Who is your country’s (((only))) ally?

Who is your country’s (((only))) ally?

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Also sauce for pic

trust nobody not even yourself

Republika Srpska has allies in form of Russian mommies, Herzegovina has allies in form of Croatia/EU big sisters.

Iran cannot into allies.

There are no true friends among nations. Only temporary marriages of convenience.

What's that? Never heard of such a thing.

sadly we have no allies but maybe soon brazil and india will be BFFs with us.
also relations with greeks and cypriots are improving because of a joint pipeline and mutual hate of reaches

Countries have no friends

They in like 3 generals, belarus has a lot of friends!

These guys

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Geopolitics are applied sociopathy, there are no friends.

but we're your ally . i know for a fact that all the recent IDF missions in iran were started from azerbaijan and the IAF has routine drone spy missions on iran from there.
also baku is kinda popular with our tourists

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Well in your case that’s true, yes

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Even back then they had more a boner for the French.
Same thing
Literally who? They didn't really contribute to anything outside of their borders and are always the first ones to stop fighting.

"Nations do not have permanent friends or enemies, only interests"
-most based British Prime minister in history, The Right Honourable The Viscount Palmerston

That image is exactly almost well kind of how i got my first gf
the graphics are very accurate tho

>Even back then they had more a boner for the French.

Alot of Russian girls I've seen genuinely look like that. Not that I'm complaining

Everywhere we have a military base is our “ally.”

Exactly the point of the picture

I don't know

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Army & Navy

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whats the point of navy for kazakstan?

Caspian Sea

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The Black Sea

Just look up what their elites spent their time with, while looking with contempt at us.

I want to be Belarus' fren...


Frenchabooism was the cultural norm among most elites back then, it was the former global language after all.

UK? :(

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Honestly with all joking aside, Australia.

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This, but I guess if we had to pick one it'd be the US. Europe is more our transactional partners than anything else, the Commonwealth and US more genuine allies.

israel, of course

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Stop being so edgy

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denmark i think

The Faroes


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Brazil and Spain are your best allies desu
t. Brit (I know, flag, I'm an immigrant here lmao)

Literally none. Perhaps Finland but even they hate us

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The UK as a close second.

>this pidor ruski who escaped the gulag

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muh Entente though

poor finland


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source of the original comic?

That’s a single art, not a comic

He is a force for good on this unholy board

He’s just seething because of this picture, nothing more

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too bad

Me in the back

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I wish we were friends with Germany but we at least gave based Hungary

reported to President Vladimir Putin, have fun in the gulag

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can i be your ally?

no one

I doubt it

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Nope, that's me.

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>the Commonwealth and US more genuine allies

The former doesn't exist in the same way as it used to, and the US has literally been fucking us over since the end of the second world war.


God I wish I was one of those boys no homo


Would be kino if they weren't into guro/snuff. Shit's a deal breaker

we can be friends. all polish people I have met were very pleasant.

Anusanagi (aka Japanese shadman) is a girl actually

I am aware fren, I don't believe I said anything to imply they were a guy

It should actually be considered hot then, since it’s a girl drawing this shit.

Her worm would be incredibly kino but I can't fap to guro or snuff. The spirit is willing but the flesh refuses to get hard at this kind of material
