travel edition
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Fuck the virus it can't kill me
currently listening to Spotify ads, absolute banger
No it won't. At least not in this pandemic. It's quite likely that we all get it though.
Based, I'd buy him a beer.
>You're looking at the same level of impact as the world wars had on Britain, but right across the board.
Very stupid post
Italy +6,557
Spain +3,803
USA +2,837
Germany +2006
all "travelers" should be gassed
think obsessing over GDP and what's 1st/3rd world is retarded
America is ""1st world"" but I'd live in Eastern Europe any day of the week
whats the perfect beer to coke ratio
what the fuck are they doing in italy lmfao
Cheadle if it hadn't been afflicted with this tragic coronavirus pandemic
got the one from everest?
Impact wise no but this is the greatest threat to life and limb in Britain since the Luftwaffe flew overhead.
Remind me again why everyone in the country should sit in their rooms by themselves for 3 months and the economy should be destroyed so that a few 80 year old disease ridden boomers who will be dying soon anyway don't die too quickly
Dogs and that..
the panickers, the happeners, the hoarders, the curve flatteners
all detestable cockroaches
Think the 'rona might do me in. Got shitty wheezy lungs. Drinking non stop for 14 years.
uk has it under control al;ready
>he's a Cheadle nuke denier
open your fucking eyes mate it's a smouldering crater
at least if every country is hit bad then our economy won't sink . it'll just be that every economy is suppressed a bit
Apparently it's only bad in Lombardy. Imagine the numbers if it was bad in all of Italy.
cus they took care of us when we were little and gave us love and affection and we should look after their precious souls
Shutting down the country likes this seems a bit much. Just to protect our boomers who will most likely be dead in the next 6 months anyway. Fuming
Hilarious, good one lad
Actually it's to stop corona cases flooding the NHS all at once
glad you enjoyed it lol
The economic impact of the wars was miniscule in comparison to what this will cost.
army on the streets soon
boomers are the torys biggest voter base
they MUST be protected at all costs
people still convincing themselves it only kills old people i see
how many tabs do you have open right now? be honest
feel the same way with niggers really, i'd rather just let them starve than waste our money subsidising them from cradle to prison cell
*surreptitiously takes a pill in ibiza*
just spend more money on the nhs
In Ireland? Yeah probably.
My brother has just been taken into hospital because he has a fever and is coughing tonnes. He has asthma. Thank God I haven't seen him in 3 weeks or I'd be locked in. Hope he is alright though.
It only kills a significant percentage of old people.
what are they gonna do shoot the virus?
Let's be honest for a moment. Cuteness is the most important thing a living being can have.
We can build equipment but you can't train doctors in a couple of months
multigenerational households and they're all kissing each other
literally been arguing this for a few days now, hell i even saw a bunch of boomers in a pub yesterday, 4 to a table packing a carvery, and its not just people losing their jobs no were gonna be paying this back for decades because them shafting us with brexit wasnt enough
Let em all get it dont care if I get sick and there no beds left
this is you isn't it
Impact is not just economic but cultural and social. Both World Wars made a gigantic impact on our culture. Spanish Flu barely made a dent. Consider that, 100+ year later, we still regularly commemorate the dead of WW1 whilst most people would be hard pressed to explain what Spanish Flu was.
Italy has 13 times more confirmed cases than we do
Not sure...what exactly about me is so intimidating?
Maybe...put your whore on a leash?
It's still not making much of a difference
are mcdonalds still doing takeaway?
>were gonna be paying this back for decades
Your great grandchildren will still be paying. Literally all the money in the world will be spent several times over.
They’re asking retired doctors to come out of retirement now
yeah by boomers who even before this were the reason the NHS was struggling (that and 12 years of tory austerity)
literally 3 full windows of chrome tabs and 4 in my current window which i opened today. at some point im going to go back and save all the links i have open, but that day is not today
Italy got the virus 24 hours before we did yet it has so many more deaths and infections. Why?
You realize you’re still paying off world war ONE loans, right
Pack it in you fucking joke.
leftypol on the left rorke on the right
money/debt isn't really anyway
who cares
block boomers from entering the NHS if they catch Corona
two problems solved at once
wish i was cute
You guys getting anything for your mums on mum's day?
I'm afraid anything i get will be contaminated
It can live on surfaces apparently
all smiles
Not debating anything other than the financial, this is the single most deleterious financial event in history. It will take generations to recover from and some nations will never regain the financial import they had in November last.
Depends. My local isn’t :(
300k yeeew
>unironic leftymong in the thread
Hmm yes lets put loads of 70 year olds in close contact with the covid petri dish
Sair Khan a cute
me to coronavirus
cant read shit
google your local one and itll tell you if its open
why are brits so fat and ugly?
To fight the Ra?
italians hugged chinese people
and they have lots of intergenerational households
No, we're not. Final debts from both wars were cleared in the nineties. But that's chump change compared to this.
how are you enjoying your self isolation lads?
p5 for £40, 1 g for £70, teenth for £100.
about all night usual deals
block niggers from access to the NHS given they have literally never paid for anything in their pathetic lives
boomers are ok, they paid for it for their parents and grandparents on the predication that their children would pay for it for them. niggers on the other hand have never paid for our public services and should be made to starve and die
Sent my mum a moonpig card and I got her some wine for when I eventually am able to visit her
It would be the quickest solution but only north korea would have the minerals to do that
posting cute things MAKES you cute
General explanation is that it has got inside the health system in a really bad way
why are brits so ugly and fat?
Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
why do they do this
literally just bullying an animal
theyre a yank colony
>eating any food that wasnt made by yourself
UK got herd immunity innit
was it autism??
user gets tricked again
love me steak
uhhh love a good greasy curry with rice and pompadoms and naan and chutney and uhh a cheeky mixed starter and uhh a keema stuffed naan
*has 7 kids across 3 different mothers*
aye lad that'll do
Who are you talking to