
the little bastard edition

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legs > arse > tits

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you wait ages for a new thread and then 2 come along at once

Janny mate there's a global crisis going on

i'd graffito a "with" in there

rorke suddenly not a fan of free speech after looking at this

where do feet fall on this?

fuck up wannabe internet character

Support British threads

Global pandemic and my boomer dad is unironically mowing the lawn

you wait ages for boomers to die and then they all die at once

can smell the underage in this post

which one should I get de lads? got to use these airmiles up before April and cant use them on flights now

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just ripped out a few nose hairs

Face > arse > legs > tits

FOZ (fuck off zoomer)

The young'uns now are all well over 6'. The manlet cutoff zone will be 6'2 in 10 years.

usually at the bottom of the leg mate

Shut the fuck up manlet


hello tarquin

I have a chep pair of top right and they are amazing.

Hate the design of giant headphones like that myself but up to you

plan for the day: bottle of red wine and a book

JK cinema

Get the over ear ones, got a few mates who have the over ear noise cancelling ones.

Anyone currently under 6’ unironically (I mean it) needs to be executed so we can improve our gene pool

If you don’t like this, I don’t care, because you’re a manlet and manlet opinions are meaningless

going to wankeroo at any point?

extremely gallic post

>tfw 5'7

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Uganda be kidding me

>Expiring air miles
Who the fuck do you fly with?

>sister gets attacked by an aligator in a dream, i punch it in the nose and jump on it, holding its jaws shut
>meanwhile my sister can't even turn down the FUCKING TELEVISION MADELINE PLEASE


uganda be kidding him

wank in bed at night, or early in the morning. would feel wrong during the day


what you reading mon amis? Just finished Sebald's Natural History of Destruction, gonna start North by Celine today

wish i got my nan one of they alexa screens to see her during this

Anyone in a modern democracy should have freedom of height

Yorkshire Air

shirt lifter

We didnt close our pubs during the blitz but now we have to so the little millennials stop crying?

take a guess

she cute?

We are all Wuhan

Absolute state of zoomers. How fucked is the 21st century

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north is on my to-read list. im still reading 2666 it's a big book and im somewhat of a slow reader

I stand with Covid-19

Eugenics are a good thing the only downside are defects like manlets don’t like it and don’t benefit from it (but that’s the point)

Virgin, about to go bust innit

for me, it was winoa ryder in bettlejuice

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Agreed, after that everybody under 6'3 should be executed as they will be the new manlets

Madeline is such a lovely name, like perfectly cute for a young girl but also quite sexy for a women

Don't think zoomers use Reddit, it's a more millennial webspace

happy apocalypse boys x

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Falling Down is 30 years old and is about a boomer

this is so cringe. arse is a nigger and/or bender fetish

First people to go in my eugenics programs would be people with a foot fetish

already drinking at 1pm

dark times indeed

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shoot that corona right in the face bud

kino. how much did all that cost?

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Mossberg boys we out here

noice kill them all brother

we need cytube now more than ever in these startling times

The British history section in Waterstones has a section entirely for Churchill. Bit overkill innit.

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A late surge of pro-Madeline sentiment -- let's keep an eye on that movement in the name appreciation polls.

what a cutie. give your cat lots of love, friend.

got to resist starting to do this.... so easy

has the first quarantine baby been born yet

vicious little scungebuggler!

Naming my daughter either Charlotte or Lydia

And then promptly disowning her because all women are whores

might bum a fag

It's because the hospitals are overwhelmed. My doctor friend told me how they had to let a 68 year old with Coronavirus die of cardiac arrest instead of resuscitating and putting her in intensive care because it was full and they have to prioritise younger patients who were more likely to survive.

This is still early stages of the pandemic and its only going to get worse.

Gay use you your fists like a man you batty boy

you gonna cry?

>caught moving Thatcher books to fiction again

who your dad

Heh they’ll be called the quaranteens

what is deano going to do now that he can't go to the pub, watch the footy or go to nandos with the missus?

waterstones shelves are fucking sad

It's about a white man who sees the real time decay of civil society around him, he slaves for toilberg 12 hours a day while blacks and beaners who don't work are free to roam the street robbing little old grannies and jewish capitalists chip away at the basic level of service we expect in our 7/11s and restaurants. It's a great critique of civil society and not something that n*n-whites or women would ever be able to understand

Daughter's name will be Alistairia


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play fifa online and drink peroni or dark fruits at home

play fifa and watch narcos on netflix

shag his missus I guess while you'll still be a spotty little virgin

thoughts on Fight Club?

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nasty little poobottom!

catch up with the latest Peaky Blinders™ now with the new Sky Boxset deal

source: your arse



The 'ockdown viewing

>Janny says coronavirus is ‘like nothing we’ve ever seen,’ cuts his salary to £0

Ah yes so racism is illegal but homophobia is A ok is that right janny you insensitive prick

how hilarious would it be to go back in time and see all this shit everywhere

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oh noo not the heckin boomerinos
>b-but what if it was your granny
oh well
she's lived a good life

based females giving people what they want to see

the daughter will be named fanny

internet speed has gone to shit now that all the filthy normies are working from home

source: my arse

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Eating biltong
tastes honestly shit


Love to see that sort of selfless attitude


there's no feet in that picture

its just a cooooooooooof brooooooooo

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is the weedman still delivering?

mad that flamingos exist

this will all be forgotten about in 3 weeks

Not that much, maybe ~$2500-3000 with sights on both rifles and a couple thousand rounds total of various ammo.

gotta love 'em

you can't shoot a virus m8

You fuck any kids in Asia yet you disgusting pedophile?

you said that 3 weeks ago

you said that last month

not really

in 3 weeks we'll have probably around 1000 daily deaths and the army on the streets

Yanks will try nonetheless

no i didnt

you said that today just recently

over 1000 deaths in italy in the last 24 hours of 'rona

seen a ufo last night


wow so true lilly. liverpool is truly a utopian's wet dream


don't give a toss about yanks, never will read their comments

literally me haha

I’m such a deano

my daysss

No, but you can shoot the plague raiders

bet you know nothing about flamingos

The quarantine? Oh no, that doesn't affect me. I work from home.

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genuinely dont care


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is it also just a coincidence that they are the biggest shitholes in the country?

And yet you read my comment you fucking autist lmao

Kill yourself pedophile

Nigger looters will be worse than the virus m8. it shan't be long until they start getting restless

Overrated and cliché

that was just your mum in the kitchen for a late snack


love that yank that attacks all the weirdos like ludders

i know they're pink because of the little things they eat

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>another slut destroying the branding of Louboutin heels

>Overrated and cliché

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yes of course
now time for your meds

Haha woweee a butt! Girls are so hot! Thanks, I’m not on an internet full of porn! Aren’t women hot guys? Guys women are sooooo hot!

Good song that, a hit on the Australian music charts.

you just didn't get it

you know more than most then

What should I watch lads?

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anyone here dislocated a finger? just got my cast off after 2 weeks and finger is still a bit bent and i cant move it much

just when you thought it was over

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electrocute every yank itt

Who is ludders

>3k+ cases in Spain
>Italy, france and UK to be announced
may aswell book nans funeral now

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oh my days that's a deano list if ive ever seen one

the second wave killed mostly young people as well after the first was oldies
>tfw it might happen again

flu n that

death rate in italy is over 10% now

Any man remember Cadbury nigger bars?

not really

Where are we on that chart?

on the train

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post late 00s aussie choons


few dollars more

Lawrence of Arabia


11% overall

right im just gonna go ahead and say it...

top gear is and always has been reddit.

fucking spastic wake up and take a look around
we're on a steeper curve than italy

the maltese falcon is unironically my smithys favourite film

not even at the peak of the first wave

>Lawrence of Arabia

Yas Forums gave me a chin complex


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China should be held accountable for lying about the statistics.

You could never harm an American, for we would shoot you to death

Sounds like we're in for an apocalyptic situation

shut up fat

Thoughts on ze Germans?

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Remember New Orleans, the LA Riots, etc.
People are crazy when someone tells them to panic and this is potentially the most substantial event we've ever lived through

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stop comparing coronavirus to influenza

not even 2 and already 5 cans of carling down the hatch along with a full bottle of smirnoff vodka

oof marone

so how many actually died in China do you think? 5 million?


coronavirus isnt spanish flu and its not 1918 dont listen to that retard

Whooaaa holy fuck there’s a virus vector right there on the left

Hope you’ve got your affairs in order

>the forbidden planet
LA Con i guess


I like thicc girls but would prefer to settle down with a girl who was skinny like this because she is less likely to be a whale after kids.

Low or high test decision?

oof you're 'ard

How can it be Deano when there's not even Wolf of Wall Street there

honestly a top meme

wtf I love lisicki now!?

Deano sitting down in front of the telly with his missus and his takeaway Nandos to enjoy 3 hours and 45 minutes of uninterrupted 1962 historical WW1 epic in full Cinemascope high definition.

the only things shops are low on are fresh meats, frozen pizzas, bog roll and soap
bit miffed about pizzas but not arsed about the rest

better than black people

473 cases now

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I live in an area full of Korean migrants and weird conservative Mexicans. I'm not too afraid of the Negro looters.

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just pushed a Malaysian tourist down the stairs in Lancaster Gate tube station

he's on the sniff 100%

how risky is it to get a takeaway pizza


My fever is finally gone and I’m feeling well again which means I can finally get pissed drunk once more

fuck yeah seaking