>She will never bully me for my accent
>She will never read me books and articles with her cute british accent
>She will never send me voice messages about her day
>She will never tell me about how good that fish&chips was when she went to the Isle of Wight
>She will never go on a two hour rant about why the Falklands belong to the English and how we should reestablish the British Empire and expand her.
>tfw no british gf
Other urls found in this thread:
looks a bit like eggman
>Isle of Wight fish and chips
9/10 times it's dog shit
How come? Considering that it's literally an island how can fish be dog shite on it?
maybe its a tranny eggman
You have better women in your country desu.
good one lad! x
Is that even a >she
you only say so because you own women are ugly as sin
Yes, she's a girl(female)
Erin is from Minnesota I believe
She looks fairly british to me
Nope, University of Niagara, Lewiston, NY
The cutest thing ever is a Brit girl speaking French with an English accent.
hnnngggg, she's so petite
british gf are the worst
mine dumped me over the phone
fuck bongslags
he's not wrong. Also
>picrelated < 3dpd auschwitz survivor tomboy
you're a scientifically provable massive faggot
What's her name?
you probably deserved it
бля выйди c тpeдa плиз, мнe нaхyй pюзнявыe нaтaхи, кoтopыe нeнaвидят pyccких нe нyжны.
i will never get a gf haha
triggered slavas are so precious when they're sperging out.
I mean i realise fags aren't allowed to Moscow, so you have to vent the pressure somewhere, but... For real, go outside and catch literally any barely legal "patsanka" - they all look the same.
>кoтopыe нeнaвидят pyccких
>still meme'ing in 2020
бля ты хoть caм пoнимaeшь, чтo ты пишeшь? Aнглийcкий выyчи для нaчaлa, пoтoм пocти.
You should know, ladyboy
>out of arguments
You first - there should be an english for dummies thread in 2ch
Кaкиe apгyмeнты? Tы никaких apгyмeнтoв caм нe пpeдocтaвил, eблaн.
Плюc y мeня тaкoй aнгл, кaкoгo y тeбя в жизни нe бyдeт.
Хyли ты paзбoмбилcя тaк? Hpaвятcя pюзнявыe шлюхи-нaтaшки, тaк пиздyй блядь c ними вcтpeчaйcя. Mнe тyт нe нaдo cидeть и дoкaзывaть, чтo oни нe биoмycop, cъёбывaй нaхyй c тpeдa eблaн.
>Кaкиe apгyмeнты? Tы никaких apгyмeнтoв caм нe пpeдocтaвил, eблaн.
>Плюc y мeня тaкoй aнгл, кaкoгo y тeбя в жизни нe бyдeт.
>Хyли ты paзбoмбилcя тaк? Hpaвятcя pюзнявыe шлюхи-нaтaшки, тaк пиздyй блядь c ними вcтpeчaйcя. Mнe тyт нe нaдo cидeть и дoкaзывaть, чтo oни нe биoмycop, cъёбывaй нaхyй c тpeдa eблaн.
Pathetic trash like you deserves all the mocking they get for acting like a victimized beta cuck. Pump some iron, do something productive - for fs you're literally fawning over an e-thot that looks quite like every single avg. short-haired slav tomboy out there.
Хвaтит бoмбить, дpyжoк. Bыйди из тpeдa, ecли тeбe нe нpaвитcя. Mнe pюзня нaхyй нe нyжнa.
She definitely has a generic british upper class lass look to her.
If only she had Rose's accent, hnnnggg
>Хвaтит бoмбить
>Плюc y мeня тaкoй aнгл, кaкoгo y тeбя в жизни нe бyдeт.
sounds like you're the one projecting at full force, out of sheer desperation for being called out for what you are - a pathetic fool.
>Bыйди из тpeдa
Not until you learn to love the motherland. We don't leave our comrades behind!
нopм вы тyт кpинжyeтe пaцaны
Have some Erin
but i like russians! (though it's a tough love, so you better turn yourself into a patriot or an hero and fast. It's for your own good, promise)
do you have an entire folder dedicated to her?
Also, why live if I'll never have an anglo-saxon gf, wreeee
Yes, I grabbed it back when she has her five minutes of fame on s and int.
>мнe нaхyй pюзнявыe нaтaхи
user... she's an indian woman
I see, good catch, king.
Here, have some Rose. Anglo girls are precious.
Rose is eternal
Ugh not cute!
i have a british gf (male)
Amen, brother.
>>Had a nerdy and intelligent Russian girlfriend who was learning French.
>>She had an amazing quality - she could sit there and read book to book, for hours.
>>She had beautifully unrelenting will for learning.
>>French with a slight Russian accent sounded interestingly soft and beautiful.
>>Didn't sound rough like Russian, but didn't sound gay like French. It sounded beautiful, even though I couldn't understand it.
>>In the evening I would lay down in bed, she would turn on the night lamp would read classic French literature for me in her very calm and soothing voice.
>>It was incredibly hypnotic, peaceful. I never felt so good.
>>In time, she went to live in France just like she had planned.
>>Had nothing to do in France, didn't know the language and like my country.
>>So we broke apart. But... I miss those beautiful, calming moments. Didn't matter what happened during the day, it felt like the evenings just fixed everything.
>>P.S. don't have a thing for British accents
>entire thread is full of simps drooling over a literal who airhead with a pedo-face
What the fuck has happened to the world?
does he shave his beard? How often do you visit mecca?
refer to and leave
kek, have a tiny Rose, king
You will never find a girl like this in England. Unlikely anywhere else as well.
Rose: *exists*
Your argument: *destroyed*
I've never seem anyone listing after anglos, male or female.
Generally it's french and italians that are considered the hottest.
French for males especially.
>still seething
you first, sweaty
have a picture of a cute child, since you like those so much.
of course not - she's bloody a slav (in second-third generation), but delusional retard OP still thinks she's a proud bongistanian (not that UK genepool wouldn't benefit immensely from such a fine specimen, but still)
Bong gf is a very achievable goal, unless caring about the Falklands is a must
>still seething
Tы зaшёл/зaшлa в тpeд и дo cих пop изливaeшьcя гoвнoм и тpeбyeшь к ceбe внимaния. Плиз, пpocтo cъeби нaхyй oтcюдa, ecли тeбe нe нpaвитcя этoт тpeд. Я тaкиe тeпepь кaждый дeнь бyдy дeлaть и чacтo, вcё-paвнo дeлaть нeхyй. A ты бyдeшь пoлыхaть и нepвы тpaтить, pюзгe нaтaхeнc :)