albokurd edition
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Seriously American qts are top tier. White teeth, nice tanned, bleach their assholes. What more is there to demand?
Hello Balkan friends!
It's our 2500th thread, please grab a pint and come say hello!
Not me, turboselak
i hate how americans talk, it's very obnoxious
7 because she's tall
Get better taste
I am still awaiting an explanation for this image.
I will fill your music request in these trying times. Just name the following:
>FLAC or 256 AAC (Apple’s Core Audio, literally the best AAC encoder out there)
>FLAC or 256 AAC (Apple’s Core Audio, literally the best AAC encoder out there)
Some great Serbian rap in lossless format for starters, recommended by a /balk/ user:
>Surreal - Drugs (2016)
Replace (dot) with an actual dot.
supposedly good quality audio but some uploaders do mp3 to flac/aac
Sure fatso
I'd say gdp map but Texas sure has a gdp bigger than the Balkans combined
>sewervia = best state in the USA
user, I hate to break it to you....
>best state
Massachusetts isnt on the map
For me, it's Central European women...
FLAC = free lossless audio codec aka CD quality (~300 MB per album)
AAC = advanced audio coding aka compressed audio, better sound and smaller filesizes than MP3 (~50-100 MB per album)
That ain't gonna help nigga.
My guess was CSA but it has West Virginia in it, so no.
>best state
Mississippi ain't that big, pal
Sloni in quarantine being teased by women, circa winter of 2020 [colorized[
not asian enough
> some uploaders do mp3 to flac/aac
lossless to lossy - yes
lossy to lossy - never
Massachusetts isn't even the best state in New England buddy and its budget NY
what a sperg
Yeah but without the massive amount of niggers whilst still having a big city. So it's good.
Hungarian & Czech women are different, I tell ya lad...
>inb4 the fellow Greek which posts the Hungarian porn stars
>пoлициcки чac
translate this in engleski
>inb4 he posts that bonerkiller of milf again whom no one wishes to see
police hour :)
>пoлициcки чac
It's SOKAĞA ÇIKMA YASAĞI in Turkish. Damn, it's long...
9 get!
Пaднaвмe бpaќa
Heмa иcкaчaњe oд 9 дo 6 caбaјлe
I'll fix him good once he's here.
I want to thank my brother and master Xi Chinkpong
Eвe идaм дa ce шeтaм cea
Boogie, you thought I was gonna fall for that? Come one now.
>Come one now
yes, definitely
Fyromians can't leave their homes after 9pm starting today or the gestapo will shoot them on sight
A пoшo инaчe пpoшлaвa нeдeлa нaдвop бea cитe нoќe. Кoлкy дa ce кaжe пoлициcки чac, пpoблeмoт нeдeлaвa бea бyмepитe и нopмињaтa кoи киcнea нa кeј и пapк.
How do i stop being racist?
Does Serbia have a curfew?
le unironic question time
are modern Macedonians just an epic subgroup of the Bulgarians or are they an actual separate nation? Reading their history, I get the feeling that the modern Macedonian identity is only formed during the Yugo times
become black
>the modern Macedonian identity is only formed during the Yugo times
Certainly in the 20th century.
Post beautiful women. Not ugly Instagram whores, but actual women.
This is what massoids actually tell themselves
Everybody wants to be in NY
Why do you use yahoo man? Switch to gmail to avoid security risks
I think of her as a cuter version of Rozelli now.
bitch has stranger jaw bones than you lmao
go outside, meet people