Post your city

Post your city

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La Paz

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Living on an island with loads of people must be odd.

Las Palmas...

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Does all of Iceland live there ?

We're looking at about 15% of Iceland's population in just that picture

about a third of the population

É Belo Horizonte belo?

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the only thing odd about living here is the prices of everything
that and the mentality some people have, i lived in the midwest before and broke people there are always miserable but here many are still happy.

I miss the snow.
Not that it snows here. People would die if it got cold enough for that.

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well it is paradise, isn't it?

I'd hate to be a bum and live somewhere where the weather exists

I though Santa Catarina was based, look like the average brazilian shithole

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looks german in a uniform bland sort of way

Ljubljana (capital)

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I have close to zero experience with any other state.
However, Concórdia is comfy for what it is. My only complaint is houses have no heat insulation and no central heating, but that's a regional problem.


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Austin Texas

looks comfy, no?

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very nice

Looks nice, but I'm a sucker for tall buildings.

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ja, but we've got sauron's soul instead.

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Salvador de Bahia?


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looks like an industrial dumpster
capitalism ruins everything, WTF with all those 200 floors apartment buildings??



looks bad desu


soviet commieblocks


Mérida is way better

bad attempt at copying westerns

what a soulless shithole
dios mio... why every south american city looks like this?
300 apartment buildings all next to each other.... jesus christ


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Yes, extraordinarily beautiful. I know

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I hope that plant burns lots of toxic metals

based vacationing pole
it's inefficient as fuck obviously but something about the sprawl of LA is charming to me

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at least post right quality Janez

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fun fact: salvador has an old nickname of black rome
rome is the center of catholicism while salvador is the center of candomblé (african religion) and where african culture and heritage are truly celebrated and appreciated
salvador was brazil's first capital and the biggest city in the americas during the colonial era

i literally don't know where it is

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Reminds me of Boston, but a little smaller. Charles River, but a little thinner. Grass lots that are a little drier. Swan boats...
>300 apartment buildings all next to each other....
Give me one warm/hot coastal city that isn't like this.

loved it when I visited

mine, city itself is meh but it’s surrounded by mountains which is comfy summer and winter

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You know what user, I agree with you. You didn't say anything but I agree. I like to pretend I hate LA, and I do: but it's mind-broken me into a sort of longing for it to become even worse. There's something about the immense sprawl that just goes on as far as the eye can see, the smog, the ridiculously long freeways that disappear off into the mountains. I tell myself that I want to leave it all and live in bumfuck nowhere so I can enjoy the peace, but I really don't want that. There's something about the grand, disgusting, industrial, capitalistic nature at all that threatens me, angers me, but also inspires me. It didn't come up because one man or one government or one god willed it, rather it sort of just happened over time. It's like an un natural force of nature. Yuros might seethe and gasp at it, and I want to bitch with them, but I can't really change the fact that I was born into this and molded by it. It's like I feel like a total foreigner, yet at the same time like I don't belong anywhere else but here. I fucking hate it.


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The choice of LA as the setting of Blade Runner made a lot more sense when I looked into the heart of downtown from Griffith Observatory on a foggy, rainy day. They may not have flying cars but it’s already a dystopia.

>300 apartment buildings all next to each other
Give me one metropolis that isn't like this

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250,000 people

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Ah I got some fám living up there.

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Las Vegas

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Lovely view

that baseball diamond is disturbingly not green

>Center road
>That noticeable right-then-left turn.

The way these are laid out always makes me feel like they're not so much cities but human plantations, expanding one square shaped zone at a time

Guess the soulless shithole

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palmerston Northern Territory, I've lived in Sydney and rural NSW before though

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the file name kinda gives it away

I'm a brainlet, probably from all the pollution

Lexington, KY

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You’re living in a hospital?

I started looking at the way you enter these zones, there's one entrance and then you need to drive through all these turns to get to the other side. But I guess Los Angeles isn't really the same way

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Yeah it’s weird like that. I have to go through one long residential street and two short streets just to get to the main road.

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