
Gridass Edition

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Ah shit here we go again...

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Abrahamic cuck BTFO
Come follow the path of Buddha with me brother
Abandon these false religion

>Philippines have done 1,172 COVID-19 tests so far since January 30, 2020. This is the date wherein the 1st case in the country was confirmed & RITM began testing. Up to March 20, 2020, this translates to 24 tests/day. South Korea can process up to 10,000 tests/day whereas Japan’s 7,000 tests/day.

This means cases are severly or purposely under reported, and shows how the duts goverment is incompetently unprepared.
And from the tiny number over 10% tested positive and some dying without even knowing they are postive for corona. I shudder to think what the actual count turns out to be

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>went out buying necessity shits
>saw all those brats who go out play outside

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Why now Gridman?

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Foodpanda delivery guy hesitated to give me my order after I accidentally coughed near him.

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I agree!

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