Why do british people do this?
Why do british people do this?
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why is the Polish so hatred in UK?
they don't like poles
Why are British people like this?
Who would murder such a qt?
my ancestors :)
>why yes, I am English, how could you tell?
Med genes
Continental Europe's create silly divides. In Canada both Brits and polish would be seen as white and seen as the same people
>t. the seething spic
I would've said you can accept them, but I don't even know if the living conditions there are better than Poland's.
at least we have dentists
They hate the Polish for their whiteness.
They lash out against other Europeans because they can't rid of pakis and niggers.
cheap work force from Poland were stealing all the jobs from the british lower class
Bong deserve to be replaced by Pakis
But your public services are so abhorrent
thats coz your fucked up teeth dont fall from your mouth somehow
maybe its that delicious british food keeping em together
Why do polish people do this?
Damn crazy boomer anglos really are the same on every continent huh? We have a lot of those redneck crazies here to, like this one anglo thot who tried to prevent a black guy from entering his own apartment kek
Forgot the pic
>t. uncultured mongoloid barbarian
>t. ladyboy
how the hell do they lash out like this on the Polish, but pakis get away with literally anything?
>maybe its that delicious british food keeping em together
Jesus wtf is wrong with bongs do they just offer up their children or something?
That looks like Millennial Woes who is Scottish and Italian and not an a*glo.
Are you Finnshits ready to be the next Sweden?
Because they're poor, doesn't assimilate, most of them are working/under class and come from a culture that has a mentality that is quite different from Western Europe's. I mean, it's really just against those low skilled labor workers from countries like Poland, Lithuania and Romania that people rile up against and criticize, they take jobs from locals that could've held those jobs. Polish women in Western Europe are all coalburning whores too for some reason, same with Yugoslav/Albanian women.
brits are jealous of the MED BVLL, thats why they cowardly attack from the back when they see one
lmao euros are pathetic rather bully their neighbours than stand up to invading thirdies.
Sadly, yes.
>lmao euros are pathetic rather bully their neighbours than stand up to invading thirdies.
>censoring the face of an stormshit Incel with Mosley
Absolutely cringe
Did you get the story mixed up?
Unlike the rest of the Anglos BVLLS, Leafs are atrocious at banter.
>The Piltdown Man hoax was a deliberate attempt by British academia to prove that they were a superior race
Based fuck continentals and especially slav scum
>t. slavonski mongrelfaggotskiev
Except there's stories like this about Brits beating up Italians as well. Who are in general more educated than average bongs. You never hear shit like this coming out of Germany. Because they're civilized. They're racist and low class simple as that, and I know a swede isn't talking about coalburning. That's one of your nations natural attribute.
>oy stop brother wars you are all europeans
jesus you're naive
pakis go in gangs and form tribes that dominate bong neighbourhoods with their own patrols and what not whereas polish people do not
From the race of criminals and theifs
funny to see that coming from a literal criminal and murderer
Why was she being bullied instead of fucked by Chad?
Yes, mostly just bongs though. Did you think people were memeing when they called them literal Jews?
They wish they were.
>Muttmericana calling others literal Jews
Oh yes, Jewish influence is infested here as well. Our anglos are their pets, just as yours are
>t. literal Jew
They seem to be afraid of arabs and blacks. They do more attacking of people whiter than them than they do browns kekk
Meant for
>Room temperature IQ of mutts at full display
Signs of a dying nation
Your entire existence is a mutt, your very language is mutt. You before becoming mutted
Signs of a dying nation
>2 and 3
Yikes, I have been there and it is not fun. Those showers after being in the hot sun for a few hours makes you want to cry with pain.
Do you have a point? other than you being the bitch of a literal brown nation. The state of your inbred islands.
As people don't want to see their children sold into white slavery or their houses looted and burnt you'll rarely if ever see Romanians (both actual Romanians or our gypsy minority) being the victims of attacks. Also, this is why I applaud and encourage my country's diaspora to behave like animals in NW Europe. Those countries are dirty dirty countries filled with swine and should be treated as such...
iktf, i burn my back as a kid having a siesta near the pool and it hurt for days
I honestly don't even feel bad that Bongs are sinking. Rest in piss.