hate to break it to you....

Attached: peach.png (750x558, 514.09K)

>best state
Massachusetts isnt on the map

For me, it's Central European women...

Attached: Macar kız.jpg (1024x751, 171.94K)

FLAC = free lossless audio codec aka CD quality (~300 MB per album)
AAC = advanced audio coding aka compressed audio, better sound and smaller filesizes than MP3 (~50-100 MB per album)

That ain't gonna help nigga.

My guess was CSA but it has West Virginia in it, so no.

>best state
Mississippi ain't that big, pal

Sloni in quarantine being teased by women, circa winter of 2020 [colorized[

Attached: 1562175742573.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

not asian enough

> some uploaders do mp3 to flac/aac
lossless to lossy - yes
lossy to lossy - never

Massachusetts isn't even the best state in New England buddy and its budget NY

what a sperg

Yeah but without the massive amount of niggers whilst still having a big city. So it's good.

Hungarian & Czech women are different, I tell ya lad...

Attached: Oyş Elles gül.jpg (1536x2048, 367.98K)

>inb4 the fellow Greek which posts the Hungarian porn stars

>пoлициcки чac
translate this in engleski


>inb4 he posts that bonerkiller of milf again whom no one wishes to see




police hour :)

>пoлициcки чac
It's SOKAĞA ÇIKMA YASAĞI in Turkish. Damn, it's long...

9 get!

Пaднaвмe бpaќa

Heмa иcкaчaњe oд 9 дo 6 caбaјлe

I'll fix him good once he's here.

Attached: icata-20200320-0008.jpg (1125x2000, 146.33K)

I want to thank my brother and master Xi Chinkpong

Eвe идaм дa ce шeтaм cea


Boogie, you thought I was gonna fall for that? Come one now.

Attached: jameela-jamil.jpg (1240x775, 647.97K)

>Come one now
yes, definitely

Fyromians can't leave their homes after 9pm starting today or the gestapo will shoot them on sight

Attached: 1492115985361.jpg (959x777, 156.71K)


A пoшo инaчe пpoшлaвa нeдeлa нaдвop бea cитe нoќe. Кoлкy дa ce кaжe пoлициcки чac, пpoблeмoт нeдeлaвa бea бyмepитe и нopмињaтa кoи киcнea нa кeј и пapк.


How do i stop being racist?

Does Serbia have a curfew?



le unironic question time

are modern Macedonians just an epic subgroup of the Bulgarians or are they an actual separate nation? Reading their history, I get the feeling that the modern Macedonian identity is only formed during the Yugo times

become black

>the modern Macedonian identity is only formed during the Yugo times
Certainly in the 20th century.

Post beautiful women. Not ugly Instagram whores, but actual women.

Attached: Jameela-Jamil-GQ-tout-2x3.jpg (2560x1440, 698.26K)

This is what massoids actually tell themselves

Everybody wants to be in NY

Why do you use yahoo man? Switch to gmail to avoid security risks

I think of her as a cuter version of Rozelli now.

Attached: DKgzbySXcAEYsOu.jpg (959x959, 140K)

bitch has stranger jaw bones than you lmao

go outside, meet people