Attached: Covid.png (472x661, 35.7K)

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it's almost as if Italians weren't lying about their numbers.

More like China was lying all along


press S to Spit on Shitaly's grave

Attached: italian sjws.jpg (720x1036, 308.46K)

these claims against the Middle Kingdom are completely false with no evidence to back them up

Reminder we still only have one death despite being LITERALLY the very first country to report cases outside China.

I dunno what the rest of the world is doing but you porch monkeys need to GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER.

Attached: 1389275586927.gif (245x265, 980.87K)

im kind of a chinaboo myself, but let's be honest. there's no way that in a coutry of 1.4 billion people, only 3.2k died

>hug a chinese
really like how euros treat minorities as if they were pets or something

It's almost as if Chinkland is a lying 3rd world totalitarian shithole.

China had 14,000 cases on February 12th.

So that's 40 days since new cases stopped being reported. If the disease spread x1.25 every day, that's 100,000,000 cases in just 30 days. With a mortality rate of 3%, that's 3 million dead in China.

Is that a more accurate figure, you think?

lol I can't even fathom the amount of guilt this mayor must be feeling right now

Attached: clown-world-2.png (650x553, 387.99K)

>posts tumblr-tier reaction image
>acts smug

Kill yourself chink

How the fuck do you reach herd immunity when even that number of cases already has their healthcare system swamped? The global number of reported cases is still less than the population of my city, which is tiny by world standards. I don't see how that can scale to 70-80% of the population at the current rate unless you somehow keep the world locked down for years.

>brazil appears in the fucking list

maybe 300K deaths

Attached: lmao (3).jpg (520x579, 75.29K)

>Japan: 963
real or sus

>barely any testing
>even though government officials are getting it
>dead bodies aren't tested even though other ailments are tested for

I think they're avoiding tests at all costs because they want the Olympics to go ahead.

Attached: tests-vs-confirmed-cases-covid-19.png (3400x2400, 554.15K)

I can't find japan on this graph tho

Wait shit you're different people

East strong
West weak

Italy's numbers are shit compared to all other countries, not just China

We don't have to take a test.
because enough ecmo,ventilator and proper medical care.
even have two million favipiravir for japanese.
it's just a flu for us.

FUCK shitalians

The Mid-tier Kingdom always lies about its internal statistics.

Seethe more faggot they were born here.

Could someone do an estimate of the death rate/cases minus outlier countries?

I read in the newspapers here that Italy is trying to cure coronavirus by feeding different styles of pizzas to the patients. Their hospitals are just giant pizza places. Of courses, it's not gonna work.

>mexico not on the list
Based AMLO and its luck charm

I see no reason for anyone to lie about deaths, not even China, but cases themselves are probably two or three times higher worldwide than what we currently know.

>Believing the CCP

Brazil and Mexicos are meme countries nobody would care. People would care of a more relevant country like India got into the list, which thankfully it hasn't.

lmao sure zhang

People were literally afraid of asians a few weeks ago because the virus started in asia, it's not rational

Well you can't be on the list if you don't report any case

Based ladyboy

china number is bullshit
I'm not surprised

>more people died than recovered from the virus in the shithole countries
Oh say i CAN see

all the proofs you need that the chinese numbers are bullshit

don't project

Social distancing, I don't see anything wrong with that

We're fucked

Attached: apex twin.jpg (750x750, 114.39K)

why are we so superior to other sudacas bros?

>Pajeet humor

>not a shithole

we're in the 1000 club now

So, the ides of March are almost finished. I guess April is going to be worse, huh?

The baseline for deaths is approximately 1600 per day (!) in Italy (2016 data). So these corona death numbers are statistically non-significant. It's a nothingburger.

t. pizza lover

Define "statistically non significant"

Are you a German visiting India by any chance?

dont worry, we are going to hit that point very soon.

Attached: 1399943975488.gif (360x360, 2.95M)

other countries too, give them something like 9 days, maybe they will be worse than Italy today

Portugal has 1k cases and 6 (six) deaths
Spain has 19k cases and 1k deaths

Why is there such an unusual variance in how this virus affects each country? What are we missing?

it's absurdly patronizing
also it made perfect sense to stay away from chinese back then


different measures to slow down its spread (widespread use of maks, washing hands, social distancing, etc.,)

maybe humidity is also a factor (, maybe not (

im always doubtful of the government-reported number but theres no chaos among people over here.
never heard of old peoples death on a massive scale , even rumors
what does this mean?

It's non-distinguishable from the statistical noise so far. I am all in for cautious measures but the panic and hysteria is not warranted.
The countries vary wildly on testing capability, testing procedures (who does get a test and who doesnt) and how the deaths are accounted for. Even for Italy, 99% of 'corona deaths' could be attributed to comorbidities like prevalent lung disease, cancer, suppressed immune system or weakness due to old age. Btw, this information is from the governing body in Italy called ISS. Even without the current corona epidemic, corona viruses make up about 7-15% of all pneumonia/flu cases, so even beforehand you could say that, e. g. in Germany 7-15% of the yearly 20000-30000 flu deaths are 'corona-deaths'.

>but the panic and hysteria is not warranted
have you heard about "exponential growth"? or about other recent disease outbreaks?
>but the panic and hysteria is not warranted
better to panic than not
>Even without the current corona epidemic, corona viruses make up about 7-15% of all pneumonia/flu cases, so even beforehand you could say that, e. g. in Germany 7-15% of the yearly 20000-30000 flu deaths are 'corona-deaths'.
yes idiot because the seasonal flu is also a coronavirus

Again, what is statistical noise ? 1% growth of death rate ? 5% ? Because if more than 10 000 italians die from the disease (accouting comorbidities) this will be a part of percentages. No, there won't be a million in the graves, because if you haven't noticed, italy is in quarantine since a month. We'll see how the netherlander experiment turns oit once the dust settles.