
eagrán feinitíopa na thiománaí deliveroo

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>ordering food
I only trust food cooked by my own hands or that I can see being cooked before me.

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in this period anyway I wont be doing any ordering

Bored of life

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Normalfags are getting a taste of what that is like at the moment.

You think it's worth trying to read this thing before I inevitably die in the street from unemployment?

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he lived a full life


it's kino, the peak of stream of consciousness

How hard would it be to find a job in Dublin as a man with coronavirus?

That depends. Do you also have long hair?

It all felt out after my skin started turning grey

Yeah, that's a common symptom of living in Dublin for too long.

Latest from Niall


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sorry, I was out being a super spreader

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why are you animeniggers obsessed with this whore


whomst is this anime woman

She took on the Ulster menace.

Also this.

Banríon Méabh.

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ulster is not a menace, those who colonised it are
she's a fucking splitter

>ulster is not a menace
You have never heard one speak.

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What, they're a menace because they're unintelligible?

>"Covid-19: Italy sees almost 800 deaths in one day"
>"Italy has reported 793 new coronavirus deaths, a one-day record that saw its toll shoot up to 4,825 - 38.3% of the world's total."

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we wuz romans n shiet

Still having that tfw no gf depression

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>tfw the pope might get it

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Yes. Like Darth Maul. He was the phantom menace and only had three lines in the film, two of them being lost in editing.

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Ordered an electric guitar from amazon. Will take the time from this Corona autism to become a shredding god.

what if the string breaks

getting sick of the stupid cunts who keep coming out here everyday for walks

thought i'd be safe(r) since i live in the countryside but having to walk the dog and the place is teeming with more stupid cunts than i see here even in summer, driving out here in their bms and audis walking their gay miniature dogs and gay miniature kids swaddled head to toe in winter coats, scarves and beanie hats and it's not even cold (twas a balmy 10 degrees today), generally getting in the way and not maintaining a 2 metre distance, infecting us rural folk

its a direct assault on gaelic ireland is what it is

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I did not think of that

>ordering during the corona virus
i ordered a jumper there and it still hasnt arrived..


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what are normies even doing
do none of them know about the hacker known as Yas Forums?
I wonder if they're all getting funneled into that place that shall not be named

I really need to keep a notebook with me at all times to take down what I intend to post. So many great shitposts lost because of my faulty memory

I used to do that. If anyone ever finds it they'll be really confused.

>Yas Forums will be switching to HTTPS by default on March 27th. Please save your settings using the 'Export Settings' button in the settings panel!

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Why is this a bad thing?

I consider it to be selling out

Dia duit Irish friends!
It's our 2500th thread and we are inviting everyone to our thread! Please grab a Guinness and maybe a bitterbal and come say hello!

can we play????????/


How's the craic in cork?
Girl I want to shag down there but she's scared of the old mai sharona

this thread is slower than a funeral

fuck off girlfucker

Which is strange because of all the social distancing. Surely this should be /éire/'s time to shine?


Peace mo chara there's plenty of BRs around nowadays for you

1. utterly wasted digits
2. stop talking like i don't know what
3. what the fuck is a BR?


>in Cork
I have bad news for you.

Have a pint

What's the happening?


idk, I've been going to a few covid 19 house parties myself.

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bought a ticket to Kerry for next thursday to spread the disease

praying they don't stop the trains so I can personally finish off the Celtic race

The Healy Reas won't allow that

how're ya keeping?

i'll bash the shit out of ya shoneen cunt

Would you consider yourself at risk of getting the Coronavirus lads? Or are you sufficiently isolated that you should be able to ride out this pandemic?

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Anyone in navan ?


75% sure I'm in the early stages

What symptoms do you have?

I only have to go out once a week so probably not no.

dry coofing and occasional weariness

What are you going to do? Contact your GP?

even if I do get it I wont die

It's not meant to be a pleasant experience even if it doesn't kill you.

You're mistaken user, I'm on coronachan's side.

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i've been through harder, im not bothered by a poxy flu

What’s the craic

Absolutely fuck-all as usual