kot edition
/mena/ + /diashit/
كاكه جلال صدر قرار جمهوري : اللي يفجر نفسه ينعدم
there is already no more occupation. only iranian occupation of lebanon
i never blame shiites. i blame Hezbollah for creating a state within a state and not letting the government have power. stop taking it personally
post the one that got deleted it was kind of nice.
>Iranian occupation
>not letting the government take power
Stop spouting Reddit conspiracy theories
Footfagots are disgusting
>typical Yas Forumsack coping with redpills either by calling them reddit conspiracy theories or coming up with ZOG conspiracy theories of his own
this one srry
im muslima owned
it's not reddit conspiracy theories it's the truth. hezbollah would kill lebanese soldiers if it meant they'll survive longer. never forget 2008 government does something hezboshit doesn't like hezboshit takes over Beirut and almost starts another war (again)
the one from deleted based thread
was it that one? i remember she had a red dress i think. keep posting bro
let's make mena comfy again
Stop insulting my sect and I'll be comfy.
Christians and sunnshits ruined this country and when Shiites started doing good for everyone they blamed all the problems on us.
I don't give a shit about Lebanon for your information, may it all burn to hell I don't care, all that matters to me is south Lebanon, da7ye and b3lbak, the rest can go to hell
im shi3e retard i blame hezboshit not shias because allot of Shias are waking up and starting to realize that hezboshit is the real problem...
Nuke da7ye
the problem is that everything you say is a conspiracy theory
>Persian occupation
>hezbollah controls Lebanon
If hezbollah controlled Lebanon they'd opened the Bou kamal borders already
the problem is that you think anything against hezboshit is a Reddit conspiracy theory.
kelon ya3ne kelon. lebanese shias are dying in syria with the approval of iran but you support it. maybe at the end the coronavirus is a blessing in disguise that's gonna end the Iranian regime and suffocate Hezbollah...
Your hatred for Shiites is disgusting.
why does America keep interfering in lebano nbut you don't whine ?
Saudi kidnapped our pm but you don't whine
You only whine about Iran that sends us weapons to defend ourselves
>Shiites are dying in Syria
What does that have to do with Lebanon ?
How does Shiites fighting in Syria ruin Lebanon ?
Why do you care were Shiites fight? You are not a Shiite anyway so fuck off.
I wish we can have a shi3a state so we can get rid of those disgusting magoots.
>be Lebanese sects
>humiliate Shiites for centuries and make them beduoins
>Shiites get occupied by Israel
>n on care
>Iran help
>oh njoooooooooooo this is Persian occupation nooooo the Shiites aren't oppressed for the first time in their life this can't be
>be Christians and Sunnis
> make militias and kill each other
>Shiites make militia to fight enemy and defend all Lebanon
>nooooooooooooo you must always be oppressed you can't fight your enemy
and what makes you think i support america? i don't support anyone that interferes in lebanon that includes, paleshits, Syrians, israelis, Americans, Iranians, saudis etc. You see you're the typical "party follower" that absolutely hates influence from x country but don't mind from y country. after you get mad at sunnis for being the opposite. fucking sheeps and tools have a bit of self awareness for once
>What does that have to do with Lebanon ?
it means that iran has so much influence that it's able to gather Lebanese men and tell them to go die in another country but as long as it's not Saudi Arabia it's totally fine right? like i said you're still young you won't be in that cringe hezbollaboo phase very soon
>be Christians and sunnshits and diasporashits
>shit on hebzolalh and pander to Israel all day
>Claim to be patriotic
Lmao, you retard. Jordan is not Arab, very few people actually speak Arabic in Jordan.
>Iran is able to gather people
They are, also Iraq is able, this is how Shiism works, if you don't like it then it's not my problem
>be hezboshit
>claim to exist to only defend lebanon
>against Israeli occupation but not the hecking Syrianos
>be diasporshit
>never live a day in lebashit
>claim to be patriotic
Hezbolah actually fought Syria when they were here but a diaspora like you won't know
>be diasposhit and literal mutt
>get brainwashed by leddit
>I promise you won't love those who liberated you land and gave you money when you were poor and rebuilt your house forever
>be hezbolalh
>are distributing sanitizer and test kits and masks on stores now
>noooooooo you can't fight corona you only fight Israel
This is your logic
>also Iraq is able
no retard because it's iran that give them weapons and money that's all that matters not muh shiisme
yea that's why they supported them in 2005
>be disaposhit
>insult the only reason Shiites aren't beduoins like they used to be
>nooooo this isn't an attack on Shiism
>implying the only reason shiites were Bedouins is that they lived in rural areas and did nothing to better their situation and the ones that did are now living in the west and have money
complaining will never get you far
One fatwa from sistani and you'll see thousands of Lebanese in Iraq if Shiism doesn't mean to you it doesn't mean that it doesn't mean to other people
>because they give moe y and weapons
Hamas gets money and weapons from Iran yet opposed the Assad regime
Explain that mighty reddtior?
It's because we didn't have foreign backing like Christians and Sunnis did.
Many Shiites didn't know how to write or read even tho Jabal amel was the only place to know how to write and read before Turks
My grandma for example
You know that Shiites were kicked out of school when they wore hijab?
>be Shiites
>be oppressed
This is a life long story
>be Shiites
>get kicked out of your homes in keserwen and Tripoli without harming anyone
>decades later the ones who kicked you out start to act like we are one people
>today the police arrested 200+ subhumans for leaving their houses during the curfew.
I've noticed that urduni suddenly stopped posting, wouldn't it be ironic if he got thrown in minutes after these?
>be Sunnis
>whine on tv about a universal conspiracy that makes you lose wars even tho the only reason you lose is your own incompetence
>be Shiites
>treat everyone with love and respect
>everyone treats you as an enemy
iran cut aid to hamas as soon as they "betrayed" Iran but don't expect me to explain you Palestinian stupidity this is just another example on a long list of their stupidity. don't bite that hands that feed you is not complicated but paleshits are dense and it's islamists on top of that
>muh foreign backing
explain how my family went from growing up with no electricity to owning their own company here for 30+ years? this is all just copes for your own failures and no reason to support hezboshit
>kicked out of school when they wore hijab
what's wrong with that?
Hey, jack, listen up because I'm only gonna say this once. I'm an American. I'm not a retard simply because I don't know the ethnic ins and outs of your backwater on the other side of the planet. I'm a retard for other reasons, and don't you ever forget it.
>be Shiites
>get killed by all sects thought your life
>years later some diaspora shits ignores his Shiism and starts to pander to other sects who killed you
>be shia arab
>be loyal to iran
>give tax money to iran
>never fight israel
>chimpout when others point it out
>be Shiites
>constantly lie and deceive for fear of being exposed
>everyone treats you as an enemy
Iran did not cut aid to Hamas, they still give them till now
You should check your sources
>my family did
You can't deny that most Shiites were living in oppression before hezbollah started to help us
>what's wrong with that
Then you claim that you don't hate Shiism
>never fight Israel
>give tax money to Iran
Continue to lie and cope
lebanon is poor because hezbolat is a leeching parasite
>be Sunnism
>be the worst religion to ever be created
>be diaspora
>think that just because you are well off that everyone had the same chances as you
>Yet another sourcless claim
Jordanians are east Caucasian and great historical allies of the jewish people
please to be answering
>be shiite
>build the most corrupt theocratic drug gang
>be Lebanese diapora
>thinks that the reason he is diaspora isn't oppression
>be Shiite
>kill thousands of sunnshits and displace millions of them
Feels good
>be shiite
>claim to be oppressed
>oppress syrians
>be Shiite
>curse Omar
اللهم العن عمر
>be Shiite
>curse Abu baker al zendiq
اللهم العن أباً بكر
>till now
yea after cutting aid to them and them crying for help again. read more
>You can't deny that most Shiites were living in oppression
Yes I can deny it. No one was helping Shias but nothing prevented them to work hard and go up the social ladder. But listen crying for oppression is easier than working your way up I'll give you that
>Then you claim you don't hate Shiisme
I don't have a problem with religions but secular dictatorship are based
I'm starting to think the source of your income is some organization linked to hezboshit and if so good for you but stop thinking everyone should appreciate them as much as you
>oppress Syrians
no one cares they were doing the same in Lebanon. the wheel is turning that's all
>be shiite
>get btfo
>chimp out
>be Shiite
>fuck Aisha in her tight puccy
>yet another conspiracy about me getting money from hezb
You are a schizo
Based. Levantine ethnostate when?
Who is Jack
>british men
Fukken lol
>be hezbillalh enemy
>be schizo and think everything is a conspiracy
Like poetry
Will you muzrats stop it already?
You know there's an entire general just for this, got to SG. I bet the subhumans there will love you.
it's the first time i mention it because i remember you said you don't want to say where you get your money from and no problem with that i was just suggesting it. but yea easy to act as the victim huh? fuck hezbollah btw
>nothing prevented them to work hard and go up the social ladder
You are talking about an entire sect that was living in poverty, check your privilege diaspopo
>you didn't say we're your money is from means it's from hezbollah
Typical schizo
>fuck hezbolah btw
Typical enemy
>be leafshit
>think you are a tree shit
>check your privilege
my privilege of doing more than complaining? typical subhuman response btw
>be lebanese neet
>cry about getting oppressed by people who actually work
>be person
>attack the resistance that liberated your land
>think that I'll accept it easily
>be leaf shit
>assume I'm a neet
>anything other than complaining
That all you do actually, you only complain about hezbollah and about the Persian occupation
Even tho I've never seen any Persian occupation and I live here
>be schizo
>say schizo things
SLA was no different than Hezbollah except to who they're loyal and receive money from. can't refute that
any hezboshit flag is a sign of foreign occupation lol
>a party that allied with the enemy is similar to a party that defeated the enemy
>flags of a Lebanese party and the Lebanese resistance that liberated the land is occupation
Guys stop yelling at each other, Egyptian Arabic or Persian? I'm leaning towards Persian.
It's called Farsi
And yes you should learn that.
Lebanon is a Persian colony after all like my schizo friend would say
Are you the coping seether from /sg/ ? Is this your refuge?
>>a party that allied with the enemy is similar to a party that defeated the enemy
history is written by the victors. if SLA won they'd say the same exact shit. now tell me why is one good and one bad?
>both supported by foreign state
>both occupied lebanese land
>both act as a de facto state
>both ignore government
>both want lebanon to be a puppet