Tfw due to corona i've spent the past week in total panic, barely eating, haven't left the house...

>tfw due to corona i've spent the past week in total panic, barely eating, haven't left the house, and in the evenings i stare at the ceiling and pray to god to wake me up from this harrowing nightmare

Do you have apocalypse anxiety in your country?

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no, only retards have that

no, only retards have that

yes, but i'm more afraid of the upcoming economic disaster


the virus isn't the problem
the response is the problem
it has already done more damage than this chink flu could ever hope

life has just continued as normal, except for the fact that theres no fucking bread at the shops

lol pussy

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I'm afraid of all of it. In truth I don't think I'm going to die or that this is the end of the world. But I worry that my family will die, and I also worry that this is like WW2 - one of those landmark events which changes society irreversibly into something totally unrecognisable for decades to come.

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>people get to stay at home and play video games and save the climate through do-nothing

Your behaviour is an example for us all

>one of those landmark events which changes society irreversibly into something totally unrecognisable for decades to come.

how were people from the 1950s different from the people from 1930s

and at least the virus won't bomb the cities

Neck yourself normie
I'm /comfy/ as ever

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I'm not a normie, I just have extreme anxiety about disasters and catastrophes like this. The idea of war, famine, disease, apocalypse, just chills me to the core.

stop watching movies

I don't need to watch movies anymore. The movies have become real life. I feel like I'm living in a real life horror film. Every time I read the latest articles and medical reports, the predictions are dire. Italian soldiers carrying caskets through the streets. Doctors predicting tens of millions dead worldwide, if not hundreds. Absolutely no hope. Is this how it all ends?

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But muh GDP

yeah you're not a normie, you're just a faggot

>Is this how it all ends?

well, there was Spanish flu in 1919, millions of people died and what happened? Nothing, the world didn't really change, the 1920s were the era of prosperity, people forgot about it very fast

>I am reading bad news and now I feel bad, how can this be happening to me?

A few hundreds of millions out of billions.

just sit at home and watch anime, don't spread the virus

Not reading the bad news doesn't make it go away. The bad news is still there. By not reading it, I'm just burying my head in the sand.


151,700-575,400 (estimate)

does anyone here remember this flu? there was some kind of panic too, hundreds of thousands of people died and? nothing more

it's gonna be the same with corona, especially that there are already medicines that were proved to be helpful and the vaccine is about to come too.


I would get infected than watch anime

Society changes irreversibly every few decades, kid. Get used to it.

This is true but Corona has more hysteria around it because we are fully in the social media age now. The economy is fucked.

>151,700-575,400 (estimate)
That's what doctors are predicting corona will kill in the UK alone.

if it makes you feel better the average age of fatalities is like 80

I have grandparents in their 80s. My parents are 60s and have conditions that put them in at risk groups. I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that they're probably all going to die.

I don't remember any of this. In any case, corona is already 10x worse.

>I don't remember any of this.

That's why just sit at home and don't panic.

>in the evenings i stare at the ceiling and pray to god to wake me up from this harrowing nightmare
The real mortality rate is going to be ~1%.
The overwhelming majority of deaths will be those who are in the 70+ age group or have a preexisting condition.
Calm down. This is not apocalyptic.

Jesus christ dude grow a pair, no offense

>My parents are 60s and have conditions that put them in at risk groups
The mortality rate for individuals with preexisting conditions is not as high as you (for some reason) seem to believe it is.
Assuming they do not have severe conditions, their likelihood of living is greater than their odds of dying.

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By the way, the data from Italy and China both support these conclusions.

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I can sympathise, user.

This is a defining event that changed not just attitudes, but how people interacted with each other.

Once this is over this will be referred to as Pre and Post COVID-19. Sobering.

*9/11 and 7/7
Were defining events.


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Literally nothing has changed in my life so far lmao. Normies freaking out while I enjoy the deserted streets, the world would really be much more enjoyable if 90% of the human race vanished


there is no hope


Really, bro?

Honestly I'm more afraid of the economic repercussions this will have.

make sure to send all your qt economic refugees to austria

end times


who did you vote for?


really scared for my dad

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Late-to-the-party-Ameridumb will find out the reason why people worry in a week or 2.

I'm not undermining it.
I don't know why, but you're misunderstanding me.

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I've funnily contemplated how nice it would be to be in a coma for a month of 2. This time is going to be so sucky for such a long while; the panicking people make it the worst.

I actually have severe anxiety, constantly worrying about horrible things happening.

But now that they are I don't feel afraid, only prepared and completely calm.

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this shitty country and and all of the people here who don't give a fuck will put us ahead of china's "numbers" soon. just stuck at my parents shit apartment building being freshly NEET and waiting to be wiped out painfully

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fuck chinks

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I used to but the confinement measures made me less worried.

Shit's gonna hit hard when they decide to lift them up.

Can't you like.. just eat normally (or maybe a little bit less if you're overweight) and stay inside and play some old video games that you've been meaning to play for years but never got around to, and in the evening watch a nice comfy old movie and then lay in bed and thank god that you're safe inside with all this entertainment to keep you distracted?

I'm not worried at all, the whole thing is such a nothing burger it's amazing.

>just escape reality bru

Society was due for a plague anyway

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BLACKED shut down, bros. I can't fucking take it anymore

>Do you have apocalypse anxiety in your country?
No, I don't give a shit about things I can't change or do something about. Waste of energy.

i don't get it, why are people so concerned about corona-chan? it kills boomers, we should help it

Youngsters can get it too