bikkie edish
had an imagination wank this morning in bed pretending I was lying there with a cute girlfriend cuddling and having morning sex and kissing her tummy and hips and thighs and all sorts
never had a girlfriend or had sex
fucking freak
Don't remember subscribing to this blog.
all brits look like pasty babies
don't care
wold get on one of these upermarket jobs for 20 quid an hour but cba for less than a tenner
This isolation time is the perfect chance to learn a language, start a master's degree, get fit etc
Hope you blokes are taking full advantage
>Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!
something like this lad?
give the bankers bonuses to the shelf stackers
excuse me mate this may be better suited for your incel blogs
you just know when a post starts with 'reckon' it'll be horseshit
genuinely something wrong with you lad (the lack of sex, not the dirty mind)
delete this post
Tupac never wrote a single verse while he was in jail
Quite like blogs ngl
why are there so many dif /brit/ threads in so many boards
this the one with the Tiote volley? fuck me I still remember where I was when I heard that on the radio and I'm not even an arsenal or toon fan
The word incel is tossed around so much that it no longer has any meaning
Kinda mad. We get treated like absolutely shit forever but when shit goes south we're suddenly """"""""""""key workers"""""""""
wank to trannies on /gif/
march prediction was wrong
only thing i see him predict was italy which declared a state of emergency 5 hours later, its possible he heard about that and chose to turn his few hours of foresight into a troll post.
the brazillian bat thing sounds bizarre or made up, certainly not something i'd trust a finance guy to report on.
It's a reddit loanword that no one used on Yas Forums until that one shooter in 2016 or whenever it was
In this case, bikkie (the colloquial Australian word for a cookie), is clipped slang for biscuit (the British English word for a type of cookie), and it uses the -ie diminutive suffix.
reckon your mum shoves snails up her back passage
It's not on. Just heard some tesco runts now get £10/hr that's fucking almost 2 grand a month.
I slaved away at uni and I've been let go while these useless masses get almost my wages.
Don't find this even a little bit hot because they look like the 'rents.
But weren’t schools closed? Online learning sources can do their job better
america is dead. a third of its population culled, its government bankrupt. states begin to declare their independence and rebuild with their own central banks. old disagreements resurface, wars ensue.
china inherits the earth.
the eurozone collapses, there isn't enough money on earth to bail out all their dysfunctional bankrupt banks with trillions in toxic assets. "euro project" brainwashing won't allow countries to exit the currency union and remain in the political union, many western european countries are forced to choose independence over destitution. germany feels like it did nothing wrong right until the end, they choose to bail out deutche bank and implement crushing austerity on themselves and the remaining euro nations, leading to an explosion of right-wing nationalism.
the british government is bankrupted by all its early economic intervention and unable to guarantee the deposits of all the dead consumer banks (they all died), and is forced to let peoples savings disappear. confidence in sterling evaporates. obvious preferential treatment of english hospitals during the crisis finally breaks the union, leaving northern ireland and scotland to join ireland in a new collective. wales stays with england.
Diaby pushing Bartonnnnn off off off off
thing A is just like thing B... but different
*grinds you under my heel*
shouldnt have fallen for the uni meme
not to be confused with bikie, a member of a motorcycle gang.
No bread anywhere
*remembers the cuckio meme*
*stops delivering your food*
enjoy starving runt
Writing your new fantasy RPG, lad?
stuff bread go keto
The Black Death basically ended serfdom in the long-run. This will be the death blow to capitalism.
that would need them stacking shelves for 10 hours a day for a month to earn that
meanwhile as a uni runt I am """""working""""" from home earning more
it's a biker
lads if I am buying a new laptop do I need 8GB or 16GB of ram?
me in every scene with my bollocks out taking the brunt of it all
'i was revising for economics and politics AS levels and now i don't know what to do with my time', the post
>wales stays with england
nah mate
we're leaving
simple as
You need to have sex
I don't fucking care. They dont' "work" they doss about in a supermarket all day. They don't deserve these wages. They should just get store credit not real money for real people.
how based can one wagie be lads?
Not exactly. Global capitalism, globalisation, etc are the main victims.
Localism and domestic industries will be what survives. And capitalism will continue, just restricted to their own nations.
Got the chinky flu lads will be providing everyone with daily updates from here
Day 1:
Mostly flu symptoms, hunger pangs and serious fatigue
Have decided to stay in bed with the window open
Have had several coughing fits and feel generally a little out of breath
If I don't update I'm either dead or have been taken away by the men in black
My bitch is bad and boujee
stop bullying me
I earn more watching jojo's bizzare adventures on netflix for the last week
take the uni pill
where do you reckon you got it, larper?
*ended serfdom in Western Europe
In Eastern Europe the Black Death led to landlords instituting an even more brutal from of serfdom
>waies (basically kings these days) don't have to go to toil
>I still have to do unitoil
interesting thing to note here
just solved the Productivity Puzzle lads, kill this lad here
w-where you going?
Slavs aren't human so don't count
I work in a very busy pub so I've probably picked it up there
you lads ever had these moments as a kid where you'd do a certain thing and it feels like you spaffed
i used to crawl really quickly across the kitchen floor with my willer inbetween my legs and id always get that feeling
Gets more and more true every day
Wales goalscorers vs Belgium (2016):
Ashley Williams: Born in Wolverhampton, England
Hal Robson-Kanu: Born in London, England
Sam Vokes: Born in Southampton, England
i don't want to suffer at all so at this point i would choose death
sis and brother both at home cos unitoil shut
the have to do online-lecturetoil but still
not got any more true since the last time you posted it (for the 3rd time today)
Do you think they touch each other when alone?
Hope my HIV/AIDS infected former toil manager gets the 'rona
The last thing they were right about was the market crashing in March
The Brazil bats thing hasn't come true
where's the pub lad
what's spaffed supposed to mean?
Chew on that, parasite
2020 I am...forgotten
not a pixel
>FA Chairman suggests Club bosses shifting in favour of season cancellation
Hate to think that all the video games and films I was looking forward to have been delayed because the production staff can't go to work due to self isolation
wish i were welsh
yeah. if enough idiots online post their theories then one will be right and can get screenshotted like "wow if only we listened to this guy"
hello I work for a car insurance company
I will now open the floor to questions on car insurance
wish I had a gf to shag
shaggers are so lucky
Doesn't feel like panic today
Did they cure it?
everything before last weekend might as well not have happened at this stage
lmao, was this the last biggish 'thing' to happen before the 'rona took over?
can anyone remember anything else between that and now?
>baseless generalisation
why do progs like to pretend that stereotypes aren't based on anything
None ya business
meh its not even that exciting. sometimes when i havent shagged the gf in a few days im very eager for it, but as an every day thing it gets old
How will they decide who gets into europe
outbreak wasn't in a major italian city, irrelevant anyways as cases were found in italy before that post was made
if i move to the uk do youguys find the aussie accent sexy like the americans do? i wanna mate with your women
Australia on fire
WW3 with Iran
Australian Midget
its a bit overrated
just the classic wanting something because you don't have it
Honestly if this happened 20 years later they'd be replaced by robots.
Am I spending too much money on my car insurance?
stfu yank scum you can't just cancel the season
>new vsauce video opens with michael literally taking a shit
hard to believe this was once one of the most respected channels on youtube
based michael
t. scouser
why are so many people defending the Chinese government over this
Brexit means Brexit
Don't forget the storms.
because trump is attacking them, so they have to do the opposite
we find it funny not sexy but most women find humour sexy so
xi jingping said i can get a cute chinese gf if I defend china
to join alba, breizh, kernow, mannin and eire in the greater celtic co-prosperity sphere
love bretons
Australia on fire
WW3 with Iran
Australian Midget
Storm Ciara/Dennis
>get chatted up by 8/10s irl
>get unmatched by 6/10 trollops on dating apps
Such is the life of online dating
Is that Maja? Whoever she is I'm in love
Probably. However so long as you shop around every time your renewal is due you can at least try to get the best price for the current market. Staying with the same company out of convenience is asking to be price gouged.
Also most high premiums are justified (especially for young men). That said, a lot of the money you're paying goes towards paying fraudulent personal injury claims which are by and large submitted solely by pakistanis and eastern europeans.
dont care virgin
Feels like I need to cough all the time. Think I got the chinky
CCP is running a propaganda war
not only are they paying actual shills, but they are getting useful idiots on board by crying racism
that's right, the CCP crying about racism
Do you have any advice for someone without a car?
her name is Dasha Taran, fren :)
Shagging a girl you just met and really fancy is peng though
You forget /gf2020/
what the fuck is wrong with women?
im not your fren gaybo
*shoves you to the ground*
Anything that makes you stand out usually helps. Having an aussie accent makes you exotic, but not close-the-car doors exotic so it will help you.
embrace alcoholism
What’s the problem
The most disgusting thing about all of this coronavirus shit is that the government decided a couple of businesses should get an unlimited checkbook in the face of capitalism, but they STILL haven't helped the former residents of Grenfell
We shall fight them on the beaches...
my bus service on openttd was always making a loss so I had to sell the bus :(
China helped liberate Africa from colonialism, has always aided the Palestinian struggle, helps Cuba, Venezuela, Syria etc, yet some fat yank sitting on the bones of ten million dead native Americans thinks China is racist. Don't laugh!
Thanks, she's qt
On what, avoiding being run over? Don't ride a bike or, if you do, remain vigilant for cementmixerblindspotberg.
It may interest you to know that I also do not own a car yet my job is to make liability decisions when people get in car accidents.
shes a woman and shes not arrested
Igor is a real name?