Why is Poland still so third world despite all the EU gibs?

Why is Poland still so third world despite all the EU gibs?

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A video game company is in top-10 polish tax payers

we have 2020 already and poland has SKYSCRAPERS!

why is Eastern Germany so third world compared to West/South Germany despite all the Bundes-gibs?

It's painted in blue that means it's first world

Btw why is your entire country deep red lmao literally 4th world

>It's painted in blue that means it's first world
you didn't read my post, did you


>tfw white

well that's OP's answer as well

Why aren't you?

Is Bulgaria so red because you have a low average IQ?

that wouldn't make sense since we already sent our lowest IQs to Germany

the same reason africa is despite all their gibs

Not enough rapefugees.

>Germs cry about muh poor former DDR
>Eastern Germany is still richer than most of France

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I don't know do I have roots from Poland but I learned the language

Nawet w dzisiejszym momeńcie słucham polskiej muzyki

Pay up white

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Because it is populated with Poles.

Attached: the polish cycle.png (800x600, 36.81K)

>most of France
France is built around Paris and for Paris.

That's because France is a socialist left-wing shithole, while Germany is more conservative and right-wing.

Warsaw is richer than Berlin, and it's the only place that matters in this shithole


>Why is Poland still so third world despite all the EU gibs?
Pay more money to find out!

This is bullshit, Luxembourg province is pretty rich. At least richer than fucking Hainaut.

>Warsaw is richer than Berlin
lol no it's not

bez ń


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>Warsaw €45,700 (2019)
>Berlin €40,600 (2018)
GDP per capita according to Wikipedia

our currency is undervalued, at least we have cheap stuff

There you go. And not just that, Eastern Europe has always been poorer, hard to turn that around that quickly. And even so, Poland has made massive progress in these 20 years.

>according to Wikipedia

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go edit the pages, if you think you have better sources, or stfu

Slavs, that's why.

is this accounting for purchasing power? if not fuck off

I don't really care about GDP, it's a meme number. The only important thing is what an average neighborhood looks like and here Poland is totally first world.

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lmao, are you fucking serious

thankfully this wonderful tool google street view is let me understand that Poland is one of the best looking countries in the world, despite being significantly poorer than the world top and it makes me really happy

oh, you are actually retarded, ok

Poland looks like THAT???

3rd world is a state of mind, no matter how much money you pour into Pooland or Bulgaristan or any other shithole, it will still be a shithole until the old boomers die and the zoomers are properly re-educated.

It's not even that bad

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you shouldn't have such an inferiority complex

i don't want to sound rude but Poland can't be compared to Bulgaria, it's two different worlds

what's wrong with this small piece of Austria in the east?

Based Slovenia.

>inferiority complex
don't use words you don't understand, faggot

your pathetic attempts to prove to westoids how developed poland is, that's an example of inferiority complex

How is life in severo zapaden

>more conservative and right-wing.
Based MAGAtard

Attached: MAGA.jpg (866x900, 123.69K)

what a cope

Yeah but mostly because you have no idea how wealth here is redistributed, basically 600 pople and their relatives which makes 1/3rd of the population steal money and "work" for the government, have 3 houses and 5 s-class mercedesses each while the other 2/3rds starve to death.
Im not familiar with whats going on in Pooland but you're still 3rd world so there's that.

According to Google images

Attached: saracie-604-remus-suciu_11212214_MFX.jpg (604x454, 113.67K)

what happens in northern sweden? isnt it all just forest and empty lands?

Looks comfy as fuck. BTW we'll all live like that when society collapses

>your pathetic attempts to prove to westoids how developed poland is, that's an example of inferiority complex

I've already enlightened a few people here who genuinely believed Poland must look like Russia or Uzbekistan because that's the image of the country that's been shown in their media since communist era and hasn't changed much.

Poland's economic data is worse than the actual living standards in this country, including the level of maintenance and tidiness.

>Yeah but mostly because you have no idea how wealth here is redistributed, basically 600 pople and their relatives which makes 1/3rd of the population steal money and "work" for the government, have 3 houses and 5 s-class mercedesses each while the other 2/3rds starve to death.

It is different in Poland.

>Im not familiar with whats going on in Pooland but you're still 3rd world so there's that.

Nope, in terms of development level Poland is closer to Germany than to Bulgaria.

Maybe because Pol is literally Germany.

>half of the pic is just bulgaria

and now you're doubling down on it, lmao, you still don't get it

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a big part of Poland experienced some German influence, true, but I wouldn't say it has a big impact on the level of maintenance, because eastern Poland often looks better than the western part.

it's just facts

Literally the gypsy containment area
Don't ever go there

Attached: Germans vs Slavs.jpg (3040x2720, 814.02K)

I hope the EU jews start overseeing the crooks here and cut all the funds so the mafia running this shithole has nothing to steal aside from the pensions of old farts and scheming through extortion.
You might have understood wrong but i wish all the best to Poland and its people, not the same for here though...

used to be hungarian

and all of Hungary used to be Austrian

>I hope the EU jews start overseeing the crooks here and cut all the funds so the mafia running this shithole has nothing to steal aside from the pensions of old farts and scheming through extortion.
That shouldn't happen because it'd turn our libertarian paradise into a socialist shithole
I'd much rather live in some semi-ancap society where everyone stabs each other over one free of corruption where the nation gets its shit together and becomes a repressive police state like the west. It's good that the funds don't reach the state budget when you live in a world of every state trending towards a dystopia

Poland is not that bad, but sure we are not Germany tier country.

Si northwest is gypsy area and southeast is turk area? Are there other regions of Bulgaria I should avoid?

Attached: burgerland (not america).jpg (800x611, 130.23K)

No need to reply, i know all about my fellow compatriots.
I hope corona spreads even further so i don't have to start causing mayhem and killing people myself...

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>the retarded Pole still compares some richer cherrypicked suburbs to the hyperdense city centre and thinks he can form an opinion of a country

but it was 100 years ago, why can't Austria handle this small piece of land

Northwest makes Marseilles look like Eden. Southeast is basically Turkey but at least they're not gyppos.
Outside of the capital, central Bulgaria and the beach, you will find nothing but poorness and ruin.

""""richer""""", just like Bucharest has a very high HDI (it doesn't compare to any other very high HDI places)