Lmao,why is cia propaganda so rampant on this site?

lmao,why is cia propaganda so rampant on this site?
who pays all these subhumans?

Attached: 1584757147848.jpg (1024x923, 83.85K)

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Ok incel

Ok zhang


Nice try chink shill but that image is true

Attached: 132234254324.jpg (350x391, 13.56K)

They are afraid, simple as

You don't need the CIA when there are so many US posters to begin with.

Americans will always be anti-China for many reasons.

I don't get it
why move to another country, if you're just going to keep xi jinping'ss dick up your ass anyway

Um, that's Based

Attached: 1583122154723.jpg (976x850, 57.91K)

>not hating both
Fuck glowniggers and fuck dogeaters

Hong Kong is not yet completely China's.
Taiwan is not China's.
Tibet is China's.

You don't need to be a Zhang to acknowledge that the HK movement is cringe and that Tibet separatism is non-sense.

Glowies be jealous of the people's democracy and Mao Zedong Thought.

the pic is right though

fuck off you racist pig
cia propaganda often utilizes images similar to the one i posted above
this is stereotypical cia tactics
not my name,subhuman
not even a Chinese
>chink shill
i am not Chinese
>but that image is true
hmm,lets see

>hong cuckers is not China's
>taiwan is not China's
>tibet is not China's
not true
>Americans will always be anti-China for many reasons.
cia propaganda
they are bred to hate good countries like china and russia etc
only americans and their slaves hate them
i never moved anywhere you skinny zoomer subhuman
i am australian
your countrymen only hate China
often making up lies and other slander,like the image above, to hate on China

post facial structure with timestamp and passport

>Hong Kong is not China's
>Proceed to beat up Hong Kong man because he is chink
What's the point?

so i can dox myself and subhumans like you can hunt me down?
no thank you
there is none

OP is right, though. All this anti-China posting started happening at the same time as it did on reddit and shill Youtube channels (like China Uncensored which is funded and owned by the Falun Gong).

Attached: xi reddit hate.jpg (640x643, 31.74K)

more likely that you're a chinky out of his cuckshed

Ok zhang

Yeah it's weird how most East Asians don't realise that they would also be discriminated in the West due to anti-Chinese feelings.

Reddit is extremely pro-HK, that's not surprising.

Yas Forums is not so anti-China compared to Yas Forums or reddit.

You have more chink genes than I do.

it's a beautiful day,why are you in Yas Forums
shouldn't you be chimping out and destroying public property like an animal?
what's wrong?
no friends?

Attached: 1477218854848.png (3000x3000, 83.39K)

Are anti american posts shills? God why are chinks so fragile? Could it be people hate china for a reason?

back into your cuck shed zhang
xi jingping is waiting for you

>your countrymen only hate China
I don't care about "my countrymen". I hate China and the CIA. Me, the individual. Mr. Firstname Lastname. Not "some US citizen".

ur a nigger yourself jordanian pig

at the end of the day it all comes down to this
if china is so great why are you in Australia zhang

cringe he thinks hes white

>good countries like china
I am genuinely confused as to how you can call a country that eats dogs, has a social credit system, uses fake concrete for buildings, and pollutes more than any other country good.
>inb4 "but the US does this and that"
The US is not a good country.

Thats where you see the op is a chink. Bugmen hiveminds dont understand the concept of individualism. Its so cringe when theyre trying to banter

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Yeah, good point.

9/10 antiChinese posts have the same rhetoric and hate
this is obviously a organised effort
i do not have a shed in the first place
the only thing in your shed is a Chinese policeofficer waiting to fuck you in your ass and make you sing the national anthem
>I don't care about "my countrymen
who cares what you think
what matters is the herd
most american posters are shills

>9/10 antiChinese posts have the same rhetoric and hate
So do anti-American ones but you don't see mutts making up retarded conspiracy theories about it
>who cares what you think
>what matters is the herd
Distinctly chinkoid mindset

>this is obviously a organised effort
takes one to know one

>i do not have a shed in the first place
ok guys he has to be chinese
no one else would make such a stilted and awkward reply to being told to go back to their cuckshed

Are you blind or cant see howmuch shit the usa gets on this board? Niggas be constantly shitting on thrm being fat sharters with bad healthcare you mame. Grow a spine if these posts get under your skin. Why are chinese so fragile? I remember one chinese student starting to cry when the class room had a map of china where taiwan was in different color
Seriously wtf. Even more fragile than sjw feminits

>as to how you can call a country that eats dogs,
i have never eaten a dog but a hindu would get reviled over you eating a cow
the world is wide
>has a social credit system,
all countries do unofficially
good in China for taking the first step forward and conceptualizing it into reality
>uses fake concrete for buildings,
overblown propaganda
>and pollutes more than any other country
much better than any other western shithole for a number of reasons
>So do anti-American ones
not to the same obsessive gander that antiChinese ones do
this mindset is the only proper one
all people are selfish and subhuman
what matters is the elite
in fact you see very much less proChinese posts now in 4can
cia is eliminating them>Are you blind or cant see howmuch shit the usa gets on this board?

see above

>emember one chinese student starting to cry when the class room had a map of china where taiwan was in different color
nice bullshit my finnic friend

Attached: 1552931640446.webm (426x236, 1.54M)

* good for China

>>and pollutes more than any other country
This is the last reply that you'll be receiving from me

That's the joke, retard.

>OP is right, though. All this anti-China posting started happening at the same time as it did on reddit and shill Youtube channels
Maybe because the chinks started a global pandemic retard


God, you're stupid. There are no free countries with anything resembling a social credit system that makes it to where you can't fly airplanes for saying you don't like the president or some shit. Be real.

Your post is dumb and you should feel shame for not even editing it.
The name of the pathogen is SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it results in is referred to COVID-19. So, similarly to HIV/AIDS, it should be displayed like this: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19.

the environment was made to be used retard
if it was not China polluting then it would br america or western shithole welfare state friends
the paid shilling began before
when hong cuckers began rioting
>There are no free countries with anything resembling a social credit system that makes it to where you can't fly airplanes for saying you don't like the president or some shit.
you're making two presumptions that there is even such concepts as freedom or that everyone deserves these "freedom"
like i said before most people are vile and selfish,animals in clothing
i am of the correct opinion that you can say anything as long as it doesn't weaken the state
the same way we have laws against hate speech because it ruins peoples lives we should also have laws that demeans the authority and weakens the state that can cause millions to die in a civil war
because going against the government weakens your country, the Chinese know that best through centuries of civil war and violence
governments will never be perfect

that is why you should accept your own and naturally through its own will it will fix its mistakes and become powerful

>t. subhuman yellow chinksect


Attached: ETSwfZVUcAAYQzb.png (779x543, 179.63K)

Attached: 1569150298632.jpg (1080x900, 65.85K)

I never thought I'd have to post this image from 4 years ago. Even after four years the stereotype holds true

Attached: 1461657565475.png (816x540, 55.62K)

That's sounds like something I'd hear from an aussie. You're such a caged animal it hurts. Grew up in a country telling you how evil you are and the people around you, it's divide and conquer tactics. The common good of people springs from trust, you have to create a sense of trust with your brethren, else you'll live a miserable life. If you see yourself as evil too, just work on it. Try to make yourself betters for others. Realise that most of the evil isn't around you, but above you. Don't be a voluntary victim to the man.

good point
i did not make this propaganda image tho
>subhuman yellow chinksect
not subhuman
not yellow
not Chinese

try again subhuman
nice fantasy image
you should envision this dream onto a online video game like the rest of your subhuman kind
who are you projecting this onto
most people are subuman
this fact is undeniable

Hopefully, once you get old enough, you'll realise that everyone is not as evil as you think. You have a very sad world view.

have sek


It’s just Yas Forumstards who hated asians already and magatards who mindlessly parrot Trump’s trade war rhetoric.

Pretty hilarious how the left and other retards are unironically propping up a fascist extremely racist dictatorship that assassinates journalists simply because they accuse USA of being racist for calling it “chinese” corona virus lmao


nice lies chinkatron

You’d think Chinks doing disgusting things to create a pandemic would be enough to soften italy’s hatred of the US but I guess not. 4000 dead isn’t enough, we’ll talk again when it gets into 5 digit deaths
>creating the perfect petit dish to create a virus by putting dozens of hosts in a filthy marketplace with blood and shit everywhere
I mean we’re bad but we’ve never endangered the world with a pandemic. Nuclear annihilation, yes, pandemic, no

>Manchuria not independent


>fascist extremely racist

Attached: 5bb.png (894x773, 23.34K)

to say nothing of having actual, working concentration + brainwashing camps for their own version of 'deplorables'
literally fuck china, WW3 when