Brazil or Argentina
Which country do you prefer?
Brazilians are genuinely funny
Argentinians bc they are based retards :the country
Brazilians are literally insufferable
Neither Brazil or Argentina, but their son: Uruguay
brazil can't stand how spanish sounds i don't know why
Argentina. Brazil is like a joke gone too far.
Uruguay is Argentina's little brother. We've not related with it.
Argentina is Cat
Brazil is Dog
I feel culturally closer to brasilians despite the language barrier, so I'll choose them
It was literally part of our country
>honhonhon it is moi favorite show, le chat dogue
whichever country has the birds with the better arses
For some reason i knew op was a japanese flag
you couldnt have sex if your life depended on it
you know the bunda meme exists for a reason right
checked. prove it then
Only for 13 years.
You're closer to Argentina, I think. You're both Hispanic
Brazil,. Who choose us is because is too stupid and believe our lies. Stay with us, we run out
we're african like you. Also, check a map. The food we eat is the same as you or very similar, cofeee is our culture. same about carnival. Argentina is a euro-mestizo country that shares nothing with us besides the language
Brazil is too dangerous but got very beautiful beaches
Argentina got all the climates
Brazil. because it's a circus and more amusing
Shut up you paraguayo de mierda
cringe. volvé a tu general, virgocho
Both countries currently have the Greater Rhea but Argentina had one of the biggest known birds.
Cerra el orto gordo maricon seguramente sos re peronista la concha de tu madre
No se te entiende ni mierda seguro sos del interior
seething. como se nota que son nuevitos.
i agree with you
brazilians in general have low sense of sudacas
For me the cultural similarities goes like this:
brazil + colombia + venezuela + paraguay
colombia + venezuela
argentina + uruguay
argentina + chile
chile + peru
peru + bolívia
bolívia + paraguay
but yes, colombia is definitely more culturally similar to brazil and vice-versa
but we have to agree that brazil is pretty alone in south america specially because of the language
i don't know much about the other countries
Brazil for being Mad Max set in a jungle.
even our birds are round
How did you knew that you gordo virgo
>How did you knew that you gordo virgo
Coffee isn't really a part of the Brazilian culture and you're more amerindian than black. You're mestizo while we're mostly mulatto like Cuba.
Argentina because has less crime and more trains.
This, no one in this thread thinking about the darm trains
Our economy used to be based entirely on coffe, most of our people still drinking it everyday
>by far the biggest coffee producer
>one of the biggest coffee consumers per capita
>Coffee isn't really a part of the Brazilian culture
this is b8
average brazilian is between 10-20% amerindian, not far from as at 25%
cuba indeed is mulatto, but you're nothing like them
>colombia is mestizo
lol tell that to other latinos and see them laugh at your face. They consider us literal haitians. In reality most colombians are trirracials, not mestizos
The amerindian ancestry is only strong in the northeast.
>cuba indeed is mulatto, but you're nothing like them
Exactly. Brazil is a self-contained universe which is hard to relate with any other country.
brazil desu because better nature. argentina is mostly desert.
the patagonia part
Just the patagonia
Where i live there's a lot of trees and plants
Which country women are more beautiful?
Argentinians and they're too easy
Argentina and they are too slut
I like argentinians but they don't seem to like me back so eventually I started liking Uruguay more
[spoiler]southern brazilian women >>>>>>>>>> argentinian women >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> non-southern brazilian women[/spoiler]
>Coffee isn't really a part of the Brazilian culture
Are you fucking insane? WHAT THE REAL FUCK? This kid is truly fucking nuts
I don't even know how to respond to this insanity. Coffee is extremely brazilian culture
Have you even talked to a fucking human being before? There's nothing more brqzilian culture all through brazilian ages as coffee, maybe sugar
What's the difference between the south and the rest?