You hanging in there Yas Forums?

You hanging in there Yas Forums?

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*cough* *cough*

uh oh

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>tfw just after rumor has it one of the coworkers sent home for coughing is deathly sick a memo goes out saying you must come to work even if coworkers catch corona

just fuck my shit up senpai wish i was a neet and not an essentialfag literally gonna be working 12 hour days with no break even if i get sick until this simmers down

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I was actually enjoying my life. Went to the gym at a regular basis, really enjoyed working on projects with friends at university

That's all gone now that the world has gone full retard and pushed everything into lockdown. I honestly dont know how long I can take this. Even going to a store feels bad because everyone just gives you the stink eye, as if they don't even want anyone in the store.

kill yourself

I wonder how many future flu deaths this crisis will prevent by reminding everyone how useful it is to wash your hands with soap

I got it diagnosed. Self quarantined. Got a nasty cough but that's pretty much it. My dad brought me a bag of groceries so I'm set for a week or two at least.

what's your job?

Are you really positive? how do you think you got it?

>tfw also working overtime because my company is a "critical industry"

Fuck you too

>CAPTCHA makes me pick pictures of bridges

How did you get diagnosed? Were you one of the very first cases?

I hated that I had to spend 8 hours sitting at my desk 5 days a week when most days 3 hours were completely enough for me to do my job.
Now, thanks to based coronachan, I get to work from home, go for bike rides when I'm finished with all my tasks for the day, read more, watch movies without falling asleep due to exhaustion, and eat healthy home-cooked foods instead of the shit I ate at the office canteen. The only things I miss are going to the gym and meeting my friends for drinks, but everything has a price I guess.

So far. But if things reach a point of insanity where law and order breaks down then the first thing I'm doing is robbing the biggest arseholes in town. Nobody here owns guns and most people are pussies, so it won't be too hard if the police are staying away.

Having to travel for a funeral and then quarantine myself for 2 weeks will be great fun. At least the airports and planes arent crowded.

Can you even walk to Teimo's shop?

Man, those convict genes really did mess y'all up...

why are incels so hostile all the time?

Fuck it. If people are buying up everything at a rate of knots before you can even get to the shops then fuck them. People are perfectly happy to turn into animals and slowly wash away the veneer of civilization over this, but they want to be arbitrary about where the line gets drawn just as long as it suits them when it's done. Seriously fuck people.

Yeah, doing fine.
Life goes on pretty much as normal here.
Hoarding has stopped.
The hospitals are calming down (sister is a nurse).
There is no quarantine.

I'm gonna go fishing today with my uncle and sister. Weather is extremely nice.
And later we are gonna have a party/get together at our parents house and grill food, drink and have fun.


Damn that sounds nice. Fishing is the comfiest hobby ever.

Yeah I have no problem being a neet and I hated my job anyways, so all is fine. Getting paid to stay at home is the best.

I think I'm starting to crack. I'm too INJF for this shit. How can I enjoy anything when there's so much suffering and death?

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sounds comfy as fuck
do you live in a small town

sucks that I broke up with my ex right before this shit but other than that im chilling. I'm daytrading and playing poker the whole day

Yep, I live in pic related. Söderköping.

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>work dead end night shift warehouse job because i am a loser
>filled with norf fc and slav fc
>slav fc spits on the floor inside the fucking warehouse
>norf fc just ignores all warning from the government and keeps going out
>government closed pubs so a load of lads had a house party

I'm fucked lads, wish I did better in school.

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So you were lucky that you didn't belong to the 10% who die

is it true that many Swedes own islands?

Quarantine measures in full effect. I just went to the grocery store, droplet entry, mandatory hand disinfection and a glove for your shopping hand. On the plus side, the stores are full. Pretty eery scenery, the trees are in full blossom and it is a lovely spring, but streets are empty and the city is quiet like never before.
Best wishes to Italy, hang in there and hope you get well soon.

Yep, we have two private islands in our family.
There are around 300 000 islands around Sweden's coasts, many small and owned by people.
They are in fact pretty cheap. Buying a flat in Stockholm is many times more expensive.

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>also work dead end job
>guy comes into work feeling sick the other day
>me and another worker antagonize and berate him until he leaves
Turned out to be an okay day.

Lmao are you that Somali or chink in Finland

I'm fucked off I can't go to the gym, how am I going to cope for months without the gym?

How do you get drinking water and electricity on those islands?
Seems like a top comfy place for the apocalypse

I hate chinks

They must pay the world reparations

Buy weights and running shoes off of Amazon because it gets shut down

Bros, i forgot to wash my hands before eating cheetos yesterday. Is it over for me?

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I don't know why Norway fucking exploded with Coronavirus.

>my dad
Well definitely not a somali

Depends on the island. Some have septic tanks, electricity and running water. But most rely on generators, solar power and bringing water from the mainland/collecting rainwater in huge barrels.

My families island is a mixture of the both. We have indoor plumbing so we can shower and shit in comfort.
But electricity is provided through solar panels on the roof and a big backup diesel generator that can run for weeks if needed.

Sounds amazing, can you adopt me?

Korea: for reference, that's how you contain a virus
Italy: terrible, but at least the rate of spread is going down, so the measures have some effect
France: not good, but much better than expected
Germany: terrible numbers, but world class health system
Spain: utter fucked, but spread rate shows first signs of decelerating, meaning quarantine is somewhat working
US: spreading like wildfire, if they continue like this, their numbers will explode and by next week beat Italy.
Switzerland: shit numbers, obvious lack to even calculate coherent numbers on time, worse health system than Germany.
UK: new infection rate still comparatively low, but picking up, situation could get worse fast
Belgium: ditto
Norway: doing good so far, slight peak in the latest numbers
Sweden: same same
Austria: mediocre numbers, but rate is going down, lock-down seems to have some effects
Denmark: doing good, slight uptake during the last few days
Portugal: spreading like wildfire, stop that!

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Only if you help me paint the house in June as I promised my dad. I don't wanna do it alone.

>just heard from my dad earlier today
>he lives a few hours away in a small, quiet beach community
>usually not a lot going on and not a lot of people for most of the year, save for Christmas and Easter
>halfway through march and the town is already packed with people fleeing the cities
Think I might wait a few months before I decide if I go up there to visit him.

Hope you normies die

I already clean obsessively and only like socializing from a distance anyway. It makes little difference to me.

UK's plan is to deliberately get everyone pozzed. It's called herd immunity if everyone gets it then all the people who cam't handle it will die nut everyone left will be immune. Simple as.

As a positive side effect it will solve all problems with your pension funds and the overaging of society.

We're not heading into a world-wide recession, we're heading into a global DEPRESSION. The stock loss is STEEPER than the one from 1929 and it's barley the beginning

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Don't remind me please

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*distant AAAAAAAs*

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Not bad, so far... Just keep own respiratory safe

Reckon this is a good time to get into stocks and shares?

There are so many here not taking this seriously, laughing that it is a "boomer remover" when this can permanently fuck your lungs up for life even if you are healthy and in your 20s.

I don't understand the attitude of these millennials, do they all think they are Superman and are invincible or something?

I'm actually strongly considering getting a stock ISA and buying some oil and insurance stock, there's only a few more days left in this tax year so I will have to decide quickly.

>permanently fuck your lungs up for life even if you are healthy and in your 20s.
I'll need source for that mate other than a tweet that is getting circulated

Are you over 70?

There is no source. Just a bunch of news paper articles cut together.

God fuck just let the virus go rampant. If we would do this, this whole thing will be over in a month or two max. Just let 60 y/o+ boomers die, all they do is complain anyway

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only if you want to daytrade. if you're looking to invest definetly wait for the Q1 earnings report

Not permanent but long lasting.

>the worst-hit coronavirus survivors
Right so older people who were seriously ill in hospital, this isn't news

why haven't you gotten a gat yet?

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Millenials are dumbest generation, even zoomers are smarter

ignore warnings to your health at your own peril