Didn't notice it's the weekend edition
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imagine waking up every day by her side, it would really suck haha
Imagine getting to put her feet on your face every day, that's the life I want to have.
What do you need the weekend for, faggot? Stay inside.
Hello frens
>tfw wasted my morning in my bed
>imagine not waking up by her side because she left one day with the kids
>the kids...
*block the bad feelings*
The youtube comments are cheering me up
Cute desu
While a lot of comments on Youtube should be holocausted, I always chuckle at the "greetings from X"
73 total cases.
It's happening.
Actual.med cties
Why does half of them look like trannies ?
I have a runny nose it's over
Youll never get a Spanish wife Mohammad , you're too brown and black.
She looks Indian. Not joking but I know someone who looks 99% like this IRL
I went out virtually thanks to my periscope waifu:
how med are french women? i want to learn french but only if they have sexy meds
Corse are italians
Ignore the name fag mutt.
You now understand why we colonized Angola
this has been a /his/ public service announcement
T..literal Arab
I do, all his posts are cringe
>prime alizée was 20 years ago
>according to the news China is sending us a cargo airplane full of medical supplies
hmmm, hello? Based department?
Forever young in my fap folder
more of her please.
And name.
I don't fucking know her name man I just save these pic from the odd Yas Forums thread
sometimes I open ex-yu just to save the pictures of the black girls
Are you comfy during quarantine medbros?
Who's your favourite greek philosopher?
Not really interested, Diogenes is based.
I think i'm infected
>sore throat
>dry cough
>loss of smells and flavours
All of these since 10 days.
Not unusual. I was born in Calabria but people in flag related can never pin-point my place of birth. I've have Pakistani people claim I look like some of their wealthier people.
Play it at my funeral to remind people they're next
why is the med being punished like this?
>people live old because of superior /med/ diet
>people are close and see their families instead of being autistic nordoids
>lazy politicians
There's no punishment, the punishment is for nordoids that will kys in their shit countries because borders are closed and they can't get some sun
Tourism in and out. Slow responses. Young people not taking it seriously until it became extreme. Basically this
How do I confess to a Maltese girl? Make her pastizz?
Are you the same Aussie that told me about a Maltese girl that he likes some time ago?
what a shame olympics are cancelled this year, gonna miss those med beach vollyball players
Calabrians are the darkest italians and they've the greatest input of MENA blood (both ancient and early medieval)
>Olympic level athlete
>real hottie
>very intelligent
>great sense of humour
is there a more perfect woman out there?
I don't think there is...
she's so pretty, bras
Yes, Portuguese
No, how do I confess?
That's not true the darkest are Sardinians
Are the women qt?
Meh depends on who's looking
I wish I knew. Just talk to her, I guess?
en norsk kjæreste er drømmen min...
I don't understand the appeal of Scandinavian women desu.
Norsk kvinner er søt...