newfags are cancer نبي نصيحه منك بجديات لاني انا
هل فيه امل اني نقدر ندخل الناشريرن هنا للإسلام
انا ناعرف سؤال عبيط شويه
لاكن نبي نعرف هل فيه امل باش يفهمو ولا اقل شي نوصل حكم الشهادتين هنا؟
الله تو يهديهم بعدين
لاكن سؤالي هوا
هل يمكنو انهم يفهمو؟

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كسم الشيعه

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كس الله

t.ex shiite trannie

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Newroz lads

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pagan cube and you don't know how to pray. refute that

Attached: salaleafbadmuslim.jpg (1080x961, 180.42K)


Attached: yasir_khabith.jpg (1124x1521, 113.44K)

pagan cube is autism yes. islam is a mutt religion since Muhammad incorporated elements from other religion. Refute that (you can't btw)

ok stop larping as a muslim then

you first

Attached: cryforthecameraskid.webm (640x640, 1.02M)

yes I am sunni
yes I am arab
yes I am islamist

no I wont be secular
no I wont respect minorities
no I wont stop islamposting

Attached: sunni_supremacist.jpg (500x500, 65.41K)

free the pissistine

yes you were bullied
yes you are an incel
yes islam is your cope
no you don't know how to pray

can a muzz explain the pagan cube?

>yes you were bullied
not rly since I was taller than everyone
>yes you are an incel
not rly since I have arranged marriage
>yes islam is your cope
cope for hell yes
>no you don't know how to pray
yes actually I pray 5x/day

Attached: niqab_mask_corona.jpg (750x692, 78.87K)

I doubt you know any Muslims irl

he's not he has his doubts. Islam is just his tool for coping with his situation. that's all

Why do you think that?

t.ex shiite

>Why do you think that?
you don't pray
(see picture). what's the cope? shia? persian? im waiting

by Xwede, Islam will be wiped soon.

holy BASED
by Apö, all s*nnigers will suffer

Attached: Kurdish_PKK_Guerilla_(11517147416).jpg (1708x1536, 1.44M)

why do asian look like this the end of there faces is a dead end where's the 3rd dimension in their faces ?

Attached: colorlines-screenshot-rich-brian-album-cover-now-020118.png (640x420, 409.76K)

salaleaf has his doubts. he just uses Islam for his situation (incel)

Whats wrong with the image?

get behind me satan

>if i have to take the time of your posts you were supposed to perform salat
say what pagan cube? refute that (you can't)

How does salat work?

I can't wait until we have our own country
Let Arablets kill themselves away from us, fucking neanderthals

i could explain to you in details but what's the point when you're the one chilling for the religion but don't follow the obligation? why are you shitposting instead of praying. why are you not worrying about your own soul like you said?


Attached: 4f8.jpg (338x358, 21.71K)

I bet you're a soft boy, i bet that men call you cute. Stop pretending to be a hard man.

can you post the picture of the wall with the painting of the Australian on it?

what ?

are you the ex Alawites?

I'm kurdish
Just came here from Yas Forums

Soon brother

Attached: Abu_Leyla2.jpg (750x750, 149.08K)

HEY im a newfag and totally not cancer

I meant a kurdi secular ethnostate you piece of sunni filth

nvm then

I'm not sunni tho

Attached: YPJ-15.jpg (800x533, 250.07K)

Christian or agnostic ?

btw syria is not native land for kurds

Christian but agnostic

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no I'm based and he's... well he's cringe af

What makes you think I can't shitpost and pray at different times?

Rojava is not part of Syria
Also it's "Kobanê" not "A'yn Al-Khara" like Baathistlets named it

You seem gay desu khazeem

its ayn al islam you heretic alevi k*Rd

well you don't pray to begin with...
nigga Kurds came to Syria 100 years ago you have no historic claim to the land
ayn al pagan cube?

A third leaf?

*blocks your federalist dream*

Attached: erdoganrecep.jpg (643x670, 39.65K)



Attached: PKK-chopper1.jpg (1261x639, 550.55K)

I'm the original one fuck you

North-east syria was not even a part of syria 100 years ago. It was empty desert and we came there and built the place

ok crosscuck wh*Te
are u a communist wh*Te

its safe to say north east syria is now turkish
erdogan will move all the arab refugees there to change demographics

you tried

Attached: laughing.jpg (300x370, 25.74K)

Tell me you are just a larper fucking around

it's Assyrian land you mutt
turkey isn't there retard
he copes with islam because he's incel

What a cope lmao. In Rojava you get killed for supporting turkey even if you were more kurdish than Saladdin himself

im dead serious you subhuman zaza

sdf just has irrelevant shithole desert and guards oil fields for USA

Spotted the s*nni caveman

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Why do you larp as k*rd, wh*Te dog?
pay my welfare