ITT: we post classic Indian humor
ITT: we post classic Indian humor
I don't know, its an endearing kind of social incompetence that I can relate to in an autistic way.
The German thread is next don’t worry
You are literally soulless if you don't find this even a bit funny
this one is based actaully
I do but usually not for the reasons they intended
Ok this is funny
Is this were the snek meme started from?
What makes currybros so based? All of these are clearly intentional
Anyone has the American porn actress crying that Suraj pirated her scene
Yes. It's also the ony indian meme that's actually funny.
almsot as based as Turkmenistan
based and checked
Now this is, dare I say, swag.
There's nothing socially incompetent about Amith you dumb german autist, quite yhe opposite actually.
Quads of based
He became a chad btw
such is to be expected from machiavelli himself
first i bang the drum, then i bang your mum
These Indian niggas funny as hell
holy kek
Actually one of the best things to ever come out of India
wtf delete this
This is an actual great thread. These indians are on fire.
>IQ 60-80
>high testosterone
>sexual repression mixed with Islam
>aboriginal genes
What could possibly go wrong
i love this one
Most Indians aren't muslims tho. In fact, muzzies are persecuted there
Indians have the be the most autistic people I've met in real life
Why do they stand like this?
I was thinking about Pakis then. All though I see no difference between two of them. They behave the same way.
t. worked in Paris for a year
Is this guy a crypto italian
funny how this is a lion first and then a tiger
India has one of the highest populations of muslims in the world.
Indians are the funniest people on the Internet without them even realising it.
It's like that QUALITY webm where the dolphin turns into a shark and then a dolphin again.
His surname sounds Georgian
Gays on suicide watch
i've heard his rival made this. durgesh is really his dying father, so he is working multiple jobs to support his family
Yeah was made by a family rival l. His father was terminally ill. The Facebook meme pages that posted his memes deleted it after they found out.
Damn what a cunt
Actually most of them do realize it. They just don't give a fuck.
They are annoying too, especially if you're a beautiful white woman on the internet
so someone can't cut in front of them
holy shit imagine the smell